

Study on the Genetic Effects of Quantity Traits and Polymorpphic Analysis on Naturally Colored Cotton

【作者】 张美冬

【导师】 张献龙; 詹先进;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究选用了5个产量、品质性状差异较大的彩色棉品种以及1个白絮棉品种,采用不完全双列杂交交配设计(6×5/2)产生杂交一代15个组合以及6个自交亲本,考查了籽棉产量、皮棉产量,籽指、衣指、衣分等产量性状和5个纤维品质性状,采用加性—显性遗传模型和统计分析方法(朱军,1997)分析了以上资料,其结果如下: 1.方差分析结果表明,彩色棉衣指、衣分、纤维长度以基因的加性效应为主,早代选择可以取得较好的效果。籽指以显性方差为主,在选配杂交组合时可以加以利用,从而获得较高的杂种优势。纤维强度、整齐度、伸长率和细度的显性方差与加性方差相当,对选择效果会产生一定的影响,以高世代选择为好。彩色棉产量性状的狭义遗传率都较高,变幅为27.19%(籽指)~80.58%(衣分),品质性状的狭义遗传率变幅为9.58%(伸长率)~87.01%(纤维长度)。 2.6个亲本的配合力效应分析表明,紫絮棉和彩8在纤维长度、强度以及伸长率上都具有正的GCA效应,以它们作亲本可以明显改善后代的纤维品质,是彩色棉品质育种的有效亲本:彩9-1除了在纤维长度上为负向GCA外,不会降低后代的其它品质性状,而对红叶棕絮的利用不会大幅度的降低杂种一代的产量性状;对优质白棉的利用则会大大改善杂交彩色棉的产量和品质。组合紫絮棉×彩9-1、红叶棕絮×彩8、红叶棕絮×白棉、彩8×彩9-1、彩8×白棉等5个组合在品质上具有较强的SCA效应。上述亲本和组合在彩色棉育种以及杂交棉选育中可以有目的地加以利用。 3.产量、品质各性状相关分析表明,除了籽指与籽棉产量之间为负相关外,对衣指、衣分的选择可以提高后代的籽、皮棉产量,同时籽指、衣指和衣分三个产量性状之间也可以进行同步选择。整齐度、强度这两个性状与长度之间都以正向加性协方差为主,说明纤维长度、整齐度和强度这三者在彩色棉的高品质育种中同步选择效果较好,在对细度一定范围的选择中也可对纤维长度和强度进行选择。彩色棉品质性状与产量的协方差都为负值,但整齐度与籽棉产量之间、伸长率与籽、皮棉产量以及细度与籽、皮棉产量之间的负向加性协方差不显著,说明这五者之间在实际育种过程中的后代选择上是不存在相互制约的,而对长度和强度的选择则可能导致彩色棉产量的降低。 4.白棉与彩色棉品质性状杂种优势分析表明,在纤维长度上白色棉和彩色棉的所有组合的负超亲优势都达到了-10%以上,同时也无显著的正向中亲优势,说明彩色棉与白棉杂交一代在纤维长度上是很难得到改善的。在纤维强度上,杂交组合大部分表现显著正超亲优势,说明彩色棉杂交后代的纤维强度具强的杂种优势,甚至有的组合超过纤维强度好的白色棉亲本。在纤维细度上,不同的组合具体表面不一,有部分组合正向超亲优势明显,而有部分组合负向超亲优势明显。从具有显著正向超亲优势的双亲值来看,双亲差异相对小的组合能够产生显著的正超亲优势,而差异大的组合则难产生正超亲优势。

【Abstract】 Fifteen F1 combinations crossed among 5 naturally colored cotton and 1 fiber white cotton different in yield components or fiber quality parameters according to half diallel crossing design (6X5/2) were used to evaluate the genetic effects of seed index, lint index, lint percentage and fiber quality. The experiment data processing was conducted by using additive-dominant genetic model (Zhu, 1997). The main results were as follows:1. The lint index, lint percentage and fiber length of naturally colored cotton were mainly controlled by the additive effects and could be improved by selection in early generations. We can take advantage of the high heterosis in selecting the combinations since the seed index was mainly controlled by dominant effects. While the fiber strength, the uniformity ration, the fiber elongation and micronaire were controlled by additive effects and dominant effects equivalently, which would affect the selection effects in early generations and the improvement would be better for these traits by selecting in later generation. The heritability of naturally colored cotton yield components were 27.19%(seed index)~80.85%(lint percentage) and fiber quality parameters were 9.58%(fiber elongation)~87.01%(fiber length).2. Zixumian and Cai 8 had positive GCA effects for fiber length, fiber strength and fiber elongation, therefore, these two varieties were the better parents for significantly increasing the fiber quality of progenies of naturally colored cotton. The parent of Cai 9-1 couldn’t decrease the fiber quality except fiber length. Hongyezongxu was the parent for no-insignificantly decreasing the yield components of Fl. The parent of fiber white cotton with high quality fiber property could improve yield and fiber quality of colored cotton hybrid. Zixumian X Cai9-1, Hongyezongxu X Cai8, hongyezongxu X Emian3, Cai8 X Cai9-land Cai8 X Emian3 were considered promising combinations for fiber quality which had significant positive SCA effects. These varieties and combinations could be used in breeding of naturally colored cotton and the hybrid according to the different breeding goals.3. The genetic materials of naturally colored cotton with high seed index and lint percentage might have high seed yield and lint yield which could be improved by selecting yield components except seed index that was negative covariance with yield. The positive genetic covariance between seed index, lint index and lint percentage could help breeders to improve these traits simultaneously. The relationships among uniformity ration, fiber strength and fiber length with positive additive correlations mainly could mainly be used in indirect selection of colored cotton breeding. The breeders could select simultaneously fiber length and fiber strength in a range of Micronaire. The negative genetic covariance was found between fiber quality parameters and yield components. But the negative additive covariance were no-significant between uniformity ration and seed yield, fiber elongation andyield, Micronaire and yield, and this result demonstrated there wasn’t affection between each other in these five paired traits. It might decrease the yield of naturally colored cotton by selecting high fiber length and fiber strength.4. In white fiber cotton and colored cotton crosses, the estimated surpassing parental Fl heterosis values for fiber length were all reached above -10% and the positive mean parents heterosis values were not significant. However, fiber strength showed significant surpassing parental Fl heterosis over the better parent based on population in the mass of combinations, even surpassed the parent with white fiber in some combinations. The differences between the estimated heterosis values for Micronaire were due to the different combinations. It was shown clearly that the Fl combinations crossed between parents with similar performances had relatively high dominant effects and significant positive Fl surpassing parental heterosis, while no Fl combination crossed

  • 【分类号】S562
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