

Studies on the Dynamics of the Arthropod Communities in Oil Camellia Orchard in South Anhui

【作者】 曹传旺

【导师】 丁玉洲;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 森林保护学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究在对皖南油茶园节肢动物群落的系统调查的基础上,分析了油茶园节肢动物群落结构及其时空动态变化,并利用群落分析、灰色系统分析、通径分析和地统计学分析,系统研究了油茶园主要害虫和主要天敌间的相互关系,为合理制定IPM对策和措施提供理论依据。根据油茶园节肢动物的营养和取食关系,将群落划分为植食类、捕食类、寄生类和中性类亚群落。共调查到物种97种,分属于77科,其中植食类50种,分属于46科;植食类总群落的相对丰盛度为0.55066,其中优势害虫是茶蚜、斑腿蝗和茶袋蛾,捕食类总群落的相对丰盛度为0.39874,优势天敌是黑大蚁和蜘蛛类。总群落的优势度和优势集中性分别为0.074和0.063,各亚群落的优势度和优势集中性表现为寄生类>捕食类>植食类。油茶园节肢动物亚群落多样性和均匀度的季节动态与总群落基本一致,呈高-低-高的变化趋势。群落多样性指数H’同物种数(S)、个体数(N)、优势度(d)、优势集中性指数(C)、均匀度(J)和物种丰富度(R)关系密切,通径分析结果表明,多样性(H’)同均匀度(J)、优势度(d)和优势集中性(C)关系最为密切。均匀度大、优势度和优势集中性指数小,则群落多样性高。对群落结构指数进行主分量分析和排序表明,群落多样性、均匀度、物种丰富度和优势集中性是反映群落结构水平的综合指标。利用节肢动物群落多样性指标对群落进行聚类分析和最优分割,D=1.65时,总群落分为3类;D=1.74时,植食类亚群落分为3类;D=1.86时,捕食类亚群落分为3类。油茶园节肢动物群落的最优分割为2003年6月3日~10月16日, 11月18日,2004年3月16日~4月14日, 5月11日等4段;植食类最优分割为2003年6月3日~6月24日,7月14日~10月16日,11月18日,2004年3月16日~5月11日等4段;捕食类最优分割为2003年6月3日,6月24日,7月14日~10月16日,11月18日~2004年5月11日等4段。采用灰色系统分析对茶袋蛾及其各种天敌间的相互关系进行了分析,综合评价结果显示微蛛和姬蜂是茶袋蛾的理想优势种天敌,圆蛛、肖蛸蛛和小蜂是其主要天敌。系统研究了茶袋蛾及其天敌类群的时间生态位宽度与重叠及垂直空间生态位宽度和重叠。结果表明:茶袋蛾利用了时间资源序列的全部等级,在各个等级上分布较均匀,时间生态位宽度达0.802016,天敌中圆蛛生态位宽度最大,为0.73714,同茶袋蛾的生态位重叠为0.80082;同茶袋蛾的模糊贴近度也最高,这说明圆蛛与茶袋蛾的同域效应高,对茶袋蛾有较强的追随作用。利用地统计学原理和方法分析了茶袋蛾种群和圆蛛种群的空间结构和空间相关性。结果表明:2003年6月3日~9月17日和2004年3月16日~5月11日8个时期,不同时期茶袋蛾种群的空间格局均呈聚集分布,其半变异函数皆为球型曲线,变程在8.58~20.00之间;不同时期圆蛛种群的空间格局也均呈聚集分布,其半变异函数也皆为球型曲线,变程在11.25~25.39之间,两者变程间距基本一<WP=3>致,且各时期的变程值相近(除5月11日),这些充分说明了圆蛛种群对茶袋蛾在数量及空间位置上具有较强的追随关系,进一步表明圆蛛是茶袋蛾的优势种天敌。

【Abstract】 Based on the thorough investigation, the dynamics of the arthropod communities in oil camellia orchard and interaction of main insects with its natural enemies were studied by means of community analysis, grey system theory, path analysis and geostastics. These provided theory foundation for IPM.1 The arthropod community was divided into four sub-communities, which were phytophages, predators, parasitoids and neutralities. The results were showed 97 species of arthropod belonging to 77 families and 50 species of phytophages belonging to 46 families in oil camellia orchard. The relative abundance of phytophages was 0.55066. Toxoptera aurantii (Boyer de Fonscolombe), Stenocatantops mistshenkoi F. Willense and Cryptothelea minuscule Butler were dominant insects of phytophages. The relative abundance of predators was 0.39874. Pristomyrmex pungens Mayr and spiders were dominant enemies of predators. Dominance and dominant concentration of total communities were 0.074 and 0.063 respectively. Dominance and dominant concentration of every sub-community showed parasitoids >predators >phytophages.2 The seasonal dynamics of sub-communities was in consistent with the total community; the tendency during June to May was from high to low, to high again. Hill diversity index was in relation to species, individuals, dominance, dominant concentration, Pielou evenness and species richness. Hill diversity index was most relative with Pielou evenness, dominance and dominant concentration by path analysis. Principal components analysis coordinates analyzed indexes of communities; the results revealed diversity, evenness, species richness and dominant concentration were synthetic indexes of community construction. 3 Diversity indexes of arthropod communities were analyzed by clustering and optimization partitions. Total community, phytophages and predators sub-communities were divided into three stages according to different clustering distance. The optimization partitions in the arthropod total communities were 2003.6.03~10.16,11.18,2004.3.16~4.14 and 5.11.The result of the optimization partitions of phytophages sub-community was 2003.6.03~6.24,7.14~10.16,11.18and 2004.3.16~5.11. The result of the optimization <WP=5>partitions of predators sub-community was 2004.6.03,6.24,7.14~10.16 and 11.18~ Study on the relationship of Cryptothelea minuscule Butler and its natural enemies by grey theory, the result showed Micryphantidae and Ichneumonidae were its ideal dominant enemies and Aarneidae , Tetragnathidae and Chalcidoidae were main enemies.5 The temporal niche breath and overlap of Cryptothelea minuscula Butler and its natural enemies, the vertical spatial breadth and overlap of them in different stage of oil camellia growth were analyzed. Cryptothelea minuscula Butler appeared in all stages of oil camellia growth evennessly, its temporal niche breadth was 0.802016. The niche breadth of Aarneidae was 0.73714 and was highest among all enemies; its niche overlap with Cryptothelea minuscula Butler was 0.80082;The fuzzy neartude of Cryptothelea minuscula Butler with Aarneidae was also highest. The synchronous effect was high between Cryptothelea minuscula Butler and Aarneidae. Aarneidae could follow simultaneously with Cryptothelea minuscule Butler.6 Study on spatial construction and relationship of Cryptothelea minuscule Butler and Aarneidae by geostastics from 3 June to 17 September and 16 March to 11 May, spatial construction of Cryptothelea minuscula Butler and Aarneidae showed aggregated distribution at different periods and its semi-variance models were spherical. The ranges of spatial dependence of Cryptothelea minuscula Butler and Aarneidae were 8.58~20.00 and 11.25~25.39 respectively. The value of spatial dependence was near at different period expect 11 May. These results showed Aarneidae followed with Cryptothelea minuscula Butler on populations and space. Therefore, Aarneidae was dominant natural enemy of Cryptothelea minuscula Butler.

【关键词】 油茶园节肢动物群落动态
【Key words】 oil camellia orchardarthropodcommunitydynamic
  • 【分类号】S763.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】109