

A Study of Deng Xiaoping’s Thought on Opening up to the Outside World

【作者】 胡陈芳

【导师】 李爽;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 对外开放,就是立足于本国实际的前提下,面向国际,加强国际经济政治文化合作,参与世界经济政治文化等方面循环的全部运行过程。中国历史上有过很多与国外的经济文化交往,但过去中国并不是一个真正意义上开放的国家。在建设有中国特色社会主义的伟大实践中,邓小平顺应历史潮流,把握时代脉搏,逐步形成了一个完整的对外开放思想体系,并将其付诸实践,使中国实现了社会转型,既从封闭型社会走向开放型社会。联合国开发总署驻北京前首席代表阿瑟·赫尔科姆先生在谈论中国问题时说:“不说对外开放政策给中国带来的经济奇迹,任何对中国的分析就毫无意义。”对外开放是当代中国最伟大的实践,深入研究邓小平的对外开放思想对于加入WTO后的中国进一步深化和提高对外开放水平,实现全面建设小康社会的战略目标,具有重要的理论和实践意义。研究对外开放问题,可以从多方面、多角度、多领域进行,国内学者大多偏重于意识形态和理论概念的研究,对理论实际效益的研究较少。本文正是从理论与现实相结合的角度入手,主要采用比较法、实例法和数据图表法论证了中国由封闭转向开放政策的有效性。同时,系统地分析了邓小平对外开放思想的丰富内涵,尽可能多地、科学地、客观地梳理出其逻辑脉络,并对邓小平对外开放思想在中国20多年的实践中所取得的丰硕成果以及在当代的新发展作了尝试性的分析和探讨。本文主要由三部分组成。第一部分分析论证了邓小平对外开放思想的形成不是偶然的。任何先进思想理论的形成,都有一个“源”和“流”的关系。马、恩的“世界历史”理论是邓小平对外开放思想的唯物史观基础;马克思主义经典作家关于发展对外经济关系的思想,尤其是毛泽东的对外开放思想是邓小平对外开放思想的理论源泉,同时,邓小平对外开放思想又是时代的产物,70多年来社会主义国家建设的经验教训,特别是对中国封闭与开放历史经验的深刻反思是<WP=4>邓小平对外开放思想的实践基础;和平与发展的时代主题和经济全球化的趋势是邓小平对外开放思想产生的国际背景;对世界各国经济发展道路的深入研究和与周边国家经济的比较分析是邓小平对外开放思想的物质前提。文章分析得出:邓小平对外开放思想的形成,既有坚实的马克思主义思想理论基础,又有深刻的历史渊源和时代背景。它不是个人先天经验的构筑,而是历史经验和现实情况有机结合的结晶。第二部分系统论述了邓小平对外开放思想的主要内容,它是随着实践的发展而逐步深化扩展,构成了一个完整的科学体系。首先,其内涵是面向世界所有国家、包括各个领域、各个地区的全方位的开放;是对内开放和对外开放的辨证统一;是在1982年12月就被写入我国宪法的一项长期不变的基本国策。其次,就对外开放的基本形式,邓小平提出了大力发展对外贸易、积极利用外资、引进先进技术、管理方法、人才和世界各民族的一切优秀文明成果等形式,使人们思想“茅塞顿开”。第三,邓小平从我国地域辽阔、区域经济发展不平衡的实际出发,为对外开放制定了分层次、逐步推进、滚动发展的实施步骤和模式,形成了“弓箭型”的开放态势和格局。最后,我国对外开放必须遵循的基本原则是:对外开放与独立自主、自力更生相结合的原则、“三个有利于”作为衡量对外开放是非得失标准的原则和平等互利的原则,最终达到双赢局面。总之,邓小平对外开放思想的各个方面相互作用、相互协调,体现了现实性与逻辑性的统一。文章的最后一部分着重论证了邓小平对外开放思想极其重大的理论和实践意义。笔者从二战后国际上曾有的三种主要对外开放理论的缺陷分析入手,探讨了邓小平对外开放思想的理论意义在于它丰富和发展了马克思主义的开放论,并使社会主义建设理论成为开放性、时代性、发展性的理论体系。理论来源于实践,反之,理论的价值在于指导实践。从中共十一届三中全会开始起步的对外开放,风雨兼程,已经走过了20多个年头。尽管走向世界<WP=5>的每一步都不是“闲庭信步”,但对外开放已经成了中国经济发展的加速器,其实践意义在于:第一,它促进了中华民族思想的大解放。第二,在对外贸易、利用外资、引进先进的科学技术和智力资源等方面取得了丰硕的成果,带动了国民经济持续、快速、健康发展,大大增强了我国的综合国力。第三,多层次、逐步推进的对外开放思想促进了西部大开发战略的实施。第四,对外开放思想及其成功实践还推进了祖国实现和平统一大业的进程,增强了中华民族的凝聚力。第五,对周边国家和其他社会主义国家的经济建设产生了积极的影响,为建立国际政治、经济新秩序做出了贡献。更为重要的是,邓小平对外开放思想不是静止的,而是随时代的流动又有了新的发展,仅这一点就可以说,邓小平对外开放思想对中国的震撼是划时代的。

