

Screening of Chinese Herb Medicines and Pharmacodynamic Studies on Their Active Components for the Treatment and Prevention of Bovine Mastitis

【作者】 王宏军

【导师】 吴国娟; 黄燕;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用微生物法选出金银花、连翘、天花粉 3 味中药,提取分离纯化各自的有效成分并对其进行了药效学研究。改良索氏提取法提取金银花中的绿原酸,分别用紫外分光光度法(UV)、薄层层析法(TLC)、高效液相色谱法(HPLC)对提取物中绿原酸进行定性定量分析。UV 检测结果显示,金银花中绿原酸含量为 1.26%,TLC 检测提取物中绿原酸纯度达 90%。综合运用石油醚、乙醚、无水乙醇、水等溶剂提取天花粉,采用 UV 定性、苯酚-硫酸比色法定量分析天花粉多糖的含量为 1.0056%,提取物中多糖含量为 86%。以 75%乙醇为溶媒,改良索氏法提取连翘,真空液相层析法(VLC)分离,不同浓度的甲醇-氯仿混合液洗脱,TLC 跟踪检测连翘酯苷,Rf = 0.35 处有一荧光较强的斑点为连翘酯苷。 本文制备了绿原酸(CHA)、天花粉多糖(HTA)、连翘酯苷(F)、绿原酸+天花粉多糖+连翘酯苷组方(CFH)及金银花-天花粉-连翘复方醇提物(JLT)五种药剂,并进行药效学实验。体外抑菌实验表明:CHA 对金葡菌有较小的 MIC 和 MBC;HTA 对停乳链球菌的有抑菌作用,MIC 为 5.0mg/ml;F 对三种实验菌均有较强的抗菌作用,CFA、JLT 两个复方对三种实验菌也有抗菌作用。F 体内抑菌实验表明:F 对停乳链球菌、无乳链球菌感染的最佳剂量为 2.5mg/kg 体重。抗炎实验表明:在 10mg/kg 浓度下,JLT 有一定的抗炎作用。特异性免疫实验表明:除 HTA 以外,其他药物组均能显著提高抗体效价。非特异性免疫实验表明:F 能增强巨噬细胞的吞噬力,HTA、F 能促进淋巴细胞的增殖;与环磷酰胺(Cy)阴性对照组比较,给药组能显著增加小鼠胸腺、脾脏指数(P<0.05)。

【Abstract】 Chinese herbs of Flos lonicerae, Herba taraxci, Fructus forsythiae, Radix trichosanthis, et al wereselected by cylinder plate assay of microbiological method for preventing and curing clinical mastitis ofdairy cows and some of their pharmcodynamic characteristics were studied in this paper. The results showed that the improved method of Sorbitic was the best method to extract chlorogenicacid from Flos lonicerae. Chlorogenic acid in extracted material was analyzed qualitatively andquantitively by UV, TLC and HPLC.Result of UV showed that it imply 1.26% chlorogenic acid in Floslonicerae. The extracted material of Flos lonicerae was analyzed by TLC and it implied 90% chlorogenicacid. Herba taraxci amylose was extracted by various solvents (petroleum ether, aether, ethanol, water, etal.) and analyzed qualitatively and quantitively by the colorimetry of hydroxybenzene-vitriol. It implied1.0056% herba taraxci amylose in Herba taraxci. The extracted material of Herba taraxci was analyzed byUV and it implied 86% herba taraxci amylose. Forsythiaside was extracted by percent 75 ethanol fromFructus forsythiae with the improved method of sorbitic and separated by VLC and methanol-chloroformcommixture of different concentration and detected by TLC. Rf was 0.35 place which had a strongerspot of fluorescence. It showed that there were forsythiaside. Five medicines include chlorogenic acid(CHA), herba taraxci amylose(HTA), forsythiaside(F),mixture of chlorogenic acid, herba taraxci amylose and forsythiaside(CFH), and ethanol extraction ofcompound of Flos lonicerae, Fructus forsythiae and Radix trichosanthis(JLT) for pharmacodynamic tests.Results of antibacterium tests showed that F had stronger action against pathogenic bacteria . Of F andCHA, MIC and MBC to Staphylococcus aureus were lower than those of others. CFH had no antibacteriumaction on Streptococcus dysgalactiae, while HTA had antibacterium action only on Strptococcusdysgalactiae with certain degree of MIC but no action on other two pathogenic bacteria. Results ofanti-inflammation test showed that Under 10mg/kg, only JLT and CFH had anti-inflammation action to theinflammation model of xylene in five medicines. Results of the particularity immunity test showedthat all medicines could increase notably antibody level of chicken red blood cells except for HTA.Results of the non-particularity immunity tests showed that all medicines had the weaker action tothe viscera index of immunity organ. There was not significant difference to compare with N.S while therewas significant difference to compare with Cy (P<0.05). F could increase the ability of macrophageengulfing chicken red blood cells. HAT, F would enhance the multiplication of lymphocyte.

  • 【分类号】S858.23
  • 【被引频次】4
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