

Nutritional Evaluation and Application of Rice Flour in Chinese Yellow-Feather Broiler Diet

【作者】 王秦晋

【导师】 王永军;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以精大米加工过程中最后一道工序产生的加工副产品——大米粉为试验材料,以黄羽肉鸡为试验动物,采用实验室分析法、消化代谢试验法,对大米粉的常规营养成分、代谢能、17 种氨基酸含量及消化率进行了测定,通过饲养试验对大米粉部分替代玉米饲喂黄羽肉鸡的饲养效果进行了比较研究;在测定黄羽肉鸡对大米粉的代谢能和氨基酸消化率的同时,采用去盲肠与不去盲肠两种试鸡,探讨盲肠对大米粉的代谢能和氨基酸消化率测定结果的影响。根据分析测定及饲养试验结果,从大米粉常规营养成分含量、代谢能含量、17 种氨基酸含量及消化率、大米粉部分替代玉米饲喂黄羽肉鸡的饲养效果四个方面,对大米粉作为家禽能量饲料的营养价值进行了评定。结果如下:1. 大米粉常规营养成分含量为:DM 87.26%、CP 14.93%、EE 4.92%、ASH 7.27%、CF 0.208%、NFE 59.93%、Ca 0.094%、P 1.623%;氨基酸含量为:Asp 1.27%、Thr 0.5792%、Ser 0.7136%、Glu 2.236%、Pro 0.6418%、Gly 0.6679%、Ala 0.8134%、Cys 0.2121%、Val 0.7076%、Met 0.3001%、Ile 0.51%、Leu 1.079%、Tyr 0.5882%、Phe 0.6944%、Lys 0.6465%、His 0.4465%、Arg 1.053%;GE 16.47MJ/kg。大米粉可作为一种能量饲料,其蛋白质含量、必需氨基酸总量、各种必需氨基酸的含量、钙和磷含量均高于玉米,蛋白质含量、必需氨基酸总量分别是玉米的171.6%、178.0%,但蛋白质中Met+Cys 比例较玉米低,钙磷比例不佳,作为家禽的一种饲料原料时,应注意平衡必需氨基酸及钙磷等矿物质。2. 用去盲肠鸡测定大米粉的表观代谢能(AME)、氮校正表观代谢能(AMEn)、真代谢能(TME)和氮校正真代谢能(TMEn)高于用正常鸡的测值(P>0.05)。去盲肠鸡的内源能测值高于正常鸡(P>0.05)。建议用正常鸡的测定值表示大米粉饲料的代谢能。以黄羽肉鸡测定的大米粉的表观代谢能(AME)、氮校正表观代谢能(AMEn)、真代谢能(TME)和氮校正真代谢能(TMEn)分别为12.92MJ/kg(3.09kcal/kg)、14.01 MJ/kg (3.35 kcal/kg)、14.98MJ/kg (3.58 kcal/kg)和12.19 MJ/kg (2.91 kcal/kg);能量表观代谢率、氮校正表观代谢率、真代谢率和氮校正真代谢率分别是68.6%, 74.39%, 79.51%, 64.71%。大米粉的总能与玉米相近,为16.45MJ/kg(3.94 kcal/kg),能量代谢率不及玉米,代谢能仅相当于玉米的95.7%。做为能量饲料,大米粉代谢能稍低于玉米、糙米和碎米,优于稻谷和米糠。3.去盲肠鸡测定的大米粉氨基酸表观消化率均高于正常鸡,其中丙氨酸、亮氨酸和赖氨酸达显著水平(P<0.05),真消化率均高于正常鸡,丙氨酸和酪氨酸达显著水平(P<0.05)。两种试鸡测定的大米粉的总氨基酸表观消化率和真消化率差异不显著(P>0.05)。去盲肠鸡的大多数内源氨基酸排泄量高于正常鸡(P>0.05)。本试验建议用正常鸡的测定值表示黄羽肉鸡对大米粉的氨基酸消化率。黄羽肉鸡对大米粉的氨基酸表观消化率平均为;72.37%,真消化率平均为82.40%。大米粉的真氨基酸消化率低于一级玉米和糙米,高于<WP=6>米糠。除精氨酸、胱氨酸、酪氨酸、苏氨酸和缬氨酸真消化率高于二级玉米外,其它氨基酸真消化率低于二级玉米。除组氨酸、赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、胱氨酸和缬氨酸真消化率高于稻谷外,其它氨基酸真消化率低于稻谷。由此可见,大米粉的氨基酸消化性不及玉米和糙米,但优于稻谷和米糠。4. 大米粉可利用胱氨酸、亮氨酸含量稍低于一级玉米,分别是玉米的99.1%和96.6%,其它可利用氨基酸含量及可消化氨基酸总量均明显高于一级、二级玉米、稻米和糙米。除可利用异亮氨酸、赖氨酸和缬氨酸,大米粉的可利用氨基酸含量高于米糠。上述结果表明,大米粉蛋白质、氨基酸的营养价值优于玉米、稻米、糙米和米糠。以大米粉作为家禽的能量饲料,与玉米、稻米、糙米和米糠相比,更有利于改善饲料氨基酸的平衡性,在一定程度上提高饲料蛋白质的营养价值。5. 选择三周龄黄羽肉鸡576 只,随机分为四个处理组,每组4 个重复,每重复36 只鸡,进行为期5 周的饲养试验,研究大米粉对黄羽肉鸡生产性能的影响。处理一为对照组;处理二:大米粉替代对照组中25%的玉米;处理三:大米粉替代对照组中50%的玉米;处理四:以大米粉和玉米为能量饲料按可消化氨基酸配制日粮(大米粉替代玉米的百分比为36%)。结果表明:相对于对照组,用大米粉代替25%玉米可提高黄羽肉鸡的生产性能和经济效益,50%和36%代替组降低了生产性能,但36%代替组提高了经济效益。因此,黄羽肉鸡日粮中大米粉代替玉米的最佳量在25~36%之间。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this study was designed to research the nutrition value of the rice flour,and vestigate the cecectomy on the metabolizable energy: AME AMEn TME TMEn ; themetabolizable rate of AME AMEn TME TMEn and amino acid digestibility of rice flour inChinese yellow-feather broiler , and study the influence of partly replacing corn of rice flouron Chinese yellow-feather broiler performance.According to the determined data of the fourparts of experiments ,evaluating the nutritional evaluation of rice flour. The results were asfollows:1. The unconventional nutritional contents of rice flour are: DM 87.26%,CP 14.93%,EE4.92%,ASH 7.27%,CF 0.208%,NFE 59.93%,Ca 0.094%,P 1.623%; the amino acid contentis:Asp 1.27%,Thr 0.5792%,Ser 0.7136%,Glu 2.236%,Pro 0.6418%,Gly 0.6679%,Ala0.8134%,Cys 0.2121%,Val 0.7076%,Met 0.3001%,Ile 0.51%,Leu 1.079,Tyr 