

Research on the Content and Thermal Stabilities of the Active Components of Aloes

【作者】 冯咏梅

【导师】 江涛; 王长海;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 药物化学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 芦荟提取物具有广泛的药理活性,已引起广大学者的关注。中国有大规模的芦荟种植基地,但由于加工技术的落后,天然芦荟凝胶的稳定化技术落后,脱苦、脱色达不到要求,许多高档芦荟原料、产品靠高价进口。 造成上述结果的一个原因之一就是这些常用的芦荟品种缺乏可靠的产品含量分析比较数据,因此工业上在确定加工原料的品种时,缺乏准确的科学依据,盲目性很大。而且在产品的加工过程中,虽然强调要避免生物活性物质的损失,但缺乏分析监测参数作依据,生物活性成分不仅是多糖,还有如:维生素、蒽醌、酮类、蛋白质、活性酶、有机酸等,不同的加工方法对这些活性成分的影响到底有多大,缺乏分析监测数据。 本研究测定了四种常见芦荟:库拉索芦荟、木立芦荟、中华芦荟和开普芦荟中活性物质的含量及各种芦荟的物性,为工厂的批量加工提供科学依据;对芦荟多糖、蛋白质及芦荟苷的热稳定性进行研究,为天然芦荟凝胶的稳定化技术提供科学数据,为今后芦荟产业化的发展打下良好的基础。 四种芦荟全叶汁及凝胶汁密度相差不大,全叶汁密度稍高于凝胶汁密度。四种芦荟的密度顺序为开普芦荟>木立芦荟>库拉索芦荟≈斑纹芦荟,pH值在4.24~5.25范围之间。对四种芦荟粘度随温度的变化规律及粘度特性进行了测定,它们的粘度顺序为:斑纹芦荟>库拉索芦荟》开普芦荟≈木立芦荟,四种芦荟汁的粘度随温度的变化关系可以用三项式或四项式方程较好地表达。 四种芦荟多糖的含量顺序为:斑纹芦荟>库拉索芦荟》木立芦荟≈开普芦荟,与其粘度顺序一致。库拉索芦荟凝胶80~90℃长时间处理时,大分子的多糖能部分热降解成小分子多糖和单糖;50~60℃处理时,由于酶解作用,大分子的多糖降解速度更快;在70℃下多糖的热稳定性最高,经过70h的热处理,大分子凝胶多糖不仅没有降解成单糖,也没降解成小分子多糖。 木立芦荟自上而下叶片蛋白质的含量依次降低,全叶汁蛋白质的含量远远地高于凝胶汁蛋白质的含量。叶汁中蛋白质在加热时会沉降,温度越高,叶汁中蛋白质的含量变化越大,而且整个变化过程所用的时间也越短,100℃时,全叶汁需30min蛋白质的含量即可降至最低。蛋白质在芦荟产品中不稳定易引起沉淀,若在加工过程要去除蛋白质,凝胶汁产品可采用高温、短时间的方法,而全叶汁蛋白质的去除则不宜采用热处理法。 木立芦荟凝胶中芦荟昔高达287林g/mL,约为库拉索芦荟凝胶的4倍。芦荟凝胶汁中的芦荟营对热非常不稳定,受热易分解为芦荟大黄素和其它物质。在80一90℃下,约n小时,库拉索凝胶中芦荟营含量即降至零,木立芦荟的也降为原来的1/4。干燥温度对芦荟皮中芦荟普的含量有显著的影响,温度越低,芦荟营的损失越少,在亚热带地区,直接露天干燥芦荟,不仅节约设备和能耗,而且能最大限度地保存芦荟昔的活性。关键词:芦荟;多糖;蛋白质;芦荟昔;热稳定性

【Abstract】 The aloe distillation components have extensive medicine activity, which has arouse vast scholar’s attention. There are large-scale growth bases of aloes in china, but because of the lag of the aloe process technique, the stability technique of the savageness aloe gel is get behind, the product can not be take off bitter and color well, many top grade aloe materials and products need be costliness import.One reason of the results is that there lack the reliable content data of the common aloes, so there are short of exact science bases when the material were confirmed. In the machining process, the active components are emphasized not to be lost, but there absent detail analysis parameters. Not only polysaccharide but also vitamin, barbaloin, ketone, protein, active enzyme and organic acid are active components, how much on earth the different machining ways affect the content of the active components, again there need analysis data.In this paper four species of common aloes such as A. barbadensis Miller, A. vera L.ver. Chinensis(Haw), A. arboreccens Miller and A. ferox Miller have been researched comparatively on the content of the active components and the physical properties, which provide science bases for the batch process in factory. The thermal stabilities of polysaccharides, protein and barbaloin have also been studied, which offer science basis for the stability technology of savageness aloe gel and bring well foundation for the aloe industrialization for the future.There isn’t great difference in four aloes’ density, the density of the whole leave juice is a little higher than that of gel juice. Their pH is at the acid range of 4.24~5.25. The curves of viscosity varying with temperature of the four aloes have been achieved, the varying connection can be expressed well by trinomial or quadrinomial. The viscosity of A. vera L.ver. Chinemis(Haw) is the great, that of A. barbadensis Miller is the second, the viscosity of A. arboreccens Miller and A. ferox Miller is the least.The order of the polysaccharide content is A. vera L. ver. Chinensis(Haw) >A.barbadensis Miller >> A. ferox Miller A. arboreccens Miller which is consistent with their viscosity. At 80~90C, the gel polysaccharide of A. barbadensis Miller is partially degraded into lower molecular polysaccharide and monose due to thermal lysis, between 50~60C, high molecular polysaccharide is degraded largely as a result of enzymatic lysis, but at 70C, high molecular polysaccharide neither degraded into lower molecular polysaccharide nor degraded into monose after 70 hours.The protein content of A. arboreccens Miller reduces in turn from top to bottom, the protein content of the whole leave juice is higher than that of the gel juice remarkably. Heating promoted a remarkable decrease in protein content depending on temperature and time. At 100C, the protein content of the whole leave juice reduced to the least value within 30 minutes. Protein is instability in the aloe product and very easy to subside, if protein is to be took out in the machining course, the gel juice can be deal with high temperature and short time, but the whole leave juice can’t.The barbaloin content of the gel juice in A. arboreccens Miller is high as 287 ug/ml, four times to that of A. barbadensis Miller. The barbalion is very unstable when heated and can be transferred to aloe emodin and other substances. At 80~90C, about 11 hours the barbalion content of A. barbadensis Miller gel juice cut down to zero, while that of A. arboreccens Miller decreased to 1/4 of the original value.

【关键词】 芦荟多糖蛋白质芦荟苷热稳定性
【Key words】 aloepolysaccharidesproteinbarbalointhermal stability
  • 【分类号】R284
  • 【被引频次】2
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