

Studies on P&G’s Communication of Brand Image in China

【作者】 莫继严

【导师】 马秋枫;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 新闻学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 宝洁公司经营着300多个品牌,产品畅销160多个国家和地区,既是长期稳居世界500强企业前100强的“日用消费品大王”,又是举世闻名的“品牌王国”。在中国,宝洁不但是日用消费品市场无人能敌的霸主,而且素有“品牌教父”之称。 宝洁的成功,是品牌经营的成功。宝洁的品牌经营之道,已经写进了许多管理学、营销学、品牌学的教科书。但是,很少有人从传播学的角度,对宝洁的品牌经营进行比较深入、全面的研究。 本文认为,宝洁品牌经营的成功,归根结底,是品牌形象传播的成功。 本文主要从传播学的角度,以品牌形象传播为切入点,以宝洁公司在华品牌形象传播活动为研究的主要范畴,对“宝洁为什么会如此成功”这个问题进行了比较深入、全面的探讨,找出了一些品牌形象传播的规律。那就是品牌形象传播:一、务必以消费者的需求和反应为传播的导向;二、务必整合各种传播手段并注意传播策略;三、务必重视双向沟通;四、务必注重整体效应。 除此之外,对品牌形象传播的一系列有关概念、品牌形象传播的意义、目的、和内容,本文都作了内容翔实的阐释和逻辑严密的辨析。对主要的品牌形象传播的方式、方法、策略、手段,也结合宝洁公司的具体事例,作了详细的介绍,并深入分析其传播原理。 此外,本文还以翔实的材料,回顾了近十年来中国品牌建设的主要的政策理论和实践动态,回顾了宝洁公司在华品牌十七年的发展简史。 本文的研究成果,对那些对品牌经营尤其是品牌传播研究感兴趣的人,对缺乏世界知名品牌、正在努力打造世界知名品牌的中国企业,或许都会有一定的认识价值和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 In the market of daily consumer goods, P&G is the king. Besiades, P&G is a kingdom of brands. All over the world, P&G’s products are in great demand. For a long time, its name has been recorded in the name list of the 500 most powerful corporations yearly. More than 300 kinds brands belong to this formidable multinational corporation. These brands sells their products in more than 160 countries and regions. The more easy these products be sold, the more highly their brands are regarded. In China, P&G has been named "the godfather of branding". His experiences of branding are very fascinating.In many texbooks, P&G’s experiences are typical examples of marketing management, industrial and commercial management or branding management. Few people had tried his best to find the laws and principles of communication of brand image.In my opinion, cut a long story to short, P&G’s path to success is a path of communication of brand image.To creat the world-famous brand, Chinese corporations must master the laws and principles of communication of brand image. P&G is a model of communication of brand image.The last sixteen years saw P&G’s path to success in China. This thesis will focus on this path. By studying this path, we try to find some laws and principles of communication of brand image. Maybe , they would do Chinese corporations good.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F713.80;G206
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】4748