

A Study of Women’s Image in Mid-Tong Marriage and Love Legends

【作者】 赵正香

【导师】 程国赋;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 唐代传奇不但在文学上有其不朽的价值,而且饶富社会的意义。因为内容多釆多姿的唐代传奇,除了有引人入胜的情节之外,还有很多值得探讨与关心的问题。本文的研究对象——中唐婚恋题材传奇,绝大部分见辑於宋·李昉所编之《太平广记》,故本论文主要采用本书之故事,其他相关而广记未收录者,则参阅有关点校本。 本论文的重点是从中唐婚恋传奇研究中唐妇女形象,着重从文本角度剖析有关内容,把相关篇目作分类研究,务求从横向、纵向两方面深入探讨。除此之外,根据相关作品,探讨作品中所表现之社会文化内涵。最後,从文字创作角度突出中唐作家塑造妇女形象的艺术手法,突出本课题的文学性。 本论文共分五章:第一章绪论,说明本论文研究动机、研究范围与研究方法;第二章中唐婚恋题材传奇中妇女形象类型,把作品分成五类加以论述;第三章中唐婚恋传奇所反映的社会文化内涵,透过作品了解中唐之社会文化现象;第四章中唐婚恋传奇的艺术特色,从叙事角度、人物形象等创作技巧进行探讨;第五章结论,对全文进行概括总结。

【Abstract】 The Tong Dynasty not only possesses the immortal value in literature, it also enhances the implication of sociology. In addition to the attractive plots, the abundant Tong legends are worth exploring and discussing.The target of this dissertation is about the Mid-Tong marriage legends, most of which have been edited at "Tai Peng Kong Kai" written by "Song , Lee Fon". As a result, this dissertation uses the stories in this book; others which are not included at "Tai Peng Kong Kai" will refer to corresponding references.The most important point of this dissertation is to explore the image of the Mid-Tong women through the legendary marriages. In other to have different points of view, I try to analyze the contents basing on the stories themselves and investigating them from different categories. Also, according to specific works, I will look into the social implication of them. Finally, I will try to single out how the Mid-Tong writers created the image of the women through the view of literature.There are five chapters in this dissertation. The first chapter is introduction, indicating the motive, scope and research method of this dissertation. The second chapter is about the types of women in the legends of the Mid -Tong marriages; the stories are classified into five types in order to have detail discussions. The third chapter reflects the social and cultural implication of the legends of the Mid-Tong marriages, recognizing the social and cultural phenomena of Mid-Tong age from the stories. The fourth chapter talks about the artistic characters of the Mid-Tong legendary marriages, examining writing techniques through the discussion of incidents and image of characters. The fifth chapter is the conclusion, which is an overall end of the whole dissertation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】777