

Analysis on the Rise and Harm of Japanese Right-Wing Forces after Cold War

【作者】 谭永羡

【导师】 张先亮; 张家飞;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 二战结束后,日本的右翼势力并未因日本的战败而终结,随着日本成为经济大国和走向政治大国的形势的发展,日本的右翼势力死灰复燃。特别是冷战结束以后,日本右翼势力的罪恶活动竟愈演愈烈。日本右翼势力的膨胀和猖獗,导致和加速了日本政治右倾化的发展,对亚洲乃至世界和平构成直接威胁。 本文分析了冷战后日本右翼势力的发展及根源,并着重对日本右翼势力的危害及影响进行了深入分析和论证。在前言中,文章简要地介绍了日本右翼的产生。正文分为四个部分。第一部分,分析了日本右翼势力的发展与根源。一、随着日本新保守主义思潮成为日本政坛的主流思潮,日本右翼势力与新保守主义政治势力的结合使右翼获得了“新生”,右翼势力日益猖獗。二、从历史、文化传统和现实三个方面分析了日本右翼势力猖獗的原因。“皇国史观”和“美国对日本实行的冷战政策”是日本右翼势力猖獗的历史根源;“武士文化”是日本右翼势力产生的文化根源;“冷战后日本政府对日本右翼势力的支持、纵容、包庇的态度”是日本右翼势力发展猖獗的现实根源。 第二个部分,分析了日本右翼势力的主张、动向和实质。一、以鼓吹天皇为中心,宣扬日本民族优秀,叫嚷着要掌握强大的军事力量和反共为主要内容的右翼理论是日本右翼势力的政治主张的体现。二日本右翼势力在一系列的问题上采取了行动,大致表现在四个方面:翻侵略战争之案;鼓动篡改教科书和修改宪法;鼓吹大和民族优秀论;反华活动升级。三分析了日本右翼势力的主张和动向的实质是妄图使军国主义死灰复燃。 第三部分,分析了日本右翼势力猖獗的危害及表现。一、日本右翼势力的猖獗导致和加速了日本政治的右倾化发展,并进一步分析论证了原因:右翼势力与统治阶层在思想上的共鸣和政治诉求上的合拍是日本政治右倾化的根本原因,在战争历史认识和战争责任政策上以新生代政治家为核心的政治保守派们同右翼势力一起形成右翼保守势力共同推动日本社会思潮向着否认侵略战争历史,推卸战争责任的方向发展,加速了日本社会向右转。二、分析了日本政治右倾化的危害主要表现在日本社会呈现总体右倾化,修改和平宪法的右倾化逆流,以及日本国家安全战略与对外政策的右倾化三个方面。 第四部分,分析了日本右翼势力与政治右倾化的发展趋势及影响。<WP=6>一、日本右翼势力的猖獗与日本国内政治右倾化相互作用,相互推进的两股逆流的发展还将继续下去。二、分析了日本右翼势力与日本政治右倾化在中日关系和亚太地区的影响。 结束语部分指出了日本右翼势力的猖獗和日本政治右倾化的发展,存在着军国主义复活的极大危险,已给亚洲及世界和平埋下了深深的隐患,不但不符合日本国家的根本利益,也必遭到全世界的反对!

【Abstract】 Japan was defeated in world war2, but Japanese right-wing forces hasn’t disappeared. In its effort to make Japan a economic and political power for more than fifty years., Japanese right-wing forces has a resurgence . Especially after cold war, the evil of the right-wing forces has developed more and more.. It is right-wing forces rampancy that induces and accelerates the development of Japan political right deviation and that is a threat to the peace of Asia and even the whole world.The following thesis is trying to analyze the origin and developing course of Japanese right –wing forces and demonstrates its harmful influence. In the preface, the thesis gives a brief introduction of the origin of the Japanese right-wing. The following thesis is made up of four chapters .The first chapter mainly analyzes the revival of right-wing forces and gives some reasons for the action .1,With the Neo-conservatism is prevailing in Japan’ political, Japanese right-wing forces combining it gains a new life, and therefore, it is rampant more and more . 2. Three things account for this rampancy: the cold war policy of America in Japan. the culture tradition of knight and the attitude of Japanese government .The second chapter analyzes political opinion of the right-wing forces .1.The right-wing theory embodies its political opinion. 2.They take some action from three aspects: glorifying the rule of the Emperor, advocating Yamato excellence, holding strong military power and taking anti-china action. 3. The thesis points out that the matter of right-wing political opinion is to make the militarism revival.The third chapter analyzes the harm of right-wing forces.1.On the Japan political right deviation, the rampancy of right-wing forces causes and accelerates the development. The right-wing forces and the Japanese government have same political demand that not only makes them demy the aggression history and shirk war responsibility but also pushes the whole society to the right.2. The harm of rampancy embodies on three aspects: pushing the whole society to the right, amending peace constitution and pushing Japanese international strategic and external policy to the right. <WP=4>The four chapter analyzes the tendency and influence. 1. The development of Japanese right-wing forces together with government political right deviation will continue. 2.The thesis mainly analyzes influence on the Sino-Japanese relations and the Asia. In conclusion, the thesis summarizes the rampancy of Japanese right-wing forces which is likely to start the revival of Japanese militarism will definitely do harm to the Japan’s own interests and lay a landmine of hidden danger for the peace of the world . It will be against by the people of the world.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D731.3
  • 【下载频次】603