

【作者】 刘扬

【导师】 左建章; 宫辉力;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 制图学与地理信息系统, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 虚拟战场环境因其军事领域应用的专业性成为一种特殊的虚拟地理环境,其三维可视化一直是虚拟地理环境研究的一个热点,同时也是GIS三维可视化一个重要方面。本文以虚拟战场环境的特征和目前三维可视化的实现技术为研究对象,以虚拟战场环境模拟对抗系统为实例详细论述了如何设计和实现虚拟战场环境的三维可视化系统。该系统反映了在一个指定的丘陵地貌为主的地区内进行红蓝两军(连/排)攻守战斗的场面的描述。 文中重点论述了系统三维可视化部分的实现方法和过程。因为系统模拟作战的范围有限,参战的武器数量有限,所以战斗进程中武器、人员的状态都可以较清楚的反映。为了更加贴切地模拟战场环境,系统中不仅对于地面加了雾化的处理,而且使用粒子系统实现了烟雾和降雨的效果。特别是为了使战斗场面更加逼真,系统中除了有显示发射效果,爆炸效果外,还加入了声音仿真的内容。对于系统中可视化部分每一项的实现的过程,文中都体现出具体的设计和实现思路,一般是以算法伪码或流程图的形式予以说明。虽然这部分涉及到的工作很多,但最为重要的是如何能够更加真实地描述虚拟战场的态势表现。所以本系统的红军模型根据拍摄的武器实物和真人战士照片建模,同时,本系统的地形也是取自真实的部队战术指挥中的典型地区。 论文还有另两个主要部分的研究:一是对虚拟战场环境三维可视化实现中的关键技术选取和应用进行了研究,这些技术主要包括地形、模型、特效、声音、控制五个方面;二是从软件工程的角度论述了分队级对抗三维可视化系统的系统设计,其中的重点是三维可视化部分详细设计的内容。

【Abstract】 As a kind of special geographical environment, the 3D visualization of virtual battle environment(VBE) is always a difficult and essential problem in the field of the virtual geographical environment. At the base on the deep research about the virtual battle environment and the integration about the realization technology of the 3D visualization in GIS field, this thesis argues how to set up a 3D visual system of virtual battle environment simulative opposition at the unit level in detail. The system describes the battle scene between the Red(attack) and the Blue(defense) in the designed hills ground form area.The thesis mainly discusses the realization methods and progresses of the visualization part of the system. Because of the limitation of the geographical area and the number of the armament, we can see the variety of the situation of the weapons and the soldiers clearly in the process of the battle. At the same time, the system not only simulates the fog on the ground, but also uses particles system to realize the description of the smog and rainfall in the VBE, in order to getting more proper for fight simulation. Except for the effect of launching and exploding, and after exploding, crater on the ground will also appear. The system has also added the artificial sound which makes the scene of the battle more vivid.The thesis makes a summary about the key technique of the virtual battle environment and discusses the system analysis of the 3D visual system of virtual battle environment simulative opposition at the unit level in terms of software project.

  • 【分类号】E91
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】614