

A Comparison Research on Effects of Perilla Frutescens-Evening Primrose Compound Extract (PECE) and Antibiotic on Health and Growth in Pigs

【作者】 王颖

【导师】 周明;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文包括试验1和试验2。试验1初步探讨了紫苏—月见草复合提取物(PECE)替代猪饲粮中抗菌药物(泰乐菌素80mg/kg、磺氨二甲基嘧啶100mg/kg、磺氨增效剂20mg/kg、喹乙醇80mg/kg、阿散酸100mg/kg、金霉素120mg/kg等)的效果。在试验1里,选取日龄、体重相近(约29kg)的杜×长×大杂交前期生长肥育猪60头(公猪39头,母猪21头),分3个处理组,即抗菌药物组(基础饲粮+抗菌药物)、PECE组(基础饲粮+500mg/kgPECE)、(PECE+抗菌药物)组(基础饲粮+抗菌药物+500mg/kgPECE)。观测试验猪的体征外貌、健康指标(如发病率、淘汰率和死亡率)、增重(如各生长阶段猪的总增重和平均日增重等)、饲料利用指标(料重比、饲料利用率)、背膘厚度和血清生理生化指标(如血糖、血清总蛋白、血清尿素氮、血清钙、血清磷、血清生长激素、血清胰岛素、血清谷丙转氨酶活性、血清谷草转氨酶活性、血清免疫球蛋白G)等。结果如下:(1)在试验前期(猪体重29—65kg),三个处理组猪均有淘汰和死亡:抗菌药物组猪死亡1头;PECE组猪淘汰和死亡共4头;(抗菌药物+PECE)组淘汰和死亡共2头。但在试验后期(猪体重65kg至屠宰),三个处理组猪均无发病、淘汰和死亡。(2)在试验前期(猪体重29—65kg),三个处理组猪生长性能(增重)和对饲料的利用效率均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。在试验后期(猪体重65kg至屠宰),三个处理组猪生长性能(增重)有极显著的差异(P<0.01)。其中,PECE组猪增重最快;(抗菌药物+PECE)组增重最慢;抗菌药物组增重居中。三个处理组猪对饲料的利用效率也有显著的差异(P<0.05)。(3)三种处理不影响试验猪的血清钙、磷含量(P>0.05),但对试验猪的血糖、血清总蛋白、血清尿素氮、血清生长激素、血清胰岛素、血清谷丙转氨酶活性、血清谷草转氨酶活性、血清免疫球蛋白G都有不同程度的影响(P<0.01或P<0.05或P>0.05)。并且,猪血清生化指标测定结果与其生产性能有较好的一致性。综合上述三方面的指标测定结果可推断:PECE不能或不能完全替代生长前期(体重29—65kg)猪饲粮中的抗菌药物(泰乐菌素800mg/kg,磺氨二甲基嘧啶100mg/kg,磺氨增效剂20mg/kg,喹乙醇80mg/kg);但能完全替代生长后期(体重65kg—屠宰)猪饲粮中的抗菌药物(阿散酸100mg/kg,金霉素120mg/kg);并且,PECE对生长后期猪的促生长作用和对饲料利用效率的提高作用极显著地(P<0.01)和显著地(P<0.05)大于抗菌药物(阿散酸100mg/kg,金霉素120mg/kg)。 试验2研究了PECE在育肥猪(体重65kg至屠宰)饲粮中的适宜添加量及其对猪肉品质的影响。在试验2里,选取体重相近(约65kg)的杜×长×大杂交育肥猪80头(公猪40头,母猪40头),分成四个处理组,即第1组(仅喂基础饲粮)、第2组(基础饲粮+soomg/kgpECE)、第3组(基础饲粮+soomg瓜gpECE)、第4组(基础饲粮+抗菌药物)。观测试验猪的健康指标(如发病率、淘汰率和死亡率)、生产性能(如增重和料重比等)、背膘厚度和肉质指标(如拿破率、滴水损失、水浴损失、pH值、肉色等)。结果如下:(l)四个处理组猪健康状况良好,都无发病、淘汰和死亡情况。(2)第2、3、4组猪增重无显著的差异(P>0.05),但这三组猪均增重显著地(P<0.05)快于第1组猪。同样,第2、3、4组猪对饲料的转化率无显著的差异(P>0.05),但都显著地高于第1组(P<0.05)。(3)四种处理对猪肉的拿破率、滴水损失、水浴损失、pH值无显著影响(P>0 .05),但PEcE对肉色如猪肉的亮度(L*值)和黄度(b*值)有一定的积极作用。综合上述三方面指标的测定结果可推断:PECE的确能完全替代生长后期(体重65kg至屠宰)猪饲粮中的抗菌药物(阿散酸 loom叭g,金霉素120m叭g);PEcE在生长后期猪饲粮中的适宜添加量为soom叭g;PECE对猪肉品质有一定的改善作用。

