

Design and Development on Visual Simulation System Based on ActiveX Component Technology for Logistics in Steel-making Process

【作者】 李云

【导师】 高小强;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 冶金工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 炼钢生产是钢铁制造过程的一个关键环节。炼钢生产物流是一个伴随有物性变化的复杂的离散——连续混合型动态系统。对炼钢生产的合理组织和调度是保证生产物流畅通,实现高效、优质、节能和低成本生产的重要途径。系统仿真技术是基于模型对真实系统进行研究的一种方法,运用仿真技术研究炼钢生产物流对辅助制定合理的炼钢生产计划和调度策略有重要意义。 本文基于炼钢物流细胞自动机仿真模型,运用ActiveX组件技术开发了具有计算机图形化建模、仿真和分析功能的炼钢物流仿真系统。以攀钢提钒炼钢厂生产信息对仿真系统进行了测试、检验和仿真案例研究。 测试结果表明:利用ActiveX组件技术,采用面向对象的设计开发方法能够快捷构建炼钢厂生产物流可视化仿真模型,动态捆绑炼钢物流细胞自动机仿真内核算法。系统具有良好的模型、仿真结果及物流评价可视化表达功能,界面友好,使用简便。 对攀钢提钒炼钢厂全连铸改造后的生产物流的仿真实验结果表明:当三台铸机的浇铸周期在规定范围内时,保持均值为10罐,波动范围9.29~10.23罐的转炉前区金属液在线量是保证三台连铸机长时间同时连浇的关键。转炉前区金属液在线量随铁水进厂节奏的加快而增加,铁水进厂节奏增加到一定程度后(≥3罐/40min)对转炉前区金属液在线量几乎没有影响。铁水进厂节奏、转炉兑铁节奏共同影响着三台铸机的连浇生产情况。总的来说,加快铁水进厂节奏和缩短转炉兑铁时间都有利于连浇生产。当铁水资源不充足时(3罐/60min),铁水进厂节奏成为影响连浇生产的限制性因素,随着铁水进厂节奏的提高(≥3罐/40min),转炉兑铁节奏成为了影响连浇生产的限制性因素。转炉的兑铁节奏随铁水进厂节奏的加快而增加,铁水进厂节奏增加到一定程度后(≥3罐/40min)对转炉的兑铁节奏几乎没有影响。LF炉前区生产的瓶颈随铁水进厂节奏和LF炉前区各工序的生产节奏而变。当铁水进厂节奏慢(3罐/60min),或转炉兑铁节奏加快(14min/炉,10min/炉)时,脱硫工序为生产瓶颈,在其他情况下,转炉冶炼工序为生产瓶颈。即使转炉不是生产瓶颈,其平均等待率只略比瓶颈工序低,因此转炉冶炼环节仍然对整个生产有着重要的影响。测试结果还表明:基于ActiveX组件技术开发的炼钢物流仿真系统能有效仿真<WP=5>炼钢生产物流情况,仿真系统具有优良的扩展性,通过扩展工位组件以及选择适当的仿真算法,可望用于整个钢铁制造流程的仿真。

【Abstract】 Steel-making process is a key process in steel manufacture process. Logistics in steel-making process is a hybrid complex dynamic system of discrete event and continue process with physical and chemical change of materials. It is essential for someone to make reasonable planning and scheduling in order to achieve production of smooth logistics, quality steel and efficient cost. System simulation is a means to simulate real world with the help of model. Simulating the logistics in steel-making process is beneficial to preparation of reasonable plan and scheduling scheme for the process.In this thesis, a visual simulation system for logistics in steel-making process is developed on the basis of cellular automaton model for the logistics in steel-making process by applying ActiveX technology. The software package of the system has also been validated based on investigation on simulating the logistics in The Vanadium-extracting and Steel-making Plant of Panzhihua Iron and Steel-making Plant of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Corporation.It is shown that the software can be used to build the simulation model and integrate dynamically simulation kernel by ActiveX technology and object-oriented methodology. The software has friendly interface and good function in visualizing model, result and evaluating logistics. A series of tests for simulating logistics in steel-making process have been conducted based on inputs of 100% continuous casting at Vanadium-extracting and Steel-making Plant of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Corporation(PISCO). It has been shown that when the casting cycles of three casters are in regular range, it is essential for continuous casting to ensure online quantity of hot metal, which is 10 ladles and varies from 9.29 ladles to 10.23 ladles. As the arrival of hot metal from blast furnace speeds up, online quantity of hot metal rises constantly. When the arrival of the hot metal from blast furnace exceeds 3 ladles/40min, online quantity of hot metal is almost independent on the arrival of the hot metal from blast furnaces.The conditions of three casters in continuous casting depend on the arrival of the hot metal from blast furnaces and charging period of converters .It is good for casting to improve arrival of the hot metal from blast furnaces and charging period of converters. When the arrival of the hot metal from blast furnaces is at low speed, e.g. 3 ladles every <WP=7>60mins, it becomes a bottleneck that will break down continuous casting. Speeding up the arrival of the hot metal from blast furnaces, e.g. over 3 ladles every 40mins, charging period of converters will become a bottleneck throughout process of steel-making and continuous casting. When the arrival of the hot metal from blast furnaces exceeds 3 ladles/40min, charging period of converter is almost independent on to the arrival of hot metal from blast furnaces.Bottleneck before LF process varies with the arrival of the hot metal from blast furnaces and conditions of working procedures before the LF process. When the arrival of the hot metal from blast furnaces is a low rate of 3 ladles every 60mins and the charging period of converters is long, such as 14mins every blast or 10mins every blast, the bottleneck is at desulfurization working site. In the other cases, the bottleneck is converter working site. Even though converter is not bottleneck, it has a profound influence on the steel-making process. Because its mean waiting ratio is slightly lower than mean waiting ratio at bottleneck working site.The simulation system for logistics in steel-making process, which is based on ActiveX technology, is valid for simulating logistics in steel-making process. It is of good expansibility and expected to be beneficial for complex steel manufacturing process by adding component used in operation site and selecting proper simulation algorithm.

【关键词】 炼钢物流仿真ActiveX软件开发
【Key words】 Steel-makingLogisticsSimulationActiveXSoftware development
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】TF701
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】408