

【作者】 石黎军

【导师】 华元渝; 张先锋;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 水产养殖学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 以人工孵化的暗纹东方鲀仔、稚鱼为材料,对孵化24天内的仔、稚鱼的生长和食性进行了研究。实验结果表明:暗纹东方鲀仔鱼4日龄开始开口摄食,5日龄全部开口摄食,混合营养期为5~12日龄。根据其口裂的生长情况,仔鱼的开口饵料以草履虫、轮虫为主。13日龄后的仔鱼开始陆续投喂卤虫无节幼体和小型的枝角类、桡足类等。仔鱼的体长生长前期较快,后期减慢。体重与全长的回归方程W=0.0045L2.9528;口裂与日龄的相关式MW=0.0886e0.082D,口裂与全长的回归方程MW=0.1265L-0.3163。 本文选取了耳石、脊椎骨、鳃盖骨等材料来识别和鉴定暗纹东方鲀的年龄,在描述其轮纹特征的基础上,比较了这些材料在判读暗纹东方纯年龄和反映生长特征上的异同和准确性。结果表明,耳石磨片上的轮纹特征明显、清晰且规律性强,是最好的年龄鉴定材料;脊椎骨轮纹也很清晰,但测量时有一定难度,也是较好的年龄鉴定材料;鳃盖骨上年轮较难判定,只能作为辅助材料。在几种年龄鉴定材料中没有观察到幼轮。年龄材料上3~6月份开始形成新年轮,4~5月是形成年轮最多的月份。仔鱼孵出后第二天在耳石上形成第一轮,仔鱼的日龄可用耳石轮纹数加一表示,其表达式为D=N+1。 在前述年龄鉴定的基础上,进一步对暗纹东方鲀的生长方程、生长拐点及各项生长指标等生长特征进行了研究。雄性体长的von Bertalanffy生长方程为:Lt=38.244[1-e(?)0.3003(t+1.5793)],雌性为:Lt=38.859[1-e(?)0.2856(t+1.6323)];体重的von Bertalanffy生长方程为:Wt=2271.3111[1-e(?)0.3444(t+1.3857)]3.176(♂)和Wt=2597.8026[1-e(?)0.3286(t+1.4325)]3.537(♀)。体长与体重关系的拟合方程雌鱼为W=0.0072L3.537,雄鱼为W=0.0224L3.176。体重生长存在拐点年龄,雌鱼为2.4龄,雄鱼为2.2龄。同时通过耳石、脊椎骨和牙齿等年龄材料的生长与鱼类体长、体重和年龄的关系分析,雌、雄鱼的耳石半径、脊椎骨半径与体长呈显著相关,并采用耳石、脊椎骨与体长的关系式退算体长数据;暗纹东方鲍耳石重量和牙齿重量与体长和年龄均呈显著性相关,认为耳石重量和牙齿重量分析是一种有希望的客观的年龄确定方法。

【Abstract】 The growth and feeding of larval and juvenile of Takifugu obscurus Abe within 24 days under the artifical condition were studied.The result show that,the larvae began to ingest four days letar ,and fully ingested five days later with a mixotrophy is 5-12 days.The bait mainly consisited of plankton,such as paramecium and rotifer.When it was 13 days oW,the bait would changed to nauplius of Artemla and baby-size Qactocera. Copepoda.Vn& length which developed faster in the earlier stage than in the later.The relatEd formula of total length and daily age is the regression cerve of weight and length is W = The related formula of mouth width and daily age is MW= 0.0886e, the regression cerve of mouth width and total length is MW = 0.1265L -0.3163.The characteristics of three kinds of determination materials of Takifugu obscurusAbe ,otoliths, vertebra and opercular. had been described and compared the similarities and differerces and veracity. As a result, the otohths is the best structure of judging age because the annual ring is very evidence and regularity; the vertebra is the better ,it is difficulty of measure; the opercular is only the assistant material. The teeth of Takifugu obscurus Abe also were used for judging the age and we have found out some preparatory resultAmong the 72 specimens selected to identify the age of fish using three structures, opercular provided respectively the lowest (n=72, 62.50%) and highest (n= 72, 98.61%)o Edge type analysis and marginal increment ratio analysis revealed that the annuli on otohths and vertebras form annually.Annuli formation occurred from May to June.On the base of age discri mination of Takifugu obscurus Abe, the paper presented information on growth,including growth function,growth index and inflexion point The growth of Takifiigu obscurus Abe described by von Bertalanffy growth model is well fitted with the data from otoliths and operculars.The growth can be described with the function of weightfunction is W, - 2271 2597.8026.The weight-length relationship could be described by the equation of W=0.0072L and W=0.0224L .The inflection points of weight growth were 2.4 years and2.2 .Relationship between vertebras and otoliths radius andbody length for femal and male were respectively expressed.Btween otolith-weight and tooth-weight and body and age had significantly positive relationship, the investigation of otolith-weight and tooth-weight is a hopful and objective approach.

【关键词】 暗纹东方纯仔、稚鱼年龄生长
【Key words】 Takifugu obscurusAbe larval and juvenileagegrowth
  • 【分类号】S917
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】351