

Modes of Integrating Multimedia Technology into CET

【作者】 甘玲玲

【导师】 陈吉棠;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 2001级英语语言文学专业研究生:甘玲玲 指导教师:陈吉棠 教授大学英语,作为非英语专业学生的一门基础课程,由于传统的教学模式影响,其发展受到一定的局限。因此,在传统的英语学习环境中教学模式的改革很难取得革命性的突破。大学英语一直以来面临着传统的教学模式和手段所无法解决的现实问题。大学英语教学的改革是近年来教育部门关注的一个焦点问题。为了提高大学英语教学的质量和效率,教育主管部门和师生双方都做了长期不懈的努力,但是结果却往往不尽如人意。近年来,随着信息技术,数字以及视频技术的快速发展,多媒体技术及其在各个领域的应用,尤其是在教育领域的实践应用,已进入了一个新的发展时期。有关数据显示,近年来在国际学术期刊和论坛上发表的有关教育技术的学术文章中,有70%至80%与多媒体技术有关。多媒体技术的应用已经成为教育技术发展的主流。在我国,多媒体技术辅助外语教学在外语领域引发了一场新的革命,对教育的改革和教育现代化产生了深远的影响。在相关的外语教学理论的指导下,多媒体技术在辅助大学外语教学方面显示了其强大的优势,它不仅为英语教学提供了丰富多彩和真实的语言学习环境,使教师和学生拥有更多获取大量英语信息和知识的途径,重要的是,它使现代外语教学理念产生质的变化,从而促进英语教学朝着现代化教学模式迅速发展。现代外语教学理论的指导和多媒体技术的应用,使人们对大学英语的主干课程,如精读、泛读和听说课程的新型模式的探讨成为现实。一些基于多媒体技术的大学英语学习模式,如个人学习模式和小组学习模式,已经成为学生课后开展英语学习活动和巩固所学知识的有效模式。然而,基于多媒体技术的大学英语课程新模式的研究必须考虑以下几个方面因素:特定的教学目标、英语课程的特点、学生的认知特点、情感因素、教学材料、学生的英语水平和兴趣爱好以及教学过程的传统与现代方法相结合实施,这些还需要在教学实践中进一步探讨。由于利用多媒体技术辅助大学英语教学尚处于一个兴起和发展阶段,教学过程面临的问题,如多媒体课件的设计、制作及应用、多媒体教学资源的共享、新型教学模式的建立及教学评估等等,毫无疑问将经历一个自我发展与完善的长期过程。作者在对多媒体技术应用于大学英语教学情况的调查分析的基础上,以外语教学理论、学习理论、信息传播论等理论为指导,通过自身的具体教学实验和个案研究,试图对大学英语的精读、泛读,听说教学及个人学习和小组学习的教学模式进行进一步的探讨,并获得一定的有益的感性认识。同时也提出了一些有待进一步探讨的问题和假想。

【Abstract】 Postgraduate: Gan Lingling Supervisor: Professor Cheng JitangInfluenced by the traditional teaching modes, college English teaching (CET), which is considered as one of the fundamental course for non-English majors, has been confronted with certain limitations. Therefore, the revolutionizing breakthrough can not be made under the traditional English learning environment and the CET has been confronted with lots of realistic existing problems that the conventional teaching modes and approaches can not solve. The reforming of CET has become one of the highlights of the Ministry of Education in recent years and many efforts have been made to improve the quality and efficiency of CET. However, the results are not so satisfactory as expected.In recent years, in tune with the rapid development of the information age and the digital, audio-visual technology, multimedia technology and its application has also entered a new era of development in the people’s life, especially in the academic field. According to some statistics, in the past few years, 70% to 80% of the published theses about educational technology on the international academic publications or symposiums are concerned with multimedia and thus the application of multimedia technology is now rapidly becoming the mainstream in the development of educational technology. In China, integrating multimedia technology into foreign language teaching has brought about a new revolution in FLT and has a far-reaching influence on the reforming and modernization of the education. Based on the related modern foreign language teaching and learning theories, multimedia technology has shown its vast advantages in assisting and facilitating CET. It not only provides richer and more authentic language learning environment and enables both teachers and students to have more access to the enormous English information and materials, but more importantly, it changes the modern teaching and learning theories fundamentally and makes it possible for English teaching developing in terms of modern teaching modes. With the guidance of foreign language teaching and learning theories and the application of multimedia technology, the exploring of the new modes of the major college English courses, such as intensive and extensive reading, listening and speaking, become possible. Moreover, some new college English learning modes, which based on multimedia technology, such as the individualized learning and cooperative learning modes for students’ after-class English learning and reinforcement have become the effective modes.However, the hypothesis and analysis of the new modes of CET should be made with the consideration of the following factors, such as certain desired teaching objectives, the characteristics of the English course, students’ cognitive and affective <WP=6>domain, teaching materials, students’ English levels and their interests as well as the combination of traditional and modern approaches. Also, the new modes need further improvements during the field teaching and learning experiences. Since integrating multimedia technology into CET is still on the beginning stage, many problems may emerge during the teaching process, such as the appropriate use, designing and making of the multimedia courseware, the sharing of multimedia teaching and learning materials, the establishment and evaluation of the new modes and so forth and it will be undoubtedly undergoing a long process of self-development and improvement.By the detailed and careful investigation and analysis of the current situation of integrating multimedia technology into CET and with the guidance of foreign language theories, learning theories and the communication theories, the thesis is trying to conduct a series of new analysis of the major modes for CET including intensive and extensive reading course modes, listening and speaking modes, individualized learning and cooperative learning modes with the practical demonstration or case study of field teaching and some beneficial accumulations have been achiev

【关键词】 多媒体技术大学英语教学模式融合
【Key words】 multimedia technologyCETmodeintegrate
  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1076