

Simulation Model of Soil Moisture in a Field

【作者】 彭亮

【导师】 姜卉芳; 董新光;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在额尔齐斯河流域薄层砂性土壤的农田内,2002~2003年进行田间试验,观测灌溉水量、逐日土壤含水量和地下水位埋深,分析现状灌溉条件下田间土壤水和地下水位埋深的变化过程,研究在地下水位浅埋条件下薄层砂性土壤水分的变化规律。以物理概念为基础,尝试将水文模型应用在田间尺度上,对田间水分下渗、蒸散发过程进行概化,建立田间土壤水分模拟模型,模拟灌溉水在田间的分配。利用田间试验区2003年的灌溉水量、常规气象资料和前期土壤含水量,以日为时段对土壤水分变化过程进行模拟研究。由土壤含水量实测值与模拟值对比结果显示,二者随灌溉过程变化的趋势基本一致,说明田间土壤水分模拟模型在田间应用效果较好。通过模拟土壤水分的日变化过程,从而可以验证和改善作物灌溉制度,根据作物生长阶段的根区土壤层厚度、时段内的作物需水量和土壤水分状况预报灌水时间和需灌水量,在指导农田灌溉中具有简单实用的价值。

【Abstract】 Experiments were conducted to study the change of soil moisture in a field whose soil is thin and sandy , Erqisi River basin. From 2002 to 2003,based on the observed data of irrigation, soil moisture and depth of underground water level, we analysed the change of soil moisture and groundwater level which were caused by irrigation in growing period of crop, in order to study the change law of soil moisture. Based on physical concept and hydrology model,the simulation model of soil moisture was constructed. The model is an use of the hydrology model and simulate the change of soil moisture, simulating infiltration and evaportranspiration in a field scale. We simulated the everyday change of soil moisture, inputing irrigation, meterological data and prophase soil moisture in 2003. Contrasted the spot observation data of soil moisture with simulation result, showed that they had a similar tendency by irrigation, and the simulation model of soil moisture had a good effect. By simulating the change of soil moisture, we could verify and improve the crop irrigation schedule. According crop water requirement, the depth of irrigation plan and the condition of soil moisture, we could forecast irrigation water demand and irrigation time .

  • 【分类号】S152.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】459