

Research on Practical Technologies of Water Supply System on Fire

【作者】 李华东

【导师】 李天荣;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对城市消防供水系统、建筑小区区域消防给水系统以及高层建筑消防给水系统的几个主要方面进行了研究,并提出一些见解。1) 城市消防供水存在问题及其对策随着城市建设与经济的发展,火灾事故与重特大火灾越来越多,火灾损失也越来越大。大型火灾频繁发生的原因不仅与消防对象(易燃易爆设施和物品)有关,而且更为重要的是与消防设施(消防站点、消防通道、消防供水、消防通讯及消防供电等)相关。本文分析了城市消防供水存在的问题,并提出相应的对策。2) 城市常规火灾灭火能力定量估算初探分析影响城市灭火控制能力的若干要素,提出了灭火控制能力以主战消防车的实际出水强度(L/s)表示,通过计算实例,得出城市20min内到达火场消防车的最佳战斗组合方式以及计算出城市的灭火能力。3) 区域集中消防给水系统大多数建筑小区,同一时间发生的火灾次数为一次。因此,在一个建筑小区内可以考虑消防资源如消防水池、消防水泵、消防水箱、水泵接合器等共享,或者将城镇划分为几个防火区域,建立区域消防给水系统。在一个防火区域内做到消防资源共享。区域消防给水系统既可以增加消防给水系统的可靠性,又便于职能部门监督,降低造价,便于维护管理,还可以防止业主重报批,轻落实管理的现象。4) 高层建筑消防给水方式的类型及选择给水方式的选择是高层建筑消防给水系统设计中一个非常重要的环节,往往决定着系统的成功与失败。改革开放以来,国内高层建筑日益增多,消防给水技术也日臻成熟,随着新技术的大量运用,尤其是减压阀技术的完善和提高,可供选择的给水方式越来越多。本文对最近十几年来常见的消防给水方式归纳和整理,并对减压阀在这方面的应用进行了一些探讨。5) 恒压消防给水系统设计探讨高层建筑消防给水系统在灭火过程中压力很不稳定,特别是(消防水泵启动后)灭火初期超压现象十分严重。这样既影响灭火效果,又容易损坏管道接头、阀门等,引起渗漏;超压严重时会使管道破裂,导致系统无法使用。本文结合工程实例,介绍了恒压消防给水系统。该系统具有设备少、投资省、管理简单、安全可靠的特点。6) 竖向串联水箱在高层建筑给水系统中的应用重庆大学硕士学位论文中文摘要 本文介绍了高层建筑竖向串联水箱的产生、应用及接管方式,在不同的用途中根据实际情况采用不同的组合和接管方式。在工程设计中,条件适合时值得推广。

【Abstract】 The article research several aspect about city water supply on fire, build region water supply on fire and pile water supply,then bring forward some opinion.1) Question and countermeasure about city water supply on fireDeveloping with construct and economy of city,the fire accident or great fire is more and more.So that damnify is more than before.The overabundance fire not only bear on fire object, furthermore bear on fire establishment.The article analyse the problem in city water supply on fire,and bring forward correspond countermeasure.2) Quantificational account about ability of puting out city fireWith analyseing some factor of puting out city fire, put forward that the water supply intension of master fire engine denote the ability of puting out city fire.By example of account, educe the had best combination of fire engine and account the ability of puting out city fire.3) Centralized water supply system on fireIn most district,the frequency of fire is once in the same time.So that,the fire resource can be shared for example pool, water pump, water tank and water pump jointer. Centralized water supply system on fire not only can strengthen credibility of water supply system on fire,but also have some else advantage for instance convenienting for supervisal, reducing cost, convenienting for manage.4) Types and choice of water supply system on fire in pileChoosing water supply system is very important in design a pile,and that will decide the ystem succeed or not. With the pile increasing, technologies of water supply system on fire is growning up. Thhe choice of water supply system on fire in pile is more than before. In this chapter, coordinating the common practice water supply system, then discuss the appliance of valve on fire.5) Isobarically water supply system on fireThe stress of water supply system in pile is unstable, especially in the primeval fire. In this way, the effect of putting out a fire is bad,and it will breathe upon tie-in and valve.The serious result conduce that water supply system can not use.In this chapter, introducing the isobarically water supply system on fire,it has some excellence for example few equipment, scanty investment, simple manage and safety.6) The appliance of vertical tandem water tank in pileIn this chapter, introduce the produce and application of vertical tandem water tank. In different purpose,basising actual instance can adopt different combination and pile mode.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU998.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1038