

Studies on Bleach Technology and Saponification Technology of Waste Edible Oil from Catering Trade

【作者】 邓琪

【导师】 尹平河; 赵玲;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 分析化学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 餐饮业废油脂是从宾馆、酒楼的地沟隔油池中捞取,经过简单的加热脱水、去渣、中和、沉淀等工艺提取的油脂。其外观呈黄褐色,有特殊臭味,含有很多对人体有害的成分,是不可食用的废油。若不加以回收利用,不仅浪费宝贵的自然资源,而且还会造成二次污染。鉴于此,本论文对废油脂脱色工艺和皂化工艺进行了研究,拟从根本上解决废弃油脂回流进入食用油市场和污染环境、资源浪费的问题,具有一定的社会、环保以及经济意义。 采用物理和化学的方法研究餐饮业废油脂的脱色工艺,分别探讨了不同类型的脱色剂——活性白土、雕白块和双氧水对废油脂脱色的机理;在讨论了影响脱色率因素的基础上,研究出三者脱色的工艺条件;并对比了单一脱色剂脱色效果以及脱色剂复配的脱色效果;筛选出最佳的脱色剂及其脱色工艺条件。 研究了餐饮业废油脂的皂化方法,并探讨了其皂化机理。根据油脂在皂化过程中,脂肪酸甘油酯的碳氧双键转化为脂肪酸盐中的碳氧双键,两种结构中的碳氧双键在红外光谱中的吸收位置不同,提出采用红外光谱仪测定皂化反应不同阶段的红外光谱图,比较吸收峰的相对强度来分析废油脂皂化样品,确定皂化程度,并对皂化度的影响因素进行了讨论。摸索出最佳皂化工艺条件:皂化时间4小时,皂化温度100℃,碱液用量(NaOH与废油脂的质量比)1:2,皂化用NaOH碱液浓度为30%。

【Abstract】 Waste edible oil from catering trade is gained from the separate oil pool of land ditch in the guesthouse and the wine shop , which is distilled by simple drying dehydration removing dregs neutralization and sediment. It’s appearance submits yellowish-brown with special stink. It is the Waste edible oil that can not be eatten because it contains many harmful compositions for human body. If it is not collected to use , not only wastes valuable natural resource but also can still cause twice pollution. In view of this, this paper studies bleach technology and saponification technology of Waste edible oil, radically solves the problems of discarded oil that regurgitantly enters edible oil market and pollutes environment, wastes resource. So, this study have certain society environmental protection as well as economic meaning.With the pHysical and chemical method this paper studies the bleach technology of the Waste edible oil from catering trade, has respectively discussed the bleachmechanism of the Waste edible oil with three bleach reagents of different types--active bleaching earth, Diaobaikuai and peroxide. On the base of discussing the influencing factor of bleachability, reaches three bleaching technology conditions. After comparing the bleach effect between the unitary bleach reagent and the match bleach reagent ,selects the best bleach reagent and it’s bleach technology condition.This paper studies the saponification method and saponification mechanism of Waste edible oil from catering trade. According to oil in saponification course, the carbon oxygen double-keys of the glycerine ester of fatty acid will transform the carbon oxygen double-keys in the salt of fatty acid, the absorption location of the carbon oxygen double-keys in two structures is different in infrared spectrum. And with infrared spectrometer mensurates the infrared spectrograms of saponification reaction different stages, compares the relative intensity of the absorption apices to analyse the saponification sample of the Waste edible oil and definites saponification level, then discusses the influencing factor of saponification degree. After groping , reaches the best saponification technology condition: the saponification time is 4hours, the saponification temperature is 100 C, the ratio of alkali number consumed and the Waste edible oil’s quality is 1: 2, and the density of sodium hydroxide is 30%.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】O657.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】929