

Study on Property Rights and Benefit Distribution of State-Owned Agricultural Land of Xinjiang Production and Construction Crops

【作者】 张艳

【导师】 于礼;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 兵团国有农用土地作为一项重要而巨大的国有资产,实现有偿使用是兵团土地使用制度的重大改革,是发展社会主义市场经济的需要。但在有偿使用收益分配中存在着租税费不分,绝对地租难以实现等问题。如何理顺兵团国有农用土地产权收益分配,保障各产权主体的经济利益,是本文研究的核心内容。围绕这一主线,本文首先从理论研究出发,运用产权理论、地租理论、地价理论、可持续发展理论构建了兵团国有农用土地产权收益分配的理论分析基础。其次,回顾了兵团国有农用土地产权收益分配的历史,阐述了目前兵团国有农用土地的有偿使用,并重点分析了兵团国有农用土地产权收益分配的现状及存在的问题,对收益分配的合理性进行了研究。最后,在阐述兵团国有农用土地产权收益分配影响因素的基础上,从总体和发展的角度针对兵团的具体情况提出了改革现有的兵团国有农用土地产权制度、完善兵团国有农用土地的租税费体系、建议制定《国有农用土地收益分配办法》、减轻农工负担,增加农工收入等对策建议。

【Abstract】 As the great state-owned assets, the state-owned agricultural land of Productionand Construction Corps, which is used with pay, in using which the great reform isbrought about, which is the need of developing socialist market economy. But there aresome problems of indistinction in rent tax expenses in the benefit distribution with payfor using the land and realization of absolute land rent is hard to come true etc.. How tocoordinate property rights and benefit distribution of state-owned agricultural land ofProduction and Construction Corps, and how to ensure economic interests of everyproperty main body is the core content of the paper, based on which to begin with thetheory, the paper applies property theory, land rent theory, land price theory, andsustainable development theory to build the theoretical analysis basis of property rightsand benefit distribution of the state-owned agricultural land of Production andConstruction Corps. Then, by looking back to the history about the state-ownedagricultural land of Production and Construction Corps, the paper sets forth the payinguse of state-owned agricultural land of Production and Construction Corps at present,and mainly analyses its present situation and the existing problems of the propertyrights and benefit distribution of state-owned land of Production and ConstructionCorps and studies the rationalization of the benefit distribution. Finally, according tothe effect factor of the property rights and benefit distribution of state-owned land ofProduction and Construction Corps, the paper proposes to reform the present propertyrights system of state-owned agricultural land of Production and Construction Corps,perfects rent tax expenses system of state-owned agricultural land of Production andConstruction Corps, and proposes to formulate the Law of Benefit Distribution ofState-Owned Agricultural Land, to lighten the burden of farmers-workers, increase theirincome etc..

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】251