

Path Analysis and Its Application in Medical Studies

【作者】 赵铁牛

【导师】 刘庆欧; 何大卫;

【作者基本信息】 山西医科大学 , 流行病与卫生统计学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 通径分析是多元回归分析的扩展。在社会学、心理学和医学研究中,通径分析经常用来探索和分析系统内部多变量间的复杂的因果关系及其变量间的作用程度的大小。尤其,运用隐变量通径分析方法探讨隐变量与可测变量间的因果关系,解决社会学、心理学中一些隐变量在系统内部所起作用大小的问题。 通径分析是在研究观察变量间的协方差矩阵和相关矩阵基础上,从定量的角度建立模型来探索和分析系统内变量间因果关系的一种统计方法。与传统的回归模型相比较,后者所假设的因果关系并不存在多环节的因果结构,尽管可以包含多个自变量,各个自变量被假设处于并列的相同地位,回归分析得到回归系数只表示在控制其他自变量的条件下每个自变量对因变量单独的净作用。通径模型可以利用通径系数以及中间变量的传递过程来分析变量间的间接效应,挖掘隐藏在系统内部的大量信息,分析其内部的错综复杂的因果关系,用来指导和解决实际问题。 本文首先从理论的角度,系统地论述了通径分析的基本理论,阐明了运用样本数据拟合通径模型的一般步骤与结果的解释方法。主要内容包括通径分析的基本理论、通径分析的矩阵算法、基本步骤(包括模型设置、模型识别、模型估计、模型评价、模型调试及修改)、结果解释、模型假定的检验。运用通径图和结构方程组这两种形式对通径模型进行了合理的统计学和专业的解释。它系统地分析了变量间的直接效应、间接效应和总效应。 以大学生人际关系敏感的影响因素为例,结合心理学的专业知识,运用隐变量通径分析基本理论设定了合理的通径图,运用 SAS8.0 软件的CALIS 过程编写了相应的程序,对通径模型进行了估计、评价、检验,得到了比较合理的统计学和专业解释。另外,系统分析了各影响因素对人际关系敏感的直接效应、间接效应和总效应。结论分析显示,运用隐变量通径分析方法处理和分析社会学和心理学的问题具有很大的优势及应用前景。

【Abstract】 Path analysis is an extension of the regression model, used to research andanalyze complicate causality of variables and effects of them in the model insocial investigation, psychological investigation and medical research.Particularly, latent variable path analysis is used to research the causalitybetween latent variables and manifest variables, to solve the problem that latentvariables affect the others in the social and psychological fields. Path analysis is a useful statistical tool to analyze the causality of variables.Conventional regression is done for each variable in the model as a dependenton others, which indicates causes. Traditional regression model does not showmultiple causal structures. Although the regression model includes independentvariables, which are parallel, partial regression coefficients indicate net effect ofeach independent variable on dependent variable controlling the others. Pathcoefficients may be used to decompose correlations in the model into direct andindirect effects. The indirect effects measure the effect of the interveningvariables. The researcher may dig a large amount of information out of the datain order to solve the social and psychological problems. This paper firstly focuses on the theory of path analysis including basictheory, the matrix solutions on path analysis, data example, the step of analysis,and the way to explain the result of the modeling. The article not only givesrational statistical and professional interpretations of path analysis modeling bythe way of path diagram and linear structural equations, but also systematicallyanalyzes the direct and indirect effect of the variables. Then using an example of factors of the sensitive tointerpersonal relationship in the college students and combiningpsychological knowledge, I create a path diagram. Applying theCALIS procedure of SAS 8.0 software, we give a rationalinterpretation. We draw a conclusion that latent variable pathanalysis modeling provides more objective information than theordinary multiple regression modeling.

  • 【分类号】R195
  • 【被引频次】6
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