

【作者】 吴克林

【导师】 杨召南;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 责任保险在世界各国已经很发达,尤其是英国,早在1930年就有《第三方(对保险人)权利法》,用以专门归制责任保险中受害第三方的权利,并详细规定了第三方在一定条件下享有对保险人的直接请求权。但是,海上保险作为保险的起源,其中的责任保险制度却非常的“与众不同”。这种不同表现在很多方面,比如,承保海上责任的不是普通的商业保险公司而是一种特殊的组织——船东保赔协会(P&I Club);其次,该组织承保海上责任的时候不适用保险法、海上保险法的有关原则、制度等,保险人(协会)与被保险人(船东等)之间的权利义务关系适用保险人的内部规则(协会章程);最重要的就是,在主要的海上责任保险形式的保赔保险中,有所谓的“先付原则”,即被保险人只有在承担对第三方的责任或者付清费用之后才能向协会追偿,第三方对保险人(协会)无任何权利可言。 上述问题的存在是本文产生的前提。本文的宗旨是试图建立一套完善的、适用保险法和海上保险法中关于责任保险有关规定的海上责任保险法律制度,此其一;其二,对于保赔保险中的“先付原则”,本文认为其缺乏存在的合理性,在介绍英国1930年《第三方(对保险人)权利法》及其2001年草案的基础上,建议赋予海上责任保险第三方有条件的对保险人的直接请求权。文章主要分成五个部分: 首先,对保险和海上保险作一简要概述,在此基础上引出海上责任保险和保赔保险,并对两者进行比较和分析;之后对海上责任进行详细分析,明确了哪些责任可以作为海上责任保险的标的。 第三部分则根据海上责任保险的现状和实际情况,提出了海上责任保险法的几个基本原则,尤其是对保护第三方权益原则进行了详细的论述,指出了其在海上责任保险法律制度中的重要性。 第四部分是海上责任保险合同,鉴于其与其他保险合同的共性,该章只对海上责任保险合同的法律特征、主体及受害第三方作了论述。 最后一部分是本论文的重点,文章从分析海上责任保险合同第三方权利的现状及英国的第三方对保险人权利的立法着手,指出:海上责任保险第三方对保人应该享有直接请求权,同时第三方的直接请求权亦应该受一定的限制,即第三方所享有的是有条件的直接请求权。

【Abstract】 Liability insurance has been well developed in many countries, especially in England, where the THIRD PARTIES (RIGHTS AGAINST INSURERS) ACT, 1930 was adopted in order to define the rights of parties against insurers in respect of liability insurance. The act described that third parties were entitled to proceed against liability insurers in certain situations. Although marine insurance is the origin of modern insurance, marine liability insurance does not comply with the legislation regime for general liability insurance. The differences show in many aspects. First, the insurer of marine liability is not the common insurance companies but P&l Club. Secondly, P&l Club does not apply to insurance laws or maritime laws but its constitutions. And thirdly, the ’Pay First Rule’ existed in constitutions of P&l Club provides that the Association may, as a condition precedent to making any payment under these rules, require that the Member shall first have paid such sums as he may be liable to pay to discharge Liability or Loss for which he is covered by the Association. In other word, the third parties who have been incurred marine liability have no right directly to the Association for compensation when the insured becomes bankruptcy.The above-mentioned problem is what the author is to discuss. The aim of this article is trying to establish a perfect law regime for marine liability insurance, which will apply to the principle for liability insurance and marine insurance. Furthermore, with the introduction and analysis of the THIRD PARTIES (RIGHTS AGAINST INSURERS) ACT, 1930 and the Draft of Third Parties (rights against insurer) Bill,2001, this essay holds that the third party involved in marine liability insurance should be conferred on a direct right against insurer when the insured becomes bankrupt or insolvent. This article is broken into five parts:With the brief introduction of insurance and marine insurance, the marine liability insurance and P&l insurance was quoted and compared. Secondly the marine liability was analyzed exhaustively and then what liability can be the subject-matter insured was further defined.Thirdly, several principles were presented according the status in quo of marine liability. Among them the emphasis is the rule to protect the third party involved in marine liability insurance contract, which is believed to be the most important tenet.The fourth part is marine liability insurance contract. The author mainly discusses the law nature, the participants and the third parties of marine liability insurance.And the last part is the emphasis of this article. With the analysis of the status in quo of the enactments for the third party’s right against insurer around the world and the Draft of Third Parties (rights against insurer) Bill,2001 in England, this essay holds that the third party involved in marine liability insurance should beconferred on a direct right against insurer when the insured becomes bankrupt or insolvent. And at the same time the right should be imposed on some restrictions so as to protect the insurer’s interest concerned.Wu Kelin (International Law) Directed by Prof. Yang Zhaonan

  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【被引频次】8
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