

Building of Xinglongzhuang Coal Mine Intelligent Monitor System Based on INTEMOR

【作者】 李凤云

【导师】 刘淑琴;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 运筹学与控制论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 兖州矿区兴隆庄煤矿目前使用的安全生产监控系统由两部分组成:KJ95系统和束管系统。本文首先分析了这两套系统的不足,然后介绍了一种适合创建实时智能监控系统的开发平台——INTEMOR,并简要说明了INTEMOR系统的技术先进性。最后提出了基于INTEMOR平台构建兴隆庄煤矿通防安全实时智能监控系统的总体方案:在原系统的基础上,构建INTEMOR应用系统。该系统利用高智能的专家系统实现通防安全的事故预警,利用智能在线操作手册实现对事故的分析处理,同时提供非线性查询功能,帮助用户快速正确的处理事故。 本文还重点分析了构建该系统的关键技术: (1) 数据集成技术。通过数据集成,将KJ95系统数据库中的实时数据和束管系统的检测数据集成到一个共享数据库,作为INTEMOR应用系统的实时数据源。通过接口程序,将共享数据库中的数据进行转换,并采用动态连接库DLL技术,将转换后的数据发送给INTEMOR系统的实时数据采集与预处理器DDP,由DDP送入INTEMOR系统数据库。 (2) 创建专家系统知识库。首先按照INTEMOR系统提供的方法获取专家知识,然后利用INTEMOR内嵌的专家系统开发工具KBBuilder,将专家操作经验汇集起来,以规则的形式进行表示,形成专家系统知识库。系统运行时,专家系统根据这些规则对实时数据进行分析,实现事故预警。 (3) 开发智能在线操作手册。利用INTEMOR系统的“过程空间”,设计各级生产平面图和各种实时数据的显示界面图,采用“热点技术”进行连接。利用网页制作工具,将公有知识、私有知识编织制成多个HTML文件,在“管理空间”中以树形目录结构组织到一起。二者结合,形成智能在线操作手册,方便用户进行安全监控,帮助用户进行事故处理。

【Abstract】 The present monitor system for safety production of Xinglongzhuang Coal Mine of Yanzhou Diggings consist of two systems: KJ95 system and bundle pipe system. The article analyses the lack of these systems, then it briefly shows the advantages of INTEMOR. Finally, It brings the total scheme of constructing the intelligent monitor system of Xinglongzhuang Coal Mine based on the platform of INTEMOR and provides ventilation safety. It means that, this new system can provide higher intelligent expert system to alarms the accidents in advance. It also can provide intelligent on-line operation manual which use for analyzing and handling the accident. In the same time , it can help the users to handle the accident quickly and rightly by the non-linearity query.In the whole article, we also put more emphasis on analysis of the key technologies in building this system.(1) Data integration technology. It integrates the real time data of KJ95 and analyzed data from bundle pipe into a shared database as a source of real-time database. Data interface design between the data source and INTEMOR. The interface program can change the real time data from shared database, then send these data into DDP by Dynamic Link Library (DLL) technology. At last DDP send these data into database of INTEMOR.(2) Knowledge-base establishment based on expert system. First, knowledge of expert must be got according to the methods provided by INTEMOR. Second, the experience of experts may be marshaled by the development tool-KBBuilder and be transformed into a serial of rules. So a knowledge-base is built. Expert system analyzes real-time data and alarms the accidents in advance using these rules when the system is running.(3) Development of intelligent on-line operation manual. Under the edit mode of process space paint all levels of ichnography and all_deferent of real time data display figures. These ichnographies and figures will be connected together by hotspot. A lot of HTML files that express the common knowledge,private knowledge will be design by the web-made tools and organized together in organization space. Then the intelligent on-line manual has been build by combining these parts. It can help user to monitor the safety and handle the accident in advance.

  • 【分类号】TD76
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