

Study on Micro Propagation Technique of Plant Tissue Culture of Several Medicinal Aromatic Plants

【作者】 沙红

【导师】 廖康;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 果树学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 以洋甘菊、留兰香、薰衣草、药用鼠尾草、牛至、百里香这些有较高药用价值的芳香植物为试材,探讨了这6种芳香植物离体培养过程中基本培养基、植物激素对外植体生长发育、增殖和生根的影响,筛选出适合每种植物增殖和生根的培养基。进行快速繁殖,建立了无菌试管苗体系。 基本培养基MS适合于洋甘菊、留兰香、薰衣草、牛至。MS培养基比改良MS培养基更有利于百里香的生长,药用鼠尾草苗较小(仅两片叶,几乎无茎杆)时Nitsch培养基比MS培养基更有利于外植体的生长,药用鼠尾草苗较大(四片叶)时MS培养基比Nitsch培养基更有利于外植体的后期生长。洋甘菊最适增殖培养基为MS+BA0.2mg/L+IBA0.06mg/L。洋甘菊易生根,加有NAA(0.1-1.5mg/L)或IBA(0.1-1.5mg/L)的MS培养基中都可以诱导出大量的根。组培苗移栽易成活。在BA和IBA的组合,对幼茎加粗有影响。留兰香的最佳增殖培养基MS+BA0~0.1mg/L+IBA0~0.04mg/L。接种在加有NAA(0~2mg/L)的MS培养基上,茎上可长出大量的气生根,而培养基内部的生根数量则相对较少。从生根率、生根数及苗的生长综合考虑,留兰香生根培养基中NAA的浓度为0.1~0.5mg/L较理想。留兰香的幼茎用NAA浸泡处理2小时后,可在瓶外扦插生根繁殖,扦插在珍珠岩+园土(1∶1)中生根良好。 薰衣草的最佳增殖培养基为MS+BA1.0mg/L。BA对薰衣草嫩茎增殖有极显著影响,而 BA×IBA交互作用对薰衣草嫩茎增殖影响不显著。薰衣草的最佳生根培养基为MS+IBA0.5mg/L。牛至的最佳增殖培养基为MS+2.0mg/LBA+IBA0.02mg/L。牛至易生根,试验结果表明NAA、IBA、IAA三种激素处理后生根率多在90%以上。牛至的根形成后易老化、褐化,在炼苗移栽时应注意选择适宜的时间,不宜太晚。药用鼠尾草的最佳增殖培养基MS+BA0.8mg/L,BA对药用鼠尾草平均嫩芽增殖有极显著的影响。最佳生根培养基1/2MS+IBA0.8mg/L+蔗糖20g。百里香的最佳增殖培养基MS+BA1.5mg/L+IBA0.08mg/L,平均增殖倍数4.24;最佳生根培养基以1/2MS培养基为基本培养基,附加0.5mg/L IBA,2%蔗糖浓度,生根率可达100%。

【Abstract】 The materials of medicinal aromatic plants Chamomilla recutita L, Mentha spicata L, Lavandula angustifolia Mill, Origanum vulgare L, Salavia officinalis L andThymus serpyllum L.var.mongolicus Ronn were used to establish the in vitro plant and develop a feasible and practicable system of, to study the effect of some phytohormones on growth, development and proliferation in vitro, to choose the suitable media of the six plants. Multiple shoots were produced from the base of buds after the establishment of the culture.Regard to Chamomilla recutita L, Mentha spicata L, Lavandula angustifolia Mill, Origanum vulgare L MS basal media is suit, but infancy Origanum vulgare L grew better on Nitsch medium than MS medium. To Thymus serpyllum L.var.mongolicus Ronn of growth, MS medium is better than amend MS medium.Regard to Chamomilla recutita L, multiplication and growth of shoots were optimum with MS+ BA0.2mg/L+IBA0.06mg/L. MS medium with NAA(0.1~1.5mg/L) or IBA(0.1-1.5mg/L) can induced lots of roots, the survival rate after transplantation was higher. cuttings were stronger on MS medium with BA×IBA than MS media with BA or MS media with IBA.Regard to Mentha spicata L, multiplication and growth of shoots were optimum with MS+BA0~0.1mg/L+IBA0~0.04mg/L. plant of regene ration are easy to root. The ratio of rooting can reach 100% in MS+ NAA(0.1~0.5mg/L).And plants produce many aerial roots. And cuttage of Mentha spicata L out of bottles were studied . Regard to Lavandula angustifolia Mill, the optimum propagation medium is MS+BA1.0mg/L; the optium-rooting medium is MS+IBA0.5mg/L. The survival rate after transplantation was not high. Growth of stem-tip is better than stem.Regard to Origanum vulgare L, shoot-tips as explants, the optimum propagation medium is MS+2.0mg/LBA+IBA0.02mg/L. The ratio of rooting can reach 100% in MS and 1/2MS <WP=8>media, but a number of roots are thinner and fewer, and do not survive after transplant. So it is necessary that hormone should be added in medium. Regard to Salavia officinalis L, the optimum propagation medium is MS+BA0.8mg/L.The effect of BA,IBA on bud multiplication is significant. The best rooting medium is optimum with 1/2MS+IBA0.8mg/L+ sucrose 20g/L.Regard to Thymus serpyllum L, the optimum propagation medium is MS+BA1.5mg/L+IBA0.08mg/L, the optimum-rooting medium is 1/2MS+IBA0.5mg/L+ sucrose 20g/L.The ratio of rooting can reach 100%.

  • 【分类号】S567
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