0.5882%,Phe0.6944%,Lys 0.6465%,His 0.4465,Arg 1.053% and the total energy is 16.45MJ/kg.As a kindof energy feed, the contents of the protein , EAA,total EAA and Ca,P of rice flour are betterthan that of corn ,while the proportion of Met+Cys in CP is lower than that of corn andproportion of Ca,P is not very good. When rice flour served as the feedstuff of poultry, thebalance of EAA and Ca,P should be attentioned.2. The AME AMEn TME TMEn and metabolizable rate of AME AMEn TME TMEnof cecectomized birds were higher than intact birds. There was no significant difference of theAME AMEn TME TMEn and metabolizable rate of AME AMEn TME TMEn betweentwo types of birds (P>0.05) .Cecotomized birds excreted more endogenous energy than intactbirds (P>0.05). The determined results of intact birds are recommended. The AME AMEnTME TMEn of rice flour is12.92MJ/kg(3.09kcal/kg) 14.01 MJ/kg (3.35 kcal/kg) 14.98MJ/kg (3.58 kcal/kg) 12.19 MJ/kg (2.91 kcal/kg).The metabolizable rate of AME AMEnTME TMEn of rice flour is 68.6%, 74.39%, 79.51%, 64.71%.The GE of rice flour is16.45MJ/kg,and approached to that of corn.The metabolizable rate of energy is lower thanthat of corn.The metabolizable energy is 95.7% of corn.As a kind of energy ,the metabolizableenergy is inferior to corn,rough rice and broken rice ,but higher than paddy and rice bran.3. The apparent and true digestibility of cecectomized birds were greater than intact birds.AAAD of His, Ala, Leu and Lys were significantly great (P<0.05) . There was significantdifference of TAAD in Ala between two types of birds (P<0.05) ,while Tyr was numericaldifference (P<0.01). There was no significant difference in total amino acid digestibilitybetween intact and cecotomized birds (P>0.05) .Cecectomized birds excreted moreendogenous amino acids than intact birds (P>0.05) . The apparent and true AA digestibility of<WP=8>rice flour is 72.37% and 82.40%.The protein quality of rice flour was better thancorn,paddy,rough rice and rice bran. The digestable Arg is the highest and the digestable Metand Cys is lower in rice flour. True AA digestibility of rice flour is lower than corn of gradeand rough rice ,and higher than rice bran. True digestibility of AA, except Arg,Cys, Tyr,Thrand Val , is lower than corn of grade . True AA digestibility of rice flour is lower than cornof grade and rough rice ,and higher than rice bran. True digestibility of AA, exceptHis,Met,Lys,Cys, and Val , is lower than paddy.In conlusion, digestibility of AA is lower thancorn and rough rice ,and higher than paddy and rice bran.4. The amount of digestable Cys and Leu is lower than corn of grade , and is 99.1% and96.6% of corn, respectively. The amount of others and the total amino acids are significantlygreater than grade , grade ,paddy and rough rice.Except of Ile, Lys and Lys , the amount ofdigestable AA is higher than rice bran .The above results suggested that the nutritive value ofrice flour is better than corn ,paddy, rough rice and rice bran ,and when it is used in the feed ofpoultry , rice flour is good to improve the banlance of AA of feed , and increase the nutritivevalue of the protein of fee

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