

Detailed Research into Persisting in and Perfecting the Ethnic District Autonomy

【作者】 王璐

【导师】 郭正礼;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 马克思主义民族理论与民族政策, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 民族区域自治制度是中国共产党人将马克思主义民族理论与中国民族问题的实际相结合的成功创举,是我国解决民族问题的一项基本政策和基本政治制度,它具有极大的优越性,是解决我国民族问题的一把钥匙。民族区域自治从党的民族政策转变为国家的一项政治制度,再到一项重要政治制度,再到国家的一项基本政治制度,这表明了民族区域自治制度在我国体制中的重要地位。在21世纪,我们仍然要继续坚持民族区域自治制度不动摇,然而经历了丰富实践经验的民族区域自治制度也要随着时代的不断变化而不断的发展和完善。在新世纪如何坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,这对于加强我国的民族团结,维护祖国统一,反对民族分裂,保持社会稳定,加快民族地区经济、文化的发展,促进社会进步,加快民族地区实现小康的步伐,实现各民族的共同繁荣,都具有重要的现实意义。本文概述了我国民族区域自治的性质和巨大政治优势,概括了以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民为核心的三代领导集体对民族区域自治的巨大历史贡献。重点探讨在21世纪,如何坚持和完善民族区域自治制度。本文结构分为三部分:第一部分:世界上有民族的存在就必然有民族问题的存在,各国因其国情不同,处理和解决民族问题的政策的种类也不尽相同。如:一体化政策、文化多元主义政策以及马列主义解决民族问题的政策原则:民族自决、联邦制、自治制等。中国共产党根据马列主义解决民族问题的政治原则结合中国多民族国家实际把民族自治与区域自治正确结合,创建了有中国特色民族区域自治制度,它是我国解决处理民族问题的基本政策、基本政治制度,具有巨大的政治优势。第二部分:在我国民族区域自治制度的确立、巩固和发展的过程中,以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民为核心的党的三代中央领导集体都做出了重大的贡献。 (1)发展了马克思主义国家学说;(2)实践了马列主义的区域自治原则;(3)创立了中国特色的民族区域自治制度;(4)完善了民族区域自治法的法制建设;<WP=3>(5)高度重视少数民族干部队伍的建设;(6)强调坚持和完善民族区域自治制度的理念。第三部分:在新世纪,要继续坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,这是本文的重点。就国际环境而言,世界格局走向多极化;和平、发展和合作是当今时代的主题;霸权主义和强权政治有新的发展;世界全球化趋势进一步明显。就国内环境而言,改革发展进入攻坚阶段,民族区域自治制度化、法制化加快;西部大开发战略的实施;以及全面建设小康社会等。这些都会对我们民族区域自治制度的发展带来契机与挑战,我们必须克服困难,寻找民族区域自治的优势变不利条件为有利条件,把它坚持并完善下去。在新环境、新情况下,坚持和完善这一制度首先要认识到这一制度实施过程中还存在的主要问题。针对这些情况和问题,就如何在新时期坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,本文提出了几点基本思考:(1)进一步落实民族区域的自治权;(2)加强和完善民族区域自治法制建设;(3)大力培养和使用少数民族干部,推行民族自治机关民族化;(4)坚持把发展民族区域自治地方和少数民族的经济放在民族工作的首位;(5)对民族区域自治地方的设立和撤并问题的探讨;(6)开展多种形式的民族区域自治法制宣传教育工作。

【Abstract】 Ethnic District Autonomy is a successful pioneering work in which the Communist Party of China combines Marxism with the actual situations. It’s a Basic Policy and a National Basic Political system to solve our ethnic problems effectively. At first, Ethnic District Autonomy was a policy of the party for resolving the ethnic problem. Today it is ascertained by the nation as a basic political system. This indicates its importance in our national system.In the 21st century, we will still persist in and perfect the system of the Ethnic District Autonomy. It is not only connoted to our national unity, the unity of the motherland and the political stability, but it also accelerates the cultural and economic development of the national minority, leads all ethnic minorities onto the socialist path of prosperity and common wealth, speeds up the building of a well-off society in an all-round way, and realizes the modernization of China. The article gives a brief account of the character and the great political advantages of the Ethnic District Autonomy in Our Country, and generalizes the great historical contribution about the Ethnic District Autonomy made by the 3 leading collective ----- the cores of leadership of Mao Ze-dong、Deng Xiao-ping、Jiang Ze-ming. It discusses emphatically on how to persist in and perfect the system of the Ethnic District Autonomy from 3 sides: 1、There are various ways of national policy in the whole world, but we must solve the national problems according to our own national condition. 2、Sum up and discuss the great contribution of the cores of leadership by Mao、Deng、Jiang to the persisting in and perfecting <WP=5>the Ethnic District Autonomy . 3、With the change of international and domestic situations, our national policy should develop according to these. Meanwhile there are many problems with the implementation of the Ethnic District Autonomy. In view of this situation, the author puts forward the own thoughts about the Ethnic District Autonomy: a. Implement the policy on the autonomous authority in the Ethnic District Autonomy. b.Strengthen and perfect the construction of socialist national legal system in the Ethnic District Autonomy. c. Train and employ the qualified national talents or government officer in order to make the national regional government management nationalized. d. Develop the national regional economy as the key task in the Party’s leading work. e. Probe into how to set up a new administrative region and cancel or annex the ones or one to the national administrative regional. f. Discuss briefly the legal publicizing education about the national Ethnic District Autonomy by the different forms.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D633
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1628