

Study on Apocheima Cinerarius Erschoff Population Ecology in He Tian Area

【作者】 余昊

【导师】 王登元;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 动物学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 从和田地区的整体区域生态出发,进行春尺蠖种群生物学和生态学研究,得到如下结果:春尺蠖以蛹在20—50cm土层中越冬,当春季土壤温度升至O℃时开始化蛹,雌虫比雄虫羽化略早,雌雄比为:1:0.7145。 应用聚集度指数和地质统计学方法分析得出春尺蠖成虫的空间分布为聚集分布。用地质统计学方法得到春尺蠖成虫、卵块和一龄幼虫的空间聚集范围分别为:49.18m、18m、14.4m,并存在各向异性。 和田地区春尺蠖大尺度上的空间分布格局为:2001~2003年的成虫在空间上呈现明显的聚集分布格局,各年的聚集中心和各密度等级的分布范围均处于动态变化之中。分析显示春尺蠖发生以皮山县、洛浦县的一些森林斑块发生较重,呈聚集分布并向四周扩展。 采用马尔可夫过程与地理信息系统相结合的方法,预测今后几年和田地区春尺蠖的发生动态。预测到2005年和田地区重度发生的面积为:10级发生面积比例4.6l%,9级发生面积比例4.4l%,8级发生面积比例10.10%,主要发生级别是4级,占29.3%。 运用地理信息系统技术显示皮山县春尺蠖动态是:从1997年到2000年,春尺蠖的发生面积逐步扩大,1997年发生面积为6.461km2,到200年,发生面积为131.172km2,4年增长了20.3倍,平均每年扩展面积为31.678km2;从发生程度来说,把发生程度分成四个级别,各发生级别每年有所波动,但总体处于稳定比例,1级、2级轻度发生面积较大,4级极重度发生面积所占比例较小,为1.77—3.36%;从扩展斑块来看,1997年、1998年为两个独立的斑块,1997斑块最大直径为14.9km,最小斑块直径为1.1km,两斑块之间最短距离为27.1km,1998年最大斑块直径为17.8km,小斑块最大直径为7.9km,两斑块最短距离为16.5km,1997至1998年扩展最大距离为5.3km,1999年、2000年春尺蠖基本扩展到整个皮山县区域,融合为一块。1998年到1999年为扩展面积最大的一年,扩展面积为73.884 km2。,最大扩展距离为47.20km。 和田地区主要树种春尺蠖生命表的种群趋势指数(I)分析表明:新疆杨为8.7483,钻天杨为5.3072,桑树、苜蓿、沙枣、柳树、梨树分别为:18.5164、32.0970、8.4460、1.2823、10.4867,杏树上春尺蠖不能存活。从春尺蠖生命表分析可以看出:幼虫期是死亡率最高,鸟类捕食是成虫期死亡的重要因子。 运用地质统计学技术,模拟了频振式杀虫灯开灯不同时间对春尺蠖雄虫的空间运动过程的影响,表明佳多频振式杀虫灯的诱集范围是113m,有明显的诱集和诱杀作用。频振式杀虫灯的干扰作用控制指数为O.2862,有较强的控制作用。种群趋势指数为2.5035,由此说明,频振式杀虫灯有较强的控制作用。

【Abstract】 Proceed from whole area ecology in He Tian, Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff was studied onPopulation biology and ecology, The results is follow: Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff lives in soil layer 20 ~ 50cm beneath surface in pupaein winter,When soil temperature rises to 0 癈 in spring, its begin pupating.The femaleinsect emergence is early slightly than male insect. The bisexual ratio is 1:0.7145. Aggregated extent index and geostatistics methods were used to analyze the spatialdistribution of adults, egg masses, 1st instar larva,and both reach a conclusion ofaggregated distribution. The correlation distance of Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff adults ,egg masses ,1st instar larva is: 49.18m、18m、 14.4m respectively,existing aeolotropismwith the Statistics of geostatistics method. The spatial distribution patterns of Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff adults on the bigdimensions in He Tian were aggregated in 2001~2003 year,The centers of aggregation anddensity grades, however, were changed with years. In general, Apocheima cinerarius Erschoffdensity grades were higher in any forest spots of Pi Shan County and Luo Pu County, showedaggregated distribution and were spreading towards around. The Markov model and GIS methods were used to forecast the dynamic changes of Apocheimacinerarius Erschoff population. The results in 2005 showed that 10th grade area rate is4.61 %, 9th grade area rate is 4.41 % , 8th grade area rate is 10.10% in serious area, andthe mainly grade is 4th rating 29.3 %. The Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff population extend dynamic in Pi Shan County wereanalized by GIS technology,and the result show that Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff happenarea expand gradually from 1997 to 2000. The happen area is 6.461 km in 1997 to 131.172 2km in 2000, increased by 20.3 times in 4 years, and expand area is 31.678 km 2every years; 2The occurrence degrees were divided into four grades. Each occurrence grade fluctuatesannually, but total be placed in the stable. The area of 1st grade and 2nd grade is bigger,and the 4th grade is smaller; Seeing from the spot expanded condition. The spots in 1997and 1998 were independent. The biggest spot diameter is 14.9 km and the minimum spot diameteris 1.1 km in 1997. The shortest distance between the two spot is 27.1 km. In 1998, the biggestspot diameter is 17.8km and the minimum spot diameter is 7.9km. The shortest distance betweenthe two spot is 16.5km. The biggest expand distance is 5.3 km from 1997 to 1998 expandedto whole Pi Shan County region and mixed a spot in 1999 and 2000. The expand area is thebiggest from 1998 to 1999. The expanding area is 73.88 km 2, the biggest expand distanceis 47.20 km. The index of population tendency(I) in Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff life table of themain varieties of trees in He Tian showed that Xinjiang poplar s I number is 8.7483, Lombardypoplar’ is 5.3072, mulberry, purple medic, Elaeagnus angustifolia L., osier, pear is 18.5164,32.0970, 8.4460, 1.2823, 10.4867 respectively, and Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff can notsurvival in almond. Analyzed from Apocheima cinerarius Erschofflife table, the death rateof larval period is tallest and the birds prey is the important factors. II<WP=7>Using geostatistics, it was imitated that the vibration light trap interfere with Apocheimacinerarius Erschoff male’s spatial movement process in different raying time. The resultshowed that range of trap and kill is about 113m. It can gather and kill male Apocheimacinerarius Erschoffm effectively and the EIPC of vibration light is 0.2862. So vibrationlight has strongly control function.

  • 【分类号】S433
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