

Social Cost of Mine-exhausted Towns--A Case Study on LiaoYuan City,JiLin Providence

【作者】 郝莹莹

【导师】 丁四保;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 资源枯竭型城市作为一种独特的地域类型,一直受到地理学者的普遍关注。在实现可持续发展的道路上,她不仅面临着经济危机,更面临着严重的生态与社会危机。我国资源型城市数量众多,随着资源的枯竭将产生大量的资源枯竭型城市,这使得我国资源枯竭型城市的研究显的尤为紧迫。资源枯竭型城市存在着突出的社会问题。大量的失业人口、下岗职工、贫困群体等社会问题不仅阻碍了经济建设,也对生态环境建设造成了较大的影响。本文即以资源枯竭型城市的社会问题为研究对象,借鉴并运用经济学、经济地理学、社会学相关的理论与研究方法,对资源枯竭型城市社会问题解决所需的成本进行核算,以期为资源枯竭型城市的社会建设、可持续发展提供建设性的意见。论文主要由四部分构成:首先,本文对资源枯竭型城市的相关研究成果进行归纳和总结。在初步探讨资源枯竭型城市的定义后,对我国现有的资源枯竭型城市的数量与地域分布特征作以分析。然后,归纳前人对资源枯竭型城市经济、生态、社会问题等研究,并指出社会问题研究的相对不足与紧迫现状。第二部分,本文提出“社会成本”定义,并指出“成本”核算的必要性。进而在借鉴社会学、可持续发展理论、经济学等理论与方法的基础上,构建“社会成本核算体系”。在可持续发展的目标下,以结构性社会问题为对象的社会成本核算体系主要包括三个部分:就业与贫困成本、人力资本和制度节约成本。第三部分是典型案例分析。坐落于吉林省中南部的辽源市是一座典型的资源枯竭型城市。本文在实地调查所得资料的基础上,对辽源市社会问题及其形成原因进行深入分析,并以第二部分的理论模型为基础,对辽源市社会成本进行核算。 <WP=5>文章结尾对资源枯竭型城市社会问题的解决提出几点建设性的意见和措施。

【Abstract】 As a special region, the mine-exhausted town has been studied by geographers for long time. On the way to substantial development, this kind of town is not only facing economic crisis but also serious ecological and social problems. In China, there are lots of mine-towns, which will probably grow into mine-exhausted towns when resources are dried up. Consequently, the study on mine-exhausted towns is very important and urgent.Social problems are extremely outstanding in mine-exhausted towns, such as unemployment, poverty. These problems retard economic development and do harm to ecological environment. The subject of this paper is the social problems in mine-exhausted towns. By utilizing some theories and methods in economics and social science, the author reckoned the cost to solve those social problems in mine-exhausted town. We can use the results of cost to bring forward much more instructive advices for mine-exhausted towns’ substantial development. As a whole, this paper is composed of four sections.In the first section, the paper sums up and concludes the production about mine-exhausted towns. After defining the “mine-exhausted towns”, the paper analyzed the amount and spatial distribution of mine-exhausted towns in China. On the base of summarizing the productions about economic, ecological and social questions in mine-exhausted towns, the author pointed out that there are still great of deficiency in study on social problems of mine-exhausted towns. The second part of the paper brought forward the concept of <WP=7>“social cost” and gave the reason why it was necessary to calculate the cost. Then by using theories and methods of social science, substantial development and economics for reference, the author managed to establish mathematic-model system of social cost. The aim of the model was to realize substantial development, and the main content was about structural social problems. The social cost model system included three parts: the cost of employment and penury, the cost of human capital and the saving cost by improving institution. In the third part, the paper applies the model into Liaoyuan City, which is a representative mine-exhausted town presenting many social problems. By using first-hand data, the paper analyzed the social problems in Liaoyuan and explained the reasons generally and deeply. At last, the author reckoned the social cost of Liaoyuan by applying the social-cost model system.At the end, the paper gives some exercisable advises and measures on how to solve these social problems in mine-exhausted towns.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】514