

【作者】 蓝叶芬

【导师】 杨若明; 土登彭措;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 生态学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 藏医药是我国传统民族医药中的一个重要组成部分,本文以微量元素营养生态学和藏医学理论为基础,以中医药微量元素学的研究内容和方法为指导原则,采用湿法消解为样品前处理方法,原子吸收分光光度法为元素测定方法,对藏医常用的22种植物药材和10种藏成药中7种微量元素:Cu、Mn、Fe、Zn、Ni、Se、Cr,3种宏量元素K、Ca、Mg,以及Cd、Pb 2种有毒金属元素的含量及分布进行了测定,最终实验数据采用SPSS统计软件进行统计分析处理。工作内容主要包括: 一、对各试样中12种元素的总量进行测定和分析。结果表明,除植物试样的Fe、Zn外,各元素在植物和藏成药试样中的总量可认为服从于正态分布,大部分试样中的重金属元素符合国家《药用植物及制剂进出口绿色行业标准》。 二、对各试样的头煎液、二煎液含量进行提取测定,通过含量及形态参数计算,分析总量与水提、头煎与二煎液之间的联系,并评价水提液中元素分布和试样药效的相关性。结果表明大部分试样水提液中微量元素分布规律与试样药材的药效具有一定相关性。 三、利用正辛醇在酸性和碱性条件下的对水提液的萃取,模拟胃肠液对试样中各元素的提取,为深入探讨藏药中微量元素在藏药药性、药效方面的作用机制奠定理论基础。数据表明,PH值对部分试样和元素影响显著。 综上所述,本文的目的与意义在于对藏药中微量元素的种类、含量相关性、在人体中的吸收进行研究,找出其中联系与分布规律,把藏医药物与环境、人联系起来,从一个新的立足点来了解分析藏医药理论特点和精髓,为更进一步发掘利用藏医药,促进西部地区资源的大开发提供重要依据,。关键词:藏药,微量元素,形态分析

【Abstract】 Tibetan medicine is one of the important parts of Chinese national medicine. The paper based on the theory of trace elements nutritional ecology and Tibetan medicine, instructed by the principles of Chinese medical trace elements. The experiments in this paper adopt acid-digestion as disposal method on sample, and AAS as determining way, analyzed 7 trace elements: Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Se, Cr, 3 normal elements: K, Ca, Mg, 2 heavy metal: Pb, Cd on 22 Tibetan herbs and 10 Tibetan patent medicines. The main works including:1. The analysis and statistics on total contents in samples, the research finds out that except Fe, Zn in Tibetan herb, the elemental distributing obeys normal distributing. The contents of heavy metals on most samples are meeting the need of standard.2. The determination on contents of the water soaking. Analyzing the contents relations between total and water soaking, the first and second water soaking by calculating forming variables, And evaluating the correlation between elements distribution and medical functions. The result indicates that mostly elements distribution is related to medical function.3. Using n-caprylic alcohol extracting in acid or basic conditions to simulating the stomach and small intestine’s absorption on elements. Itprovided academic basement for elemental actions on Tibetan medicines. The data shows that PH value notably influenced the absorption of elements in some samples.In conclusion, the paper’s object and meaning is studying the elemental kinds, contents, absorptions in Tibetan medicine, find out the rules of correlation and distributions. And it combines the Tibetan medicine to environment, human being, analyses Tibetan medicine in a new and meaningful way and effectively promotes the exploitation of Tibetan medicine and the resource of western region.

【关键词】 藏药微量元素形态分析
【Key words】 Tibetan medicinetrace elementsspeciation analysis
  • 【分类号】R29
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】589