

Real Narration about Social and Living Condition in Social Change--Discussing New Realistic Novels

【作者】 于沐阳

【导师】 张景忠;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文将在前人研究的基础上,以新写实小说生成、发展的语境——社会转型为切入点,对新写实小说崛起的时代因缘、艺术品位、精神内涵、阅读效应、文学影响等进行深入研究。总结其成功与缺失,并为以后的读者提供一个新的角度来更好地理解新写实小说。 任何一种文学创作倾向都与当时社会的意识形态、社会思潮、价值观念有着千思万缕、复杂多样的关联。米兰·昆德拉曾说:“伟大的作品只能诞生于他们的艺术历史之中,并通过参与这一历史而实现,只有在历史之内我们才能把握什么是新的,什么是重复的,什么是被发现的,什么是模仿的。”新写实小说作为二十世纪八十年代末、九十年代初唯一形成声势的文学创作思潮以其“还原生活原生状态”、“刻骨的真实”等美学理想和消解深度模式的价值取向集中体现了转型期中国社会生活方式、思维模式、价值理想、终极关怀、生存心态等方面的现实状况和发展趋势。它追求物欲而淡化理想,趋于平庸而消解崇高,所描写的对象多为庸常之辈的凡俗人生,既没有明确的理想,也没有澎湃的激情,而多为世俗的经验和感性的欲望所纠缠。它放弃了伤痕小说、反思小说、改革小说高歌猛进的启蒙立场,中止了先锋小说诡异莫测的叙述实验,将关注的视点下沉,回到民间,回到世俗,其写实的品质,平民化、世俗化的价值取向对九十年代文学的发展走向产生了巨大的影响。尽管这一创作潮流和文学运动已告终,但作为一种美学倾向,其创作精神却没有时限,它的不少作品已成为二十世纪中国文学的经典性或准经典性文本。它的应运而生显示了一种必然性,即在社会生活发生嬗变时,作为观念形态的文学也将随之发生相应的变化。 新写实小说奠定了二十世纪九十年代文学的叙事基调,没有慷慨激昂,没有高谈阔论,没有想人非非,没有故弄玄虚,也没有故做深沉,唯有冷静的审视,平静的叙事,残酷的真实。冷眼向世,不动声色,向现实、向历史、向人性的深处逼近。作家不再是一个呐喊者、启蒙者,而成为一个体验者、叙事者。叙事成为文学的一种觉醒,又成为文学的无奈—只剩下了叙事。

【Abstract】 On the basis of forebears’ research, the paper carries out deep research into the time background , artistic quality , gist, reading effect, literature influence of new realistic novels . It sums up its success and loss , and provides a new angle for the readers to understand the new realistic novels at the same time .Any trend of literary creation is always closely connected with social ideology , social trend of thought , concept of value. Milan Kudla said , " the greatest works can only come into being in the history’ of art, and can come true by taking part in it . Only in the history can we make sure what is new , what is repeated , what is discovered , what is imitative ." As the only dynamic and powerful literary creation from the end of 1980’s to the beginning of 1990’s , new realistic novels displays real conditions and trend of development with the way of life , pattern of thought , value and ideal , extreme care, mind of living , by the way of returning to original condition of life . It pursues material but does not pay any attention to ambition ; it tend to be ordinary not sublime ; it mostly concerns ordinary life story of common people ; it has neither obvious ideal nor passion . It’s totally different from bruise novels , reflection novels, reform novels and stops the enigmatic of pioneer novels , and returns to the real world , which has a great influence on literature in 1990’s . Although it has come to an end , as a kind of aesthetics, its spirit of creation was not limited by time , and many of works are classical .Its birth displays necessity , in other words , when social life changes ,the literature ,as a kind of state of concept, will follow it.New realistic novels establish the basis of literature narration , there is no passion , no big talk , no fancy , no deceptive means , no false reserved , but calm watch , quiet narration , cruel reality . The writers are no longer shouting or initiating , but experiencing and narrating the story.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】625