

Study on the Water-circulating System of Mountainous Eco-residential Sub-district

【作者】 欧阳晓光

【导师】 付祥钊;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 生态人居小区水循环系统在设计过程中要遵循可持续发展和系统论的思想,山地生态人居小区是生态人居小区的一个类型。由于山地生态人居小区具有地形高差大、地貌多样化、给水排水不方便等特点,有必要引入“循环”的理念,扬长避短,建造既经济,又高度节约水资源的山地生态人居小区水循环系统。 研究山地生态人居小区水循环系统重点是在保证系统经济性的前提下,研究雨水和中水的收集、处理和回用。本文研究的主要内容包括建立山地生态人居小区雨水径流量的方程、中水与雨水联合处理系统方案优选、中水与雨水联合处理系统优化规划等问题,最后通过实例分析说明山地生态人居小区水循环系统的设计与计算。 山地生态人居小区由于地形高差很大,自然的形成了以住宅楼为中心的小的雨水汇流区域,此外,汇流介质的多样化,都使得按照平原、丘陵地区雨量的计算方法会给雨水径流量计算带来较大的误差。本文分析比较了国外的多种计算雨水径流量的方法,确定利用SCS法建立山地生态人居小区地面雨水径流量的方程:考虑屋面材料特性、山地城市不同季节的降雨特征和初期降雨弃流的需要,建立山地生态人居小区屋面雨水径流可利用雨量的方程。 山地生态人居小区中水与雨水联合处理技术的方案选用是一个很关键的问题,关系到整个水循环系统的经济性,是本文研究的重点。山地生态人居小区中水与雨水联合处理技术的方案优选是一个系统工程,属于多目标决策的问题,涉及到对技术指标、经济指标和管理指标的综合权衡。本文分析比较了工艺流程方案优选的多种方法的优缺点,决定采用物元分析法与层次分析法相结合的方法进行中水与雨水联合处理技术的方案优选,最终确定土壤毛管渗滤处理系统是适用于山地生态人居小区中水与雨水联合处理的最佳技术。 进行山地生态人居小区中水与雨水联合处理系统的优化规划,首先是通过系统分析判明系统的发展、控制及调整的方向,然后在系统分析的基础上进行中水系统规划的优化,主要是建立中水与雨水联合处理系统年成本优化的非线形规划。本文应用整体性原理、结构性原理、相关性原理和动态性原理进行中水与雨水联合处理系统的系统分析;借鉴相关费用模型建立中水与雨水联合处理系统的费用模型,以水质水量为约束条件,建立中水与雨水联合处理系统年成本优化的非线形规划。重庆大学硕士学位论文中文摘要 最后,本文以重庆某生态人居小区为例,通过对其中水量与雨水径流量计算、土壤毛管渗滤处理系统规模的计算、中水与雨水联合处理系统年成本最优化非线形规划的建立和用Log。软件的求解等来说明山地生态人居小区水循环系统的设计与计算。关键词:山地生态人居小区,中水与雨水联合处理技术,土壤毛管渗滤处理系统

【Abstract】 During the course of the design of the circulating system of eco-residential sub-district, it is necessary to abide by the idea of sustainable development and systematic theory., while mountainous eco-residential sub-district is a type of it. Due to the characteristic of great difference in the landform height, the diversity of the physiognomy and the discommodiousness of water supplying and discharging etc., it is necessary to introduce the idea of "circulation", as well as exert merits and abstain demerits, so as to build a water circulating system of economic and water-saving.On the premise of the economics of the system, the emphasizes of the research into water circulating system of mountainous eco-residential sub-district is the collection, treatment and reusing of the reclaimed water and rainwater. The main contents of the thesis consist of the erectness of the equation of mountainous eco-residential sub-district, the optimal choice of the united system of the reclaimed water and rainwater, the optimal design of the united system of the reclaimed water and rainwater etc. Finally , the thesis explains the design and calculation of the water circulating system of mountainous eco-residential sub-district by an example.In mountainous eco-residential sub-district, many accordant junction conflux areas form naturally, because of the great difference of the landform height. Besides, the medium of accordant junction conflux is diversified. All these would bring about big errors in the calculation of the runoff if the calculating method of plain and upland is adopted. The thesis analyzes various methods of abroad in calculating runoff and makes sure to erect the ground runoff equation of mountainous eco-residential sub-district, using the method of SCS. Following, the roof runoff equation of mountainous eco-residential sub-district is erected, in consideration of the characteristic of roof material, the rainfall characteristic of different seasons.The choice of the united treatment technology of the reclaimed water and rainwater project, which is connected with the economics of the whole water circulating system, is a key problem and also the emphases of the thesis. The optimal choice of the united treatment technology of the reclaimed water and rainwater project, which is related to the integrated measurement of economical index, technological and administrative index, is a system engineering and belong to multi-object decision-making. Base on the analysis of the merits and demerits of the optimal choice of projects , the thesis adoptsthe combination method of the analytic hierarchy process and matter-element analysis. And the capillary percolation system is assured as the optimal technology of the united system of the reclaimed water and rainwater.The optimal design of the united system of the reclaimed water and rainwater, in the first stage, is to distinguish the direction of the development, control and adjustment by system analysis. Then to optimize the design of the reclaimed water system, on the base of system analysis, I erect the annual cost none-linear design of the united system of the reclaimed water and rainwater. The thesis analyzes the united system of the reclaimed water and rainwater by the use of the principle of integration, structure, relevance and motion; and also taking the water quality and quantity as limiting condition, the annual cost none-linear design of the united system of the reclaimed water and rainwater is erected.At last, the thesis takes an eco-residential sub-district in Chongqing as example, and explain the design and calculation of water circulating system of mountainous eco-residential sub-district, through the calculation of the reclaimed water and runoff, the dimensional calculation of the soil capillary percolation system, the annual cost none-linear design of the united system of the reclaimed water and rainwater, as well as the use of software Logo.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU984.112
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】470