

On the Legal Systems of Environmental Liability Insurance

【作者】 马丽娟

【导师】 马俊驹;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 民商法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国,随着工业化和城市化的大规模迅速发展,由环境污染和生态破坏造成的环境侵权及其救济将成为今后的一大社会问题。环境责任保险可以分散风险、避免企业因巨额赔偿而破产,同时又能给受害者迅速、有效的救济,因此引起了越来越多的关注,已经成为各国通过社会化途径解决环境损害赔偿问题的主要方式之一。环境责任保险制度在我国基本处于空白状态,对其进行深入探讨和研究是必要之举。本文拟通过对环境责任保险制度的具体内容、世界各国的立法和司法实践等问题进行研究,以期为构建和完善我国环境责任保险制度提供基本思路。首先,本文对环境问题及其一般对策做了简要介绍,指出环境责任保险是以被保险人因污染环境而应承担的损害赔偿和治理责任为标的的责任保险形式,是为污染企业设置的一道公共安全网,同时也使污染受害人能够及时、充分地获得损害赔偿。其次,从理论层面对环境责任保险的原则适用、保险标的、类型和险种进行研究,为提出我国环境责任保险制度的构想奠定理论基础。接着,以地域为线索对环境责任保险制度在各国的发展和实践进行了比较分析,探讨各国立法和实践中的特色,以期对我国有所启示。最后,在分析我国环境责任保险历史、市场需求以及相关背景问题的基础上,对我国构建和完善环境责任保险制度提出了建议,包括立法模式的选择、具体制度的设计以及与其他制度的结合,以期尽量克服环境责任保险制度本身的局限性,更好的发挥环境责任保险分散风险、消化损失的功能。

【Abstract】 With the quick development of industrialization and city expansion, theenvironmental tort and remedies caused by environmental pollution andentironmental destruction will be one of the most serious social problem in thenear future. Environmental liability insurance may transfer risks to avoidbankruptcy of companies causing pollution while providing effective remediesfor the victims. So the legal system of environmental liability insuranceattracting more and more attention has become one of the main ways ofresolving relative disputes of environmental tort damage. There’s almost noresearch on the legal systems of environmental liability insurance yet and anin-depth study on the systems is necessary. This article propose to providing basic suggestions for constructing andconsummating the legal systems of environmental liability insurance in Chinaby research on the detailed content, legislation and judicatory practice. Firstlywe could find out the definition, characteristic and function of environmentalliability insurance through the introduction of the environmental problems andremedies. Secondly, the principle, target, type and coverage of environmentalliability insurance will be discussed theoretically. Thirdly the development andpractice of the systems in different nations is considered for getting someapocalypse. Finally, after analyzing the history of environmental liabilityinsurance in China, the article gives advice on constructing and consummatingthis legal system to bring its function into practice best, including the choiceof legislation frameworks, design of the detailed content and cooperation withother financial and legal systems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 03期
  • 【分类号】D912.6;D912.28
  • 【被引频次】36
  • 【下载频次】1890