

Dialogue: Economic Approach to Dreiser’s Novels

【作者】 陈世旺

【导师】 曾思艺;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 德莱塞是20世纪美国文学史上第一位杰出的作家,也是美国现代小说的先驱。但学界对德莱塞小说的研究绝大多数仍囿于已有的成果,研究视野比较狭窄,所采用的方法也以传统的文学批评方法居多,缺乏新的文学研究方法,尤其是缺乏跨学科的横向比较研究。 本文以经济学的眼光,对德莱塞的小说进行尝试性的解释。首先,从经济视角、经济景观以及经济典型三个维度,阐述了德莱塞小说的经济学意识;其次,运用经济学理论对德莱塞的小说从理论上进行了阐释,指出德莱塞的小说实质上向我们提供了一个受商业交换制导的世界,其中贯彻着效用最大化原则,有时又会面临博弈的两难困境,但总体上为我们展现了一个消费主义的意识形态;最后,从经济学的角度,对德莱塞研究中两个富有争议的问题——德莱塞的文风以及德莱塞的学派归属问题——提出了自己的看法。笔者认为,(1)从经济学的视角看,德莱塞的文风未必“拙劣”;(2)从总体上看,德莱塞是属于自然主义的。本文力图寻求文学与经济学的对话,从而使德莱塞研究突破固有思维的樊篱,进一步明确德莱塞在美国文学史中的地位。

【Abstract】 Dreiser was the first prominent writer in the American literature history in 20th century, and also the pioneer of American modem fictions. However, the study on the novels of Dreiser was mostly confined to the achievements that had been acquired with a narrow field of vision, and the traditional literature critical approaches were in the majority without new ones, especial interdisciplinary studies.This article attempts to expound the novels of Dreiser with the economic insight. Firstly, this article analyses the economic consciousness from the three facets of economic visual angle, economic landscape and typically economic character. Secondly, this article interprets Dreiser’s novels based on the economic theories, points out that Dreiser’s novels provide us a world restricted by commercial relations, in which the principal of utility maximization carries through to the end and people would face the dilemma of game, and shows us a ideology of consumerism. Lastly, this article answers the two disputed questions from the economic angle, which consists of the style of writing and the attribution about schools, draws a conclusion that Dreiser’s style of writing isn’t clumsy and that Dreiser was a naturalist generally speaking. This article strives to explore the dialogue between literature and economics, break out the fence of the study on Dreiser, and make clear the status of Dreiser in the American literature history.

【关键词】 经济学德莱塞小说阐释反思
【Key words】 EconomicsDreiserNovelsInterpretationReflection
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】578