

Researches on the Job Stress of the Intellectuals and Its Effects on Their Health

【作者】 杜琼

【导师】 田俊; 郑振佺;

【作者基本信息】 福建医科大学 , 流行病与卫生统计学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:了解目前福州科技人员的工作应激状况,探索科技人员工作应激与健康状况之间的关系并找出影响其工作应激的因素,从而提出减轻工作应激的应对策略和措施,以指导科技人员进行自我心理调整,降低工作应激水平,进而减轻工作应激对健康的消极影响,使他们保持良好的健康状态。方法:通过对福州市的科技人员进行工作应激以及相关问题的问卷调查,获得其工作应激及健康状况的资料;通过对工作应激和健康状况之间关系的Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel检验、偏相关分析、Spearman等级相关分析和logistic回归分析,获得二者之间的关系;通过对工作应激及其可能的影响因素的多水平模型分析,获得影响工作应激高低的因素。结果:1.福州科技人员的工作应激状况:1.1整体情况:1085名调查对象中,高工作应激者有593人,占总人数的54.7%,正常应激者有385人,占总人数的35.5%,低工作应激者有107人,占总人数的9.9%,高应激者的比例超过总人数的一半,这说明福州科技人员的工作应激状况是比较严重的。1.2各方面应激情况:人际关系应激中各等级应激所占比例和总应激状况大体一致;而物理条件应激中各等级应激所占比例大体相同,高应激为39.3%,<WP=4>正常应激为34.7%,低应激为26.0%;高应激状况在工作兴趣应激中占有极大的比重,共有593人,占总人数的76.6%,而低应激者的比例则非常小,仅占0.4%。这说明科技人员因工作兴趣而产生的应激最大,因物理条件而产生的应激则较小。2.工作应激与健康状况之间的关系:2.1工作应激和失眠、头昏头痛、躯体某部位疼痛、胃肠不适、心慌、疲劳、食欲不振、腰酸背痛等疾病相关症状之间存在相关关系。2.2焦虑、抑郁、情绪波动等心理症状和工作应激之间存在等级相关关系。工作应激越高,焦虑、抑郁、情绪波动症状越严重。2.3吸烟和工作应激紧密相关,并且每天的吸烟量和工作应激之间存在等级相关关系,工作应激越大,吸烟量越多。饮酒和工作应激之间也存在等级相关关系,工作应激越大,饮酒的频率越高。2.4就诊次数、缺勤天数和工作应激之间存在正相关关系,尚未发现住院天数和工作应激之间存在相关。2.5和工作应激有关的疾病有心律失常、鼻炎、神经性咳嗽、消化性溃疡、习惯性便秘、厌食、偏头痛、痛觉过敏、腰背痛、紧张性头痛、肥胖症共11种疾病,应激程度越高,越容易患病,其中高应激者患相关疾病的危险是低应激者的2~11倍,是正常应激者的1.4~3.2倍。本研究还发现,工作应激与疾病、循环、呼吸、消化、神经、肌肉骨骼系统疾病的发生之间也存在相关,是上述各系统疾病的危险因素,尚未发现工作应激和泌尿生殖系统以及内分泌系统疾病之间存在联系。3.工作应激的影响因素:工作年限长、学历高、月收入多、每周运动时间多、有业余爱好和较好的社会支持等是工作应激的保护因素;而婚姻状况为离婚、丧偶、分居,每天工作时间太长,生活事件太多,行为类型趋近于A型是工作应激的危险因素。结论:1.目前福州科技人员的工作应激状况是比较严重的,这样的应激状况对其健康已经产生影响,导致其相关疾病症状和体征的出现,并引起其吸烟、饮酒或吸烟饮酒量的增多、去医院就诊、缺勤等行为,最后,工作应激还是一些疾病的原<WP=5>因之一。2.针对工作应激的影响因素,提出应对应激的策略和措施:2.1组织措施:工作单位要合理安排工作内容及负荷、明确工作职责、适当的参与及自主、创造宽松和谐的人际关系等。2.2个人措施:劳逸结合,有张有弛;心理调节,升华感情;讲究交际,多交朋友;身心功能,平衡利用;业余爱好,扬长避短;运动锻炼,养心健体;心理咨询,健康之师。

【Abstract】 ObjectiveThe aims of this study are to investigate the job stress status of the intellectuals in Fuzhou at present, the relationship between job stress and health and find out the influential factors of job stress, then suggest the stress management methods. The result may instruct the intellectuals to adjust themselves in order to alleviate job stress and its negative effects on health so that they can keep themselves in good health. MethodsThe questionnaire in regard to job stress and its correlative factors was used to evaluate 1085 objects’ job stress and their states of health. Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test, partial correlation analysis, Spearman correlation analysis and logistic regression were used to get the relationship between job stress and health. Multilevel model was used to analyze the influential factors of the job stress.Results1.The job stress status of the intellectuals in Fuzhou.1.1 general condition Of 1085 objects there were 593 persons whose job stress levels were high with the percent of 54.7%, 385 persons whose job stress levels were normal with the percent of 35.5% and 107 persons whose job stress levels were low with the percent of 9.9%. The proportion of the persons with high job stress was larger than <WP=7>half of the total, which suggested that the job stress status of the intellectuals in Fuzhou might be comparatively severe.1.2 conditions in each aspect of job stress The percents of three levels of job stress on relations with colleagues were similar to those of job stress in the general condition. The percents on physical condition were 9.3 percent of high level, 34.7 percent of normal level and 26.0 percent of low level respectively. The proportion of high level job stress was the largest on job interest, with 593 of 1085 (76.6%), while the proportion of low level job stress was the lowest (0.4%). These results indicated that the stress coming from job interest was the largest while that rooting in physical condition was the lowest.2.The relationship between job stress and health.2.1 There were relationships between job stress and insomnia, daze and headache, Gastrointestinal upset, nervousness, weariness, inappetence, sore waist and aching in the waist and the back.2.2 Rank correlations were found between job stress and mental symptoms such as anxiety, depression and emotion fluctuation. The higher the job stress level was, the more severe the mental symptoms were.2.3 Smoking was correlated with job stress. Besides rank correlation was found between job stress and the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The higher the job stress level was, the bigger the number was. Rank correlation was also found between job stress and the frequency of potation. The higher the job stress level was, the bigger the frequency of potation was.2.4 Both times of seeking medical advice and days of absenteeism were positive correlated with job stress. Correlation was not found between days in hospital and job stress yet. 2.5 All of the 11 kinds of disease were correlated with job stress. These diseases were arrhythmia, rhinitis, neuropathic cough, peptic ulcer, chronic constipation, anorexia, migraine, hyperalgesia, low back pain (LBP), tension headache and adiposity. The higher the job stress level was, the more vulnerable the intellectuals were to sicken. The risks of high job stress level were 2~11 times of those of low level and 1.4~3.2 times of <WP=8>those of normal level. In addition, the research also found that correlation existed between job stress and sickening, diseases in the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Job stress is a risk factor of these diseases. Correlation was not found between job stress and both the urogenital system and the endocrine system yet.3.The probable influential factors of the job stress.The protective factors of job stress were length of service, higher educational level, more salary every month, more time for exercise every week, having hobbies and

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