

Study on the Crease-resist and Antibiotic Finishing of Silk

【作者】 项伟

【导师】 黄晨;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 特种经济动物饲养, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 真丝织物具有良好的服饰性能,其特点为质地轻薄、吸湿性好、优雅的光泽、柔软的手感、优良的保暖性能。但有其致命的弱点,抗皱性能差,在紫外线照射和盐类的侵蚀下,极易泛黄,影响其服饰和使用性能。由于是蛋白质纤维,极易使微生物大量繁殖。国内外的学者对解决这方面的问题进行了长期和大量的研究。研究主要针对单一的弱点展开,没有进行复合研究。本研究从抗皱和抗菌两方面对真丝织物进行处理,在不过多影响丝织物优良性能的前题下,提高其抗皱和抗菌性能。本文叙述了真丝绸优良的性能、化学组成与结构、起皱原因及抗菌机理,综述了真丝绸抗皱抗菌的研究进展。本试验采用第一道工序先在微波辐照下用丙三醇缩水甘油醚对真丝织物进行接枝共聚,提高真丝织物的抗皱性能,分析了不同的微波辐照时间、辐照剂量和不同单体浓度对真丝绸织物接枝率、织物结构及物理性能的影响,并改善织物抗皱的功能、减少泛黄,为微波辐照下的抗皱整理加工工艺的制定提供了基本依据。然后采用了第二道工序用壳聚糖的溶液再次对真丝织物进行处理,分析了经过整理后织物的抗菌性能及其物理性能的变化。首先在微波辐照下真丝织物接枝丙三醇缩水甘油醚,通过正交试验得到了最优工艺路线为:丙三醇缩水甘油醚浓度30%,微波辐照的强度为中低火、辐照时间60秒,有引发剂的存在。测试整理后织物的性能发现:织物的急弹性回复角、缓弹性回复角有很大的提高,分别为50度和40度左右;织物白度下降,手感变硬;整理后织物的断裂强力在接枝率较低时比普通真丝织物提高5%左右,随着接枝率的增大,断裂强力有所下降,但总体来说整理后织物的断裂强力下降不明显,这是因为微波辐照能促进纤维内部结构调整,大大降低双皱类织物内应力。对处理过的丝织物进行氨基酸分析及红外光谱分析证实,丙三醇缩水甘油醚确实与真丝织物发生交联,反应主要发生在非晶区中含量较高侧基含有-NH2、=NH、-OH等极性氨基酸上,如酪氨酸、丝氨酸等。为了使织物具有抗皱抗菌的双重性能,本文对辐照接枝后的真丝织物进行了壳聚糖整理,通过正交试验得到了最佳工艺路线为:丙三醇缩水甘油醚浓度30%、微波功率低火、辐照时间90秒、有引发剂、壳聚糖浓度0.5%、醋酸浓度2%、壳聚糖分子量2500。测试整理后织物的性能发现:壳聚糖在织物上的吸附率较低,织物急弹性回复角、缓弹性回复角都略有下降,急弹性回复角下降10度左右,缓弹性回复角下降2-3度,断裂强力及白度也都有所下降。经壳聚糖整理后的织物对酵母菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌有良好的抗菌效果,抗菌率达到90%以上。通过红外光谱分析及氨基酸分析得知,丙三醇缩水甘油醚及壳聚糖都与真丝发生了化学交联,使丝素大分子中的组成和空间结构发生了改变。 <WP=4> 经过双重复合工艺处理后的真丝织物相比单纯用壳聚糖进行抗菌、抗皱整理的织物有较好的物理机械性能和良好的抗菌率。也是本研究的创新之处。通过上述两道工序处理使真丝织物的服饰性能大大提高,为今后开发出具有抗皱、抗菌并且物理性能损伤较小的真丝织物打下了基础,以期开发出多功能、高性能、高附加值的真丝织物。

【Abstract】 Silk has the excellent habilatory properties including the thin texture, better moisture absorption, graceful luster, soft hand feelings and keeping worm. However its shortcomings are the bad crease-resist ability and become yellow easily influenced by the ultraviolet radiation and salt. These will affect the habilatory properties and the use. It is adapt to generate multitude of microorganisms due to its protein fabrics. The research before mainly emphasis on the single finishing rather than adopting multiple finishing for silk. Managing silk not only from the aspect of crease-resist but from the aspect of antibiotic, the research try to improve both crease-resist and antibiotic properties on the base of not hurting the excellent characteristic of silk. In this thesis, constitution, properties of silk and crease reason of silk fabrics are reviewed. The development history of crease-resistance and antibiotic finishing is discussed. This thesis choose the first course of crease-resist finishing for silk through microwave irradiation to graft glycercl glycldyl ether on its surface and analyze the affection of irradiation time、irradiation power and concentration of compounds on its grafting ratio 、structure and physical properties. Then choose the second course of grafting chitocan to silk and analyze its antibiotic character and physical properties. First , the silk are grafted with glycercl glycldyl ether though microwave irradiation. Through orthogouality cross experiments the optimal technical procedures are revealed as follow: glycercl glycldyl ether concentration of 30% , microwave power of medium-low fire, irradiation time of 60 minutes, existing initiator. The properties of finishing silk are tested. The result show that quick crease recovery angle and slow crease recovery angle are improved, hand feeling become harder. Its strengths increase 5% higher than ordinary silk. With grafting ratio increasing, its strengths start to decrease. But rate of deceasing is not obvious in the gross, because microwave irradiation can accelerate structure adjustment of silk fibers reducing <WP=5>residual stress of high twisting silk dramatically. Through fourier transform infrared spectrum and amino phenol, glycercl glycldyl ether are actually grafted on silk and the reaction take place at the positive amino acid of which sides are containing -NH2、=NH、-OH and its quantity are large at non-crystal, instance for TYR and SER. In order to make silk get the properties of crease resistance and antibiotic ability , chitosan are applied to the silk grafted with glycercl glycldyl ether. Through orthogouality cross experiments, we draw the conclusion that ratio of absorption is low and concentration of glycercl glycldyl ether of 30%, microwave power of medium-low fire, irradiation time of 90 minutes, initiator of sodium chloride, concentration of chitosan of 0.5% , concentration of CH3COOH of 2%,molecular weight of 2500. The properties of finishing silk are tested and the result show: quick crease recovery angle reduce 10°and slow crease recovery angle reduce 2-3°. The strength of finishing silk and whiteness also decease. The finishing silk has a good antibacterial character to Staphlococcus aureus and Escherichis coli. The ratios of antibiotic are more than 90%. Glycercl glycldyl ether and chitosan are both grafted on silk and make the chemical structure and constitution of silk molecules change. The multiple procedure finishing of silk has better physical properties and antibiotic character compared with the silk which has crease resistance and antibiotic ability only though grafted with chitosan.

  • 【分类号】TS195
  • 【被引频次】3
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