【Abstract】 Experiment 1 and experiment 2 were included in this paper. The effects of PECE institute the antibiotic(Tylosin 80mg/kg, Sulfadimidine l00mg/kg , Synaprim 20mg/kg, Olaquindox 80mg/kg, Arsanilic Acid l00mg/kg, Aureomycin 120mg/kg) in the diet of swine were investigated in experiment 1. Sixty Durce X Landrace X Large Yorkshire early period growthing finishing pigs (male 39, female 21) with similar age and similar weight(averaged 29kg) were used and divided into three group, that is antibiotic group (basic diets +antibiotic), PECE group (basic diets + 500mg/kgPECE), (antibiotic + PECE) group (basic diets + antibiotic + 500mg/kgPECE) . Appearance, healthy index (percent of culled &died ), weight gain(total weight gain, average daily gain of every period), feed utilization (feed conversion efficiency , ratio of feed to weight gain) back-fat thickness and biochemical parameters in serum(GLU, TP, UN, Ca, P, GH, Insulin, GPT, GOT, IgG) were observed or measured . The results were as followed: (1) three groups all have been culled & died in early experimental period(29-65kg body weight): one died in antibiotic group, four culled & died in PECE group, two culled & died in (antibiotic + PECE) group; no pigs have been culled & died in three groups in later experimental period(65kg body weight to slaugutering). (2) No significent differences in productive performance( body weight gain) and feed utilization efficiency were observed (P>0.05) in early experimental period(29-65kg body weight ); significent difference in productive performance( body weight gain) was observed between the three groups (P<0.01) in later experimental period(65kg body weight to slaughtering ). The highest body weight gain was get at PECE group, the lowest body weight were get at (antibiotic + PECE) group, antibiotic group was in the middle. Significent differences were get in feed utilization efficiency between the three groups( P<0.05 ).(3)No influences were observed on the levelof Ca and P in serum (P>0.05) , but the level of GLU, TP, UN, GH, Ins, GPT, GOT, IgG in serum were affected in some degree (P<0.01 or P<0.05 or P>.05). The biochemical parameters in serum were in accordance with the productive performance. According to these results we can concluded: PECE can not or can not absolutely institute the antibiotic(Tylosin 80mg/kg, Sulfadimidine l00mg/kg , Synaprim 20mg/kg, Olaquindox 80mg/kg) in the diet of swine in early period(29-65kg body weight); It can absolutely institute the antibiotic(Arsanilic Acid l00mg/kg, Aureomycin 120mg/kg) in the diet of swine in later period(65kg body weight to slaughtering). The growth promotion function and feed utilization efficiency improvement of PECE on swine of the later period was higher than that of antibiotic(Arsanilic Acidl00mg/kg, Aureomycin 120mg/kg)( P<0.05 ).The optimal supplemental leves of PECE in diet of Durce X Landrace X LargeYorkshire growthing-finishing pigs (from the body weight 65kg to slaughtering) and theeffects of PECE on meat quality were resrarched in experiment2. Eighty hybridizedfinishing pigs (male 40, female 40) with similar body weight(averaged 55kg) were choosedand divided into 4 treatments at random. The four treatments were (l)basic diet group;(2)(basic diet + 500mg/kg PECE) group; (3)(basal diets +800mg/kg PECE) group; (4)(basicdiet + antibiotic) group. The healthy index (percent of culled & died ) productiveperformance( body weight gain feed / weight ) back-fat thickness and meat qualityparameters( Napole yield drip loss cooking loss) of experimental swine were observed. Theresults show that: (1) Healthy performance of the four groups were good, no died and culledpigs; (2) No signiflcent difference in body weight gain was observed between groups 2 3and 4 (P>0.05) , however they were all higher than group 1. Similarly, no signiflcentdifference in feed conversion was observed between groups 2% 3 and 4 (P>0.05) , but theywere all higher than group 1(P<0.05). (3)Four treatments have no signiflcent effect onNapole yield drip loss cooking loss p

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