

The Studies on the Metabolism and Requirements of Calcium and Phosphorus for the Growing Boer Crossbred Goat

【作者】 朱新民

【导师】 王加启; 雒秋江;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究包括三个试验,目的是通过研究生长期波杂山羊(波尔山羊♂×萨能奶山羊♀)钙磷代谢规律,测定波杂山羊钙磷需要量参数。 试验 1 选用 8 头 3 月龄波杂山羊,通过调控日粮,设定四种目标增重水平,研究了波杂山羊不同日粮条件下钙磷的代谢规律,筛选波杂山羊钙磷代谢相关的敏感指标,拟合沉积钙(g/d)和沉积磷(g/d)与体增重(G,g/d)、DMI(g/d)和钙采食量(I,g/d)的相关关系式为: 沉积 Ca=0.4765*I+0.0021DMI-0.0017G-1.6356(R2=0.948,P<0.001) 沉积 P=-1.001*I+0.0037DMI-0.0022G-0.9208(R2=0.672,P<0.05) 试验 2 选用 8 头 14 月龄波杂山羊,通过在基础日粮中添加钙,研究四种不同钙水平日粮(1.36g/d,3.65g/d,7.16g/d,11.77g/d)对钙磷代谢的影响,拟合钙采食量(X,g/d)与日增重(Z,g/d)、沉积钙(Y,g/d)相关关系式为: Y=-0.0259X2+ 0.4569X-0.6715 R2=0.9937 P<0.001 Z=-1.1416X2+15.677X+142.28 R2=0.8388 P<0.001 试验 3 选用 8 头 15 月龄波杂山羊,通过在基础日粮中添加磷,研究四种不同磷水平日粮(0.89g/d,1.31g/d,2.55g/d,4.16g/d)对钙磷代谢的影响,拟合了磷采食量(X,g/d)与日增重(G,g/d)、沉积磷(Y,g/d)相关关系式为: Y=-0.157X2+0.848X-0.751 R2=0.9459 P<0.001 G=-21.83X2+108.86X-57.53 R2=0.9905 P<0.001 对钙磷代谢规律的研究表明,波杂山羊采食低钙或低磷日粮,导致体内钙磷代谢负平衡,钙的吸收率随钙采食量的增加而降低;波杂山羊磷的吸收率较高,当日粮中磷的浓度较高时,严重影响磷的吸收率。血清 PTH 和 AKP活性呈周期性变化,对血浆钙磷浓度变化敏感。 本研究测定了特定阶段波杂山羊钙磷需要量参数,14 月龄波杂山羊钙的维持需要为 22.4 mg/kgLW·d,钙的生长净需要量为 5.73 g/kgLWG;15 月龄波杂山羊磷的维持需要为 25.0 mg/kgLW·d,磷的生长净需要量为 4.95g/kgLWG。

【Abstract】 The following three experiments measure the calcium and phosphorus metabolismof growing crossbred Boer goats (a crossbreed between male Boer goats andfemale Saanen goats), in an effort to determine the calcium and phosphorusrequirements of those crossbred Boer goats.The first experiment involved eight 3-month old crossbred Boer goats. Theywere given four differently formulated rations with different target body weights.The sensitivity indexes were determined in relation to the metabolism of calciumand phosphorus. In this study, two formulas were derived showing therelationship between the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus with the averagedaily gain (ADG) (G ,g/d), DMI ( g/d), and the daily calcium intake (I, g/d). d-Ca=0.4765*I+0.0021DMI-0.0017G-1.6356 (R2=0.948,P<0.001) d-P=-1.001*I+0.0037DMI-0.0022G-0.9208 (R2=0.672, P<0.05)The second experiment involved eight 14-month old crossbred Boer goats. Inorder to measure the effect of calcium content on calcium and phosphorusmetabolism, these goats were given four different base rations of various calciumcontent (1.36 g/d,3.65g/d,7.16g/d,11.77g/d). In this study, two formulas werederived showing the relationship between the daily calcium intake (X, g/d) withADG(G, g/d) and the metabolism of calcium(Y, g/d). Y=-0.0259 X2+ 0.4569X-0.6715 R2=0.9937 P<0.001 G=-1.1416 X2+15.677X+142.28 R2=0.8388 P<0.001The third experiment involved eight 15-month old crossbred Boer goats. In orderto measure the effect of phosphorus content on calcium and phosphorusmetabolism, these goats were given four different base rations of variousphosphorus content (0.89g/d,1.31g/d,2.55g/d,4.16g/d). In this study, twoformulas were derived showing the relationship between the daily phosphorusintake (X, g/d) with ADG(G, g/d) and the metabolism of phosphorus (Y, g/d). Y=-0.157X2+0.848X-0.751 R2=0.9459 P<0.001 G=-21.83X2+108.86X-57.53 R2=0.9905 P<0.001<WP=9>生长期波杂山羊钙磷代谢规律及需要量研究 This research on the calcium and phosphorus metabolism of crossbred Boer goatshas yielded the following insights: first, rations low in calcium or phosphorusresult in an internal calcium and phosphorus metabolic imbalance. Second,calcium absorption decreases as the calcium content in the ration increases. Third,because the inherent rate of phosphorus absorption is relatively high, rations withhigh concentrations of phosphorus have serious effects on the rate of phosphorusabsorption. Fourth, serum activity of PTH and AKP is cyclic in nature; thisactivity is also sensitive to changes in plasma concentration of calcium andphosphorus.This research has also identified the calcium and phosphorus maintenance andgrowth requirements of crossbred Boer goats at the 14 and 15 month stages ofdevelopment. 14-month old crossbred Boer goats have a calcium maintenancerequirement of 22.4 mg/kgLW/d and a calcium growth requirement of 5.73g/kgLWG; 15-month old crossbred Boer goats have a phosphorus maintenancerequirement of 25 mg/kgLW/d and a phosphorus growth requirement of 4.95g/kgLWG.

  • 【分类号】S827
  • 【被引频次】10
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