

Research on the Strategy of How to Improve the Poor Students in Mathematics in Secondary Vocational School

【作者】 张成贵

【导师】 孙名符;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 转化中等职业学校数学“后进生”首先是时代的需要,是学生进一步发展的需要,是职业社会化的需要。其次,转化数学“后进生”是建构高质量、高水平教育的一个重要内涵。把那些教育过程中出现的“后进生”及时加以转化,坚决杜绝其以低文化、低素质状态流入社会,可以避免其成为社会的不安定因素。其三,从素质教育的角度看,必须面向全体学生,当然包括为数不少的“后进生”。若不能有效转化“后进生”,面向全体学生将是一句空话。素质教育要求以优化和提高学生素质为目标,全面倡导素质教育,就必须正视和解决“后进生”问题,只有把这个问题解决好,素质教育才能落实。只有把全体学生培养成各级各类不同层次的人才,才能最大限度地开发中国巨大的人才资源,发挥中国在国际竞争中的优势。 本文在对目前我国职业教育的特点、现状及存在的问题进行分析的基础上,运用现代教育理论观点,通过对甘肃省天水农业学校2002、2003两级学生的调查研究,对数学“后进生”的特点、成因及其数学学习方式的现状进行了归纳分析,并结合我校实际开展了数学“后进生”转化策略研究,归结总结一系列“后进生”转化的策略与方法,如启发学习动机策略,激发学习兴趣策略,调动学习情感策略,加强学法指导策略,实施差异分层次教学策略,采用问题教学法策略等。重点对问题教学法在数学“后进生”转化方面的作用进行了实验和总结。 对中等职业学校的数学教学及要求来说,非智力因素是造成“后进生”的重要原因。而非智力因素中学习基础差又是最主要的原因,约占总数的40.7%~43.8%。学习兴趣、学习方法、学习意志、学习态度以及同学、师生、家庭关系等造成的影响也不可忽视。因此,转变观念,树立科学的教育观,是实施“后进生”转化的思想基础。加强非智力因素培养,是实施中等职业学校数学“后进生”转化的关键。改进课堂教学,是实施中等职业学校数学“后进生”转化的有效措施。采用问题教学法是改进课堂教学的有效方法之一,实验证明,通过问题教学法,学生学习数学的兴趣大为增强,学习成绩也有了明显的提高。学生的主体意识和数学能力也有了较明显的提高。问题教学法符合现代教育教学规律,符合中职生认知心理特征,有助于培养学生的主体意识、主动精神和创新能力,有利于“后进生”转化。

【Abstract】 Improve poorer students in the secondary vocational school in mathematics, first of all, it is the needs of contemporary society; it is the needs for the development of the students further; it is the needs of profession socialization. Secondly, the conversion of the poorer students in mathematics is an important content of building high quality and high level education. We should improve the poor students during the course of education in time and prevent them from entering into the society with the poor-educated condition firmly, and so they couldn’t become the unsafe elements of the society. In the third place, in the view of character education, we must face all the students, it conteins many poorer students of course. The character education will be just a bunk if we can’t change the poorer students successfully. Character education asks us to consider that enabling them to develop and improving their quality as our aim. Advocating character education fully asks us to face and solve the problem of the poorer students. We can’ t carry on the character education until we have solved the problems well; we can’t develop the huge talents resources of china as widely as possible, and give free scope to the speciality of china in the international compitition, until we have trained all the students to be capable qualified persons of many kinds of different administrative levels.This article is in the basic of ananyzing the characteristics, the present state and the existing problems of the vocational school. Investigating and studying the two grades students of 2002 and 2003 in Tianshui Agricutural school of Gansu province by using mordern educational theory view. It has not only ananyzed the characteristics, reasons, and the present situation of learning methods, but also in the light of specific conditions of our school ,to develop the investigation of how to improve the poorer students , it has sum up a series of tactics and methods of varieties, especially it has done some experimental researches and summaries about the use of interests training and question teaching method in the varity of the poorer students, I hope these experimental researches could offer the residue class school plentiful basic in the poorer students’ conversion to offer, and it could also does some help in the poorer students’ conversion.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】3
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