

Self-tuning PID Control for Diesel Generator on Marine Power Stations and Its Virtual Simulation

【作者】 任伟

【导师】 徐善林; 叶银忠;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 船舶电站在船上占有极重要的地位。电站供电的连续性、可靠性和供电品质,将直接影响船舶的经济指标、技术指标和生命力。同时,近三十年来,随着计算机技术特别是微型计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在自动化领域的应用越来越广,也为电站自动化的广泛运用提供了技术支持。这样,对电站操作人员的素质要求也相应要提高,就需要对船员进行培训并提供相应的实验设备。本文旨在设计一种纯软件的船舶电站模拟器,在独立的PC机上运行,船舶电站设备都虚拟到计算机上,训练时操作人员通过键盘或鼠标调用存储在内存中的船舶电站设备的图形,在图形显示的控制屏上实施操作。在本课题中,就是利用计算机辅助软件来模拟实物,开发出柴油发电机组控制屏及其动画效果,通过编程实现对仿真系统的运行和控制,并在此基础上研究其先进的控制方式。 本文首先分析了船舶电站系统的数学模型,分别对原动机、同步发电机和励磁系统进行了深入的研究,并在Simulink中建立了系统模型,为虚拟仿真打下了良好的基础。然后研究了柴油发电机系统的白整定PID控制技术,首次将内模控制方法引入其中,并对各种方法进行了仿真和比较分析。在此基础上,利用LabVIEW和Matlab辅助软件建立了船舶电站的虚拟仿真系统,对遇到的问题进行了分析并提供了解决办法。当然,本课题涉及的方面很多,工作量很大,从目前为止所完成的工作看,还远未达到理想的效果。但这是一次有益的尝试,也对船舶电站虚拟仿真中遇到的问题和解决办法进行了深入研究,主要包括以下几个方面: 1.将虚拟现实的概念引入到了船舶电站仿真系统中来,为船舶系统的仿真提供了新的思路; 2.用软件的方法实现了单台柴油发电机组的虚拟仿真,其中包括运行的动画效果、控制面板和声光报警等。并对多台发电机组联合运行的虚拟仿真进行了初步的探索; 3.将内模控制方法运用于PID参数的调整,实现了船用柴油发电机组的内模自整定PID控制,利用Matlab软件实现了控制系统的仿真,并与其他控制方法进行了深入的比较分析; 4.综合使用LabVIEW、Matlab和Access等软件工具,深入研究了软件间的控制、通信和同步等问题,首次将这些工具综合应用于对同一系统的仿真。 此外,本文对船舶电站仿真系统国内外的现状与发展进行了探讨,指出软件仿真的发展前景,并结合虛拟现实技术,指出了船舶电站系统仿真进一步研究要做的主要工作。同时引入智能方法,展望了智能控制在船舶电站系统中应用的前景。

【Abstract】 Marine power stations play extremely roles in ships. The ship’s economic, technological performances and its security are directly regulated by the continuity, reliability and quality of the power supply from the marine power station. On the other hand, automation of marine power station has been forcefully stimulated by the outstanding progress of the microcomputer technology which has found wide uses in the areas of automation since 1970’s. As a result, better quality is required for the managers of marine power systems and the corresponding experimental facilities are needed to supply training functions. In this dissertation, a PC-based marine power station simulator taking the form of software is developed. In such a system, all equipments in the marine power station, including diesel generator and its control panel, are simulated via computer-aided software like LabVIEW and Matlab. The operator can artificially run the power station through keyboard and mouse for the training courses. Based on this simulator, some advanced control techniques for marine power station have been investigated.As the basis of the further research and development, at first the mathematical models of the marine power station are analyzed, involving the diesel, electrical machine and excitation system, with the simulation models on Matlab being built up. Then the self-tuning PID control for the marine diesel generator is studied, and the internal model control (IMC) technique is introduced for the first time to achieve better control, with the control performances being compared with the other control methods. At last, a virtual simulation system for the marine power station is established by using LabVIEW and Matlab. The key solutions to the major problems of this project are proposed in this dissertation.As the research involved in this dissertation is just a part of a complicated project, it is still far from perfect. However, it provides new ways to solve the critical problems in the virtual simulation and control of the marine power station in the light of the following aspects.1.The concept of virtual reality is introduced into marine power station simulation, which is proved to be feasible.2. The virtual simulation of marine diesel generator, together with its control panel and sound/flash alarming is realized via propercomputer-aided tools.3. The IMC-based self-tuning PID control is investigated and applied to control the marine diesel generator. Better robustness and stability are obtained.4. Several kinds of software tools, such as LabVIEW, Matlab and Microsoft Access are integrated in this project, with the problems on the communication, control and synchronization among them being resolved.Furthermore, the state-of-the-art and the trends of marine -power station are summarized and reviewed in this dissertation, indicating the expansive development of the software simulator. The problems which need to be solved for further research are also discussed from the viewpoint of virtual reality. The applications of the intelligent control in the marine power station are briefly surveyed.Ren Wei (Control Theory and Engineering) Directed by Associate Prof. Xu ShanLin and Prof. Ye YinZhong

  • 【分类号】U665
  • 【被引频次】12
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