

Researches into the Developmental for Jilin Railway Fittings Factory of Shenyang Railway Bureau

【作者】 王天兴

【导师】 邹国庆;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 铁路为了适应中国经济高速发展的需要,制定了跨越式发展的战略规划,改革步伐不断加快,沈阳铁路局拟在2006年底前彻底实现“主辅分离”,即运输主业与工附业实现分离,沈阳铁路局吉林配件厂作为局属工业企业,面临着新的机遇和挑战。如何在不断变化的经营环境中找准自身的定位,不断实现企业的可持续发展,是摆在企业决策层面前的一个亟待解决的问题。为此,本文对沈铁吉配的发展战略进行了研究,旨在为企业决策者在制定企业发展战略时提供参考和借鉴。沈铁吉配身处铁路配件制造行业,在分析其外部战略环境时,既关注于铁路运输行业特有的关键要素,同时也注重配件制造行业所存在的那些关键要素。本文在进行外部战略环境分析时,力求有目的、有重点地抓住关键战略环境因素,从近期在环境因素所发生的重大事件中,找出对本企业经营发展前景具有较大影响的萌芽或潜在的影响因素,特别是那些在过去和当前都已对企业运行产生重大影响,并且还将继续对企业运行产生不可估量作用的战略因素,从而科学地预测其发展的趋势、发现环境中蕴涵着的有利机会和时机,主要威胁与挑战。铁路配件制造业的发展与铁路运输业的发展密切相关,二者有着天然的、不可分割的联系。而作为国家经济大动脉的铁路运输业与国民经济的增长有着较强的随动效应。近年来,我国国民经济持续较快增长,铁路运输业发展较快,这必将对铁路配件制造业的发展产生较强的拉动效应,铁路配件制造业面临着空前的发展机遇。目前从事铁路配件制造企业的基本状况是企业数量较多,企业的类型和规模也各不相同,行业的整体技术、管理水平不高,还没有形成稳定的竞争格局。铁路配件行业的管理特点一是实行严格的生产资格审批制度,二是大力推行市场化,配件生产厂家向<WP=50>路外扩散,三是铁路局实行物资采购归口管理,采购权限较为集中。目前的行业管理特点对铁路配件制造企业产生有利影响是,在一定程度上存在行业保护,市场相对稳定,市场形势可预测程度较高。不利影响一是企业增加生产品种需进行资格审核,增加品种难度较大。二是在供求市场中存在行政干预现象,导致企业不正当竞争行为增加。沈铁吉配经过50余年的建设发展,经过自身的努力并利用计划经济体制下特定的资源条件,构成了比较牢固的销售网络,具备了较强的开发能力,形成了比较合理的产品结构,培养了一支比较有战斗力的职工队伍,并通过在产品开发、产品生产和产品销售三个环节上的有利地位,形成了一定的对外部技术资源、市场资源的运用能力,构成了培育沈铁吉配核心能力的基础。沈铁吉配将其定位于铁路配件的生产及服务市场,其和竞争对手竞争并胜出的能力主要是新产品开发与市场营销的整合能力,对外部技术资源的运用能力,内部技术装备资源的整合能力。本文通过对外部条件和内部因素的分析,确定了沈铁吉配在发展过程中所面临的机会与威胁,在行业竞争中所具有的优势与劣势。运用企业战略制定的分析工具进行具体的分析后,得出的结论是,沈铁吉配在外部环境因素的利用上水平不高,与行业内主要竞争对手比略处于劣势,但与行业平均水平相比处于优势,而且目前铁路配件行业面临重新洗牌,市场机遇十分难得,沈铁吉配应该在巩固原有市场的同时,不断开发产品,进入新的市场,形成更为合理的产品结构,因此可以考虑采取多样化战略。同时,沈铁吉配内部因素处于强势地位,尤其是企业核心竞争能力表现出很强的竞争优势,企业目前要解决的主要问题是要通过整合现有优势,扩大市场份额,因此企业的战略还应定位于增长型战略。社会经济的不断发展,引起市场需求和企业经营结构的变化,企业为了更多的占领市场和开拓市场,或避免单一经营风险,往往会选择进入新的领域,采用多样化战略。沈铁吉配的多样化可以带来的战略利益有协同<WP=51>效应、分散效应、增强市场力量、有利于企业的继续成长。增长型战略是一种使企业在现有的战略基础水平上向更高一级的目标发展的战略。它以发展作为自己的核心内容,引导企业不断开发新产品、开拓新市场,采用新的生产方式和管理方式,以便扩大企业的产销规模,提高竞争地位,增加企业的竞争实力。增长型战略是一种最流行使用最多的战略。但在现实世界中,该战略之所以被采用的原因并不仅仅是其给企业带来了经营上的优势,还包括许多其它原因。(1)铁吉配深处动态的竞争中,增长作为一种求生存的手段,不断的变革能创造更高的生产经营效率与效益,从而能在不断变化的环境中适应并生存。(2)扩大规模和销售可以使企业利用经济曲线或规模经济效益以降低生产成本。沈铁吉配采用的具体战略主要有四个。一是集中战略,要汇集企业资源集中力量发展核心技术和产品。二是差异战略,扩大生产品种,提高柔性生产能力,同时提高产品的制造和服务质量,树立品牌效应。三是进攻战略,在市场营销上,积极寻找新的目标市场,靠以产品和服务为主的营销组合,及时占领新的市场空间。四是退出战略,退出市场基本萎缩的“瘦狗”类业务和后向加工成本较高的毛坯生产工序,应尽快清理库存产品,争取最大边际收益。

