

【作者】 张兴龙

【导师】 郭泉;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 文艺学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 《红楼梦》一直被认为是中国古典小说艺术成就最杰出的代表,有关红学的研究也大都从现实主义批判的角度来进行,而其中庞大的神话系统一直未得到足够的重视,甚至被长期打入封建迷信糟粕的冷宫。本文从人类最初的思维——诗性智慧的视野去重新审视《红楼梦》中的神话,认为小说中存在着一个与主题密不可分的完整的神话系统,进而从原型题旨、原型意象、巫术仪式三个层面展示书中神话系统的神秘图式:太虚幻境、女娲补天、还泪神话的原型题旨折射着母性崇拜、女神崇拜的原始心理,潜伏着灵魂不死、生命一体化的原始观念;梦、宝镜、玉石等原型意象的背后潜藏着具有普遍性的某种民族心理,迷信的表层下生长着古老的“种族记忆”之根;巫术仪式的背后是对超自然力量崇拜的原始实践行为。诗性智慧视野中的《红楼梦》就是一条在集体无意识心理作用下回荡着远古人类声音的神秘而富有诗意的心灵之河。

【Abstract】 《A Story of the Stone》 has always been believed as the most remarkable representive of the art achievements of Chinese classical novels. Studies on the novel have nearly been made from the realistic angles. However,scholars have never attached importance to the enomous myths system in the novel,even regarded them as feudal superstition. The author observes all the myths carefully from the view ofhuman being’s primary mind--poetic intelligence, and thinks that there lies anintegral mythical system to the theme in the novel. This essay plans to revel its mythical system from the three aspects of prototype meanings, prototype images and witchcraft rites. Among the mysterious drawings, dramlands , Nuwa patched up the sky and so on have reflected primitive psychology of maternal worship and goddess worship and have hidden primitive ideas of immortal soul and life integration. Dreams , precious mirror, jade, etc in prototype images have showed some common national psychology. And the witchcraft rites indicate proto-practice of supernatural worship . 《A Story of the Stone》 is like a mysterious and poetic river of soul under the function of unconciousness, which resounded the voice of ancient man.

  • 【分类号】I207.411
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】584