

Research on Developing Industry of Dense Labour Force to Boost the Employ of the Country’s Surplus Labour Force

【作者】 黄继颖

【导师】 陈永新;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 国民经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济长期地持续稳定发展以及市场经济的进丁步完善,我国加入世界贸易组织,使我国经济发展在各个方面面临着巨大的挑战,尤其是就业问题。而农村剩余劳动力的就业问题尤为突出。农村剩余劳动力问题如何解决,农村经济如何发展,农村经济怎样才能与市场经济接轨。直接影响着我国市场经济和经济体制转轨的成败。 本文首先从我国国民经济和就业情况的有关数据分析入手,结合我国农村存在的现实问题,提出解决农村剩余劳动力就业问题的重要性和迫切性。 然后,分析我国农村剩余劳动力和劳动密集型产业的状况和基本特征以及相互关系。得出发展劳动密集型产业有利于解决农村剩余劳动力就业问题的结论。在此基础上建立有关农村剩余劳动力就业与劳动密集型产业发展状况之间的数学模型: Z=aY+g+bf(Y) 通过该数学模型可以进一步分析两者之间的互动关系。 最后,提出发展劳动密集型产业的方法和政策。 一是如何根据我国国情发展劳动密集型产业。 二是如何从适应经济发展规律角度来发展劳动密集型产业。 三是如何为发展劳动密集型产业建立适合的政策,包括以下几个方面:1、完善法律制度;2、制定产业规划;3、正确引导;4、放宽准入;5、放宽融资限制;6、税收优惠;7、加强劳动力市场管理;8、加强基础教育和职业培训;9、加强配套机制;10、加强劳动监查;11、完善劳动保障;12、加强产品市场管理。

【Abstract】 With the fast and stably developing of Chinese economy , and the joining into WTO, Chinese economy is meeting with big challenge, especial about employ problem. The country’s surplus labour force problem is one of the most important .How to resolve the problem is connected with the success of Chinese economic development.In this article, I firstly analyze the data about Chinese GDP and employ , and analyze Chinese economic problem. Then draw a conclusion that the employ problem is very important and urgent.Then I analyze the characteristic and connection between the industry of dense labour force and the country’s surplus labour force. After the analyzing, and draw a conclusion that developing industry of dense labour force is benefit to resolve the employ problem of the country’s surplus labour force. I setup the mathematic model between the two factor:Z=aY+g+bf(Y)Then we can analyze the developing reletion between the two factors by this model.At last , the way and policy how to develop industry of dense labour force are given out:The first one is how to develop industry of dense labour force according to the situation of China.The second one is how to develop industry of dense labour force according to the economic developing rules .The third one is what kind of policy we should set up in order to develop the industry of dense labour force. In this article I suggest the following policy to develop the industry of dense labour force:1. perfect the law system to pertect the incumbency and right of the industry2. set up long-term developing plan3. help the enterprise to keep management active and flexible4. make the enterprise go into the market easyer5. reduce the financing limit to the enterprise6. set up favourable revenue policy7. strengthen the management of labour market8. strengthen the basic education and professional training9. set up mutuality system for the employ of surplus labour force10. strengthen the supervising work of employ11. perfect the labour ensuring system12. strengthen the supervising work of product market

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 02期
  • 【分类号】F323.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】405