

Research on Date of Debagging and Picking of Red ‘Fuji’Apple and Its Physiological Properties During Storing

【作者】 刘彦珍

【导师】 范崇辉; 韩明玉;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 果树学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 苹果套袋可促进果实着色,增加果面光洁度,降低农药残留,提高果品商品价值。除袋时期对套袋果实品质有重要影响。本研究于 2002-2003 年在渭北苹果产区扶风县对套双层纸袋的短枝红富士苹果进行了不同时期的除袋试验,从 9 月 16 日到 10 月 10 日共 8 次除袋时期。并对套袋和对照果实在贮藏期间测定了失重率、可溶性固形物、呼吸强度、花青苷含量及部分相关酶活性。其目的在于筛选渭北果区红富士苹果适宜的除袋时期和探讨套袋苹果的贮藏性能,为果业生产提供依据。研究结果表明:1.除袋时期对短枝红富士苹果外观品质有明显影响。9 月 20 日~10 月 10 日除袋,果实着色快,且随着除袋时间的推迟,果实着色逐渐加快。除袋过早,果实成熟度低,着色较慢;除袋过晚,光照强度不足,气温下降,着色不良。除内袋后 6 天内,果皮花青苷含量上升迅速,6~8 天果面鲜红、光滑,此时采果商品性最好。除内袋 10 天后,果实外观品质逐渐下降。2. 不同时期除袋对红富士苹果的单果重和果形指数影响不明显。同时期采收的果实,随着除袋时期的推迟,果实硬度和可溶性固形物含量呈下降趋势,但差异不显著。说明套袋能在一定程度上降低果实的硬度和可溶性固形物含量。3. 渭北产区短枝红富士苹果适宜的除外袋时期为 9 月 24 日~10 月 10 日,果实的最佳外观商品性采收期为除内袋后 6~8 天,由此推算除外袋的最佳时期为采收前 10~12 天,应根据市场需求情况先确定采收期,再根据采收期确定除袋期。4. 套袋对果实的耐藏性有一定影响:除袋后着色时间较短的果实在贮藏过程中花青苷易分解而使果皮变黄;套袋果在贮藏过程中乙烯的产生和呼吸高峰在一定程度上增大,但不影响到达呼吸高峰的时间;相对膜透性和 MDA 含量前期无差异,在贮藏 4~5 个月后套袋果高于对照果,经方差分析差异显著;5.套袋果易在后期发生褐变,和对照相比呈极显著水平,套袋果果皮保水能力差,失重率增大。由此看出套袋可降低果实的耐藏性,主要体现在呼吸、PPO 和膜脂过氧化程度上。从硬度和 PG 酶活性上差异不显著。

【Abstract】 Bagging for apple can improve coloring, make fruit luminous, reduce remain ofagrochemical and increase price in market. Debagging date has a important effect on thequality of fruit. A different debagging experiment for short-branch ?Red Fuji. apple wasconducted by using Jinggong double bag in Fufeng county shanxi province from 2002 to 2003.The first debagging date is 16th September, debagging 8 times (once every four days), the lasttime is 14th October. During storing, we studied the effect of bagging on color changing,respiration, content of solids, ratio of weight loss and PGf PPO activity which related to storagein order to detect the most appropriate date of debagging and the effect of bagging on storing.We want to give our dedication to fruit producing in practice and base theory. The results asfollows: 1.The different debagging date has obvious effect on the appearance of fruit. Debaggingfrom September 20th to October 10th,coloring is quick, the later we debagged, the quickerfruit colored. Debagging too early, the fruits’ coloring gets slow, and the mature degreedescend; debagging too late, the intensity of light is not sufficient, and the temperature getsdown, so coloring is not well. Within 6 days after removing inter bag, the content ofanthocyanin in peel develops rapidly, during the time of 6~8 days, the appearance of fruit hasbright-colored, luminous, which is the most welcomed by market. 10 days later afterremoving inter bag, the outer quality is getting worse and worse. 2. The different time debagging has no obvious effect on single weight and index of fruitshape. Fruit picked at the same time, with the postponing of picking fruit, its firmness andsoluble solids has a trend of going down, but the differ is not obvious. So bagging Lowerfirmness and the content of soluble solids on the certain degree. 3. The most appropriate debagging time is from September 24th to October 10th in north ofRiver Wei of Shanxi province, the most appropriate picking time is within 6~8 days afterremoving inter bag. So we get that the most appropriate removing outer bag is within 10~12 daysbefore picking. We should get the picking time from market.s need, and then get the removing bagdate from picking time.<WP=7>4. The effect of bagging on storing include several aspects: The anthocyanin is easy toResolve and fruit peel get yellow if coloring time is short; Ethylene and respiration summit ofthe bagged apple rise at some degree, but the time of reaching respiration summit is notchanged; We did not find the difference from relative membrane permeability and the contentof MDA at the earlier time during storing, after 4~5 months later, the relative membranepermeability and MDA of bagged fruit is larger than CK.s, and be obvious at 0.05 degree byanalyzing; 5.The bagged fruit is easy to brown in later time of storage, and also be obvious at 0.01degree, The capacity of containing water of thinner peel of bagged fruit gets less, so it iseasier to lose water. We conclude that bagged apple was worse in storage than CK fromrespiration, PPO and over oxidize degree of lipo-membrane, but not show the difference inPG activity and hardness.

【关键词】 红富士苹果除袋期采收期品质贮藏
【Key words】 FuJi appledebagging datepicking timequalitystorage
  • 【分类号】S661.1
  • 【被引频次】7
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