【Abstract】 For adapting to the high speed development of economy, the railway has constituted the strategic layout of the great-leap forward development. With accelerating the step of reforming , shenyang railway bureau is going to realize the aim which separates the mainly part and secondary part ,that is to say that it will separate the leading operation carrying trade and the affiliated industry. As a affiliated enterprise, JiLin railway fittings factory of shenyang railway bureau is in the face of the new opportunity and challenge. How to find out an orientation in the changing environment, how to make a sustainable development, It’s really an urgent question which needs to solve by the management. Therefore , this paper makes a study of the development strategy of the JiLin affiliated railway fittings factory, which is in order to help the management make a decision when they constitute the development strategy. As a member of manufacturing ,JiLin railway fittings factory should concern the key factor of both the carrying trade and the fittings manufacturing. As for JiLin railway fittings factory, it should grasp the main factor when they analyze the strategy of outside environment. So it can find out the key factors which influence the development of the enterprise in recent periods, especially, those factors which deep influence the operation of the enterprise now and before, even gong on in the future. After doing those, it can forecast the development trend of the future with finding out the opportunity and avoiding the menace in the competitive environment. The development of railway fitting and carrying trade have a close relation which is interrelated and inseparable. As economic artery, carrying trade has a <WP=53>linkage effect with GDP growth. Especially, in recent years, economy in china grows vary rapidly, and railway fitting industry also develops very fast. It would have a profound impact on the development of railway fitting industry which also faces a unique opportunity. At present, a steady competitive pattern has not been formed, and there are a large number of enterprises which have different types and sizes with a low management and technology level. The management trait of railway fitting is the following: first, it implement strict examining system of production’s qualification. Second, it push market competition actively and encourage their factory to develop out of the railway industry. Third, the railway bureau carries out specialized management of material purchase. The above-mentioned traits will have advantageous and disadvantageous effect on the railway fitting line. The advantage is the market is relative stable due to there has been the phenomenon of industry protected to some extent, so the trend of the market could be forecasted to a great extent. The disadvantages are the following: first, It’s difficult to extend new product type owing to the qualification examining . Second, administrative intervening in demand and supply of the market leads to more behavior of unfair competition.JiLin railway fittings factory, with fifty years development, has formed a firm marketing network and hold a competitive employee team which depend on their hard work and made use of the special condition in the planned economy. At the same time, they have the high R&D ability on new product and possess a reasonable product mix. Those advantages form the core competence of the JiLin railway fittings factory. It also orient itself to the producing and service of the railway fittings market owing to its high R&D ability and its excellent capacity of integrating the marketing mix. After analyzing ,the conclusion is , JiLin railway fittings factory of shenyang railway bureau has a lower level in making use of outer environment’s factor than the main competitor in the same <WP=54>line, however, its level higher than the average level. Regarding the railway fittings industry facing a new circumstances, JiLin railway fittings factory should develop new product and come into new marke

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 02期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】97