

【作者】 王新越

【导师】 修春亮;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 本文借鉴国外发达市场经济国家和地区的成功经验,主要是在宏观层次上通过间接的经济手段对经济和社会发展进行导向性、政策性的调控。在地方层次上则减少不必要的、在实施中不具备指导意义的国民经济和社会发展计划,而主要依靠战略性发展规划和实施性发展规划等规划起作用。结合我国计划规划体制的现状,重点从规划编制这一最基本环节入手,针对现行计划体系的不适应(尤其在基层)和规划体系的不完善,从理论上探索改革现有体制,对由以国民经济和社会发展计划为核心的计划体系,向与国际接轨更多的注重城市发展规划的规划体系转变,逐步建立新的规划体系进行了探讨。提出在地(市)、县(区)对国民经济和社会发展计划和城市规划体系进行整合,以国民经济计划和城市规划为基础,建立并逐步实行新的城乡发展规划体系,并进行了分析论证和体系设计;新的规划体系包括基本系列的城乡发展战略规划和城乡发展总体规划、分区规划、控制规划、详细规划,还包括非基本系列的实践意义重大的城乡发展五年规划等。各地(市)、县(区)不再独立编制国民经济和社会发展计划及城市总体规划。根据我国地方的实际情况,确定城乡发展规划的运作机制和实施步骤。注:本文所指的基层是指地(市)、县(区)一级的城市及其以下乡镇。为叙述方便,本文中凡涉及现在的国民经济和社会发展计划体系时,简称经济计划(在易于分清时也称计划);涉及城市规划体系时,称城市规划即现行《城市规划法》框架内的市、镇规划,简称为规划;整合后的规划体系称为城乡发展规划体系。

【Abstract】 This text uses the successful experience of the foreign developed market economy countries and regions for reference. They control economic and social development through indirect economic means on macroscopical level mainly and this kind of control is oriented and strategic. They reduce the feeble unnecessary National Economic and Social Development Plan which has no directive significance in implementing on the local level, and rely on the strategic development plan and implementing development plan, etc. to work mainly. Faced with the actuality of our national economy plan and urban planning system, the author starts with the most basic links----planning workout especially. In market economy transition period, faced with the incompatibility of national economy plan system (especially in basic unit) and the faultiness of urban planning system in our country, the author attempts to reform existing systems theoretically. The innovation changes plan system from focus on national economy and social development plan to focus on paying more attention to urban development planning in line with international standards and set up new planning system step by step. The author puts forward reform conceive on conforming exactly the two system into new urban-rural development planning system. According to the actual conditions of the basic unit in our country, the author confirms the operation mechanism and implement steps of the urban-rural development planning. The author proposes that combines national economy and social development plan and urban planning system in the ground (the city), county (the district), based on national economic plan and then proves the conceive, designs the system and reason the implement of <WP=6>new development plan system in urban and rural areas progressively. New planning system includes in urban-rural development planning, urban-rural comprehensive planning, district planning, detailed planning and immediate plan. All parts (the city), county (the district) do not make national economy and social development plan and comprehensive planning independently any longer. According to the actual conditions of the basic unit in our country, the author confirms the operation mechanism and implement steps of the urban-rural development planning.

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】475