【Abstract】 Opening up to the outside world is a whole moving progress confronting to international, intensifying collaboration in international economy, politics and culture, participating the circulation of international economy and politics based on the reality of own county. In the system of the theory on Deng Xiaoping’s Characteristic Socialism construction, the thought of opening up plays an important role without doubt. The Deng’s opening thought, of which the connotation is affluent, started from “the current world is an open one” and “China can not develop without the world”, embodying the innovative spirit. Studying deeply on Deng Xiaoping’s thought of opening up is of great theoretical value and practical significance for enhancing the level of opening up to the outside world after China acceding to the WTO. The thesis systematic analyzed and summarized the historic background, radical content, basic principles and great achievement and so on. This article is made up for three related chapters.Chapter one reviews several conditions on the formation of Deng Xiaoping’s opening thought. The “world history” theory of Marx and Engles is the historical materialism of Deng’s opening thought; Its theoretical resources are Marx, Engles, Lenin, especially Mao Zedong’s theories on developing international economic cooperation. Meanwhile, Deng Xiaoping’s thought on opening up to the outside world is a product of our age. Its practical base is the <WP=7>experience and lessons from the construction of socialism countries in more than 70 years, especially, that from the practice of China’s history and reform and that from the construction of socialism modernication; The new international situation under the theme of “Peace and Development” and globalization of economy is its international background; Studying deeply on economic development of all the countries and comparing with neighbor countries’ economy are its substantial premise. Deng Xiaoping’s thought on opening up is also a crystallization of the combination of history and reality.Chapter two analyses the affluent content and scientific system of Deng Xiaoping’s opening thought. Firstly, the connotation is that we should carry on an opening policy of all direction, multi-levels and multi-channals, including opening up to the outside world and reforming inside. Opening up to the outside world is a long-term, steadfast basic policy of China. Secondly, Deng Xiaoping made a systematic exposition of the basic forms about how to open up to the outside world. Thirdly, Deng Xiaoping, starting from the realities of China, put forward a strategy of gradually proceeding, rolling, rolling development. At last, China’s opening up to the outside world must adhere to three basic principle of self-independence, self-decision and self-reliance, that the “Three Helps” principles must be abided by, and that the nations must obey the equality and mutual-profit principle. In short, Deng Xiaoping’s opening thought embodies its realistic and logical unity.The last chapter explains emphatically that Deng Xiaoping’s thought on opening up to the outside world is of the utmost significance in theory and practice. Deng’s opening thought enrichs and develops the Marxism’s opening theory, and makes the theory of socialism construction advance with times. It is <WP=8>under this strategy that we’ve opened truly to the outside world and achieved great successes, much that worth of attention in more than 20 years. Although the road to the world is not going on smoothly, Opening policy has become an accelerator of China economy. It not only sets free the Chinese nation’s thoughts, but also succeeds greatly in foreign trading, utilizing foreign capital, importing technology and intelligence resources. Meanwhile the thought on opening up to the outside world will give an impetus to the process of peaceable unity, and exert a positive influence on the neighbor countries and the other socialism countries. More importance is that Deng’s opening thought is not static but dev

【关键词】 邓小平对外开放思想研究
【Key words】 Deng XiaopingThought on opening upStudy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】A849
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】466