

Discussion on the Choice of China’s Foreign Trade Development Strategy

【作者】 庄惠明

【导师】 黄克安;

【作者基本信息】 福州大学 , 国际贸易学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 加入WTO对我国当前外贸发展战略提出新的挑战。首先,经济全球化的发展使指导我国当前外贸发展战略的理论——比较优势和要素禀赋的重要性降低;其次,我国当前实施的外贸发展战略所需要的政策工具日益受到WTO等国际规则制约,这使我国运用政策工具以推行进口替代或出口导向战略的空间大大缩小。第三,当前的外贸发展战略已不适应我国外贸发展的实际需要,它无法很好的溶合跨国公司所倡导的生产国际化的生产战略,从而对国际分工的参与只能仅仅停留在以往产业间分工的较浅层面上,而无法利用跨国公司的国际投资实现结构的跨越式提升。本文试图通过对当前国内已有的几种主要外贸发展战略理论的系统剖析,深入分析这些战略的合理内核及存在的缺陷,并结合当前国际环境和国内实际,阐述经济全球化下外贸增长方式转变的新含义、探讨新形势下外贸发展战略制订的理论基础,根据比较优势动态培育和转移措施,提出制订能实现外贸的持续快速增长和外贸商品结构的升级,提升制成品的竞争力,平衡工业化与贸易自由化冲突的外贸战略基本思路,这种战略应该是建立在国家竞争优势基础上的外贸战略。全文更多地体现国际贸易理论新发展及国外实施外贸发展战略过程中的成功经验在中国的适应性改造,借鉴国外近期研究方法和结论,结合实证分析,配以数理模型或指标体系演绎相关问题。

【Abstract】 Accessing to the WTO, our country development strategy of foreign trade has been getting the new challenge at present. First of all, the development of the economic globalization makes the importance of the comparative advantage and factor endowment reduce, and this is the theoretical foundation of present foreign trade strategy of our country exactly; Secondly, foreign trade policy tool development strategy need that our country implement at present has been restricted by the WTO & international rules day by day, this lead space dwindle greatly to make our country use policy tool to pursue strategy of Import Substitution & Export Promotion. Third, the present foreign trade development strategy has not met the needs of reality of development of foreign trade of our country; it takes shape contradictory to trans-corporation advocated production internationalized strategy. Thus participation in international division can only stay in industry divide the work at the shallow aspect in the past only, can’t make use of international investment of the trans-corporation to realize leap-type of structure promote.This text attempt to analyze to present domestic existing several main foreign trade development strategy system of theory, analyze in depth the rational kernel of the strategy and defect existing, and combine the present international environment and domestic reality, explain economic globalization go to foreign trade new meaning that growth way change, probe into foreign trade theoretical foundation that development strategy made under the new situation, cultivate and shift measure by trends according to comparative advantage, and realize fast increase and upgrading of structure continuously of foreign trade to make to propose, promote the competitiveness of the manufactured goods, balance the strategic basic train of thought of foreign trade that industrialization and liberalization of trade conflict, this kind of strategy should be based on national competition advantage .The full text reflects the theory new development of international trade and implements the adaptability transformation in China of successful experience among the development strategy course of foreign trade abroad, draw lessons from foreign recent research approach and conclusion, combine real example analyze, demonstrate the relevant problem with simple mathematics and physics model or index system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 福州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F752
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】689