

Physiological and Morphological Changes of Lily Bulb in Cooling Storage and Bud Differentiation Periods

【作者】 郭蕊

【导师】 赵祥云; 冯大千;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以切花百合品种“雪皇后” (麝香百合杂种系Longiflorum hybrids的栽培品种Snow Queen)、“西伯利亚”(东方百合杂种系Oriental hybrids的栽培品种Siberia)和“哥德琳娜”(亚洲百合杂种系Asiatio hybrids的栽培品种Gondelina)为试验材料。测定了此三个品种鳞茎在冷藏和花芽分化期间的淀粉、可溶性总糖和内源激素(IAA、GA1+3、ZR和ABA)等生理指标的变化;另外,采用石蜡切片和扫描电镜的方法对百合花芽在不同分化时期进行形态学观察,研究花芽发生、分化进程。获得如下主要研究结果:不同品种百合鳞茎的生物量是有差异的,冷藏前生物量(鲜重和干重)从高到低依次是:西伯利亚(东方百合杂种系)55.18g和19.42g,哥德琳娜(亚洲百合杂种系)47.72g和14.51g,雪皇后(麝香百合杂种系)33.03g和10.78g。淀粉和可溶性糖类是百合鳞茎碳水化合物主要的贮藏形式,是鳞茎打破休眠,开始萌发的物质和能量基础;在花芽分化期鳞茎是养分的“源”,淀粉是碳水化合物暂时的贮藏形式,养分以可溶性总糖的形式不断地供给地上部分的生长发育。冷藏期间,鳞茎的水分损失较多,而干物质的减少较少,因此冷藏期间冷藏室内保持一定的湿度是非常有必要的。4.不同品种不同时期的百合内源激素的含量是有变化的。 ABA和GA1+3是鳞茎萌发的主要控制因子,ABA抑制萌发,GA1+3促进分化 ; IAA含量的升高有助于地上茎的伸长生长;ZR有利于西伯利亚和哥德琳娜花芽分化的启动。5.百合花芽分化大体划分为五个阶段:Ⅰ未分化期(叶芽期);Ⅱ花原基分化期;Ⅲ花被分化期;Ⅳ雄、雌蕊分化期;Ⅴ整个花序形成期。6.根据形态学观察,亚洲百合杂种系的哥德琳娜和麝香百合杂种系的雪皇后冷藏在3-5℃只需要30天左右的时间即可打破休眠,进行花芽分化,东方百合杂种系的西伯利亚需要45天左右才能打破休眠。花芽分化开始以后,哥德琳娜第一朵小花到分化的72天雌、雄蕊分化基本完成,整个花序形成需要60天左右,形成7-10个花蕾;雪皇后的第一朵小花到分化的72天雌、雄蕊还没分化完全,整个花序形成需要70天左右,形成2-3个花蕾;西伯利亚第一朵小花到分化的57天雄蕊原基才开始分化,整个花序形成需要60天左右,形成1-2个花蕾。

【Abstract】 This paper is about physiological and morphological analysis for bulbs of three kinds of lilies. They are “Snow Queen”(Longiflorum hybrids), “Siberia”(Oriental hybrids) and “Gondelina” (Asiatio hybrids). The changes of total soluble sugar , starch and endogenous hormones in different periods of the three kinds of lilies were determined. The morphodifferentiation of three kinds of lilies floral bud were also studied. The results are as follows:In the identical three kinds of lilies ,the biological weight(FW and DW) from the most to the least are:Siberia (Oriental hybrids) 55.18g and 19.42g; Gondelina (Asiatio hybrids) 47.72g and 14.51g; Snow Queen (Longiflorum hybrids) 33.03g and 10.78g.The total soluble sugar and starch are the main form of carbohydrates in lily bulbs. They are the foundation of energy that break the bulb dormancy and induce the bud differentiation. The lily bulb is the source of nutrient in the bud differentiation periods. The total soluble sugar is accumulated for bulb development. The starch is only a form of carbohydrates of stored.It was found that the contents of water in bulb decreased more and the total carbohydrates decreased slightly during the whole storage. Endogenous ABA is the primary inhibitor in bud ; Endogenous GA1+3 is promoter of progress in bud; IAA is beneficial for the stem elongating fast; ZR is beneficial for the start of the bud differentiation of Siberia and Gondelinna .The process of bud differentiation would be divided into five phases:ⅠNo differentiation visible .ⅡFloral primodia visible.Ⅲ Petal visible .Ⅳ Stamen and pistil visible.ⅤThe whole inflorescence visible . Through the experiment of morphology we found : It takes Gondelina and Snow Queen <WP=10>about one month to sprout. It takes Siberia about 45days to sprout.

【关键词】 百合鳞茎冷藏花芽分化生理形态
【Key words】 Lily bulbCooling storageBud differentiationPhysiologyMorphology
  • 【分类号】S682.9
  • 【被引频次】19
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