

【作者】 陈兴丽

【导师】 刘刚仿;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 法律, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 海难救助是海商法中一项古老而又独特的制度,其最初的立法目的在于对冒险救助海上财产的救助人进行鼓励,从而维护海上航行安全,所以早期的海难救助法律制度一般都只着重规定救助人在救助取得成效后请求报酬的权利,而很少涉及对救助人应当承担和履行的义务的规定。这样,很可能会造成救助过程中救助人与被救助人之间利益的失衡。同时,受海难救助法律制度中传统的“无效果,无报酬”原则的影响,过去各国法院对救助人违反义务的行为,只有在其主观上有重大过失或故意时才会对其追究责任,并且责任形式也多局限于或减少其救助报酬或完全剥夺其本可获得的救助报酬,即都以救助人本应获得的救助报酬的数额为上限。随着海上船舶和其他财产价值的日益提高,这种“重大过失原则”似乎过分地保护了救助人的权利,而忽略了被救助人的利益。所以,用“一般过失原则”代替“重大过失原则”开始成为各国法院处理相关案件时的变化趋势。本文通过对有关海难救助的国际公约、英美国家相关法律和判例及我国海商法的有关规定进行分析,着重论述了救助人在两种主要救助形式一纯救助和合同救助下分别应当承担的义务,讨论了救助人违反义务时应当承担的后果和责任,并对我国《海商法》应当明确规定对救助人适用“一般过失原则”提出了建议。

【Abstract】 Salvage at sea, also called Maritime Salvage is a unique system with a long history in Maritime Law. It was originally legislated to encourage the volunteer who rendered services to maritime property in peril at sea. So emphasis is always put on the rules protecting the salvor’s reward, and there are few principles of law relating to the duties of the salvor. Consequently, the salvor’s right for remuneration might be guaranteed, but the salvee could be harmed by the misconduct from the salvor’s negligence. Besides, due to the traditional rule of "No cure, No pay", courts had been reluctant to impose liability for damages for breach of a duty on a volunteer rescuer in a maritime context in order not to discourage their initiative. Only when the salvor committed willful misconduct or gross negligence and occurred the distinguishable damages for the salvee, should he be adjusted to compensate the loss. But the liability was limited just in the reduction or forfeit the reward, which should be paid if, the misconduct or negligence never happened. With the increasing value of the ship and other properties at sea, this rule, which is called "Gross Negligence" cannot have enough effect to protect both parties in the salvage operation. So Courts gradually tend to replace the rule of "Gross negligence" with "General negligence", under which a negligence salvor should be liable for his any misconduct separated from what he could be paid for the success during the salvage operation. In this paper, on the base of an analysis of the International Conventions, relavant cases of England and America and the Maritime Law of our state, discussion is made about the salvor’s duties and liabilities for two main kinds of salvage-Pure Salvage and Contractual Salvage. Moreover, some suggestions are made to the relevant principles and regulations in our Maritime Law.

  • 【分类号】D996.19;D922.294
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】401