

The Exploitaion and Application of the Analysis and Evaluation System of the Library Collection and Its Users

【作者】 陈和

【导师】 林端宜;

【作者基本信息】 福建中医学院 , 中医医史文献, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目的 本研究目标是研制“藏书与读者分析评价系统”,并尝试利用该系统对图书馆集成管理系统中的相关数据导出处理,从而对图书馆的传统藏书数量、藏书效能、经费投入、读者借阅数量和借阅倾向等进行分析评价,为指导藏书建设及读者利用藏书提供科学的、客观的依据。 方法 本研究采用软件工程的基本方法,即结构化编程和面向对象编程相结合的方法,以及数理统计方法研制“藏书与读者分析评价系统”。 结果 1.设计并开发“藏书与读者分析评价系统”。 2.提交基于评价系统提供的数据分析报告。 结论 1.本系统采用Microsoft SQL Server 2000作为中介,从图书馆集成管理系统中导出相关数据进行分析评价,该模式对不同类型的图书馆集成管理系统具有通用性和应用参考价值。 2.本系统包括藏书分析模块、读者分析模块2个主要功能模块,另外还包括4个相关功能模块,即藏书归类模块、登录模块、系统主窗口模块和系统帮助模块,每一模块又有下属多个子模块。系统最终以图形和数据表格的方式向用户解释分析藏书与读者分析评价系统开发IJ应用 结果。3.系统经福建中医学院图书馆运用,运行状态良好,评价指标丰富,能全面地、适 时地对藏书数量、藏书效能、经费投入、读者借阅数量和借阅倾向进行分析和评 价,数据及时可靠、准确客观,避免了非科学性因素的干扰,对指导藏书建设和 读者利用藏书有一定参考价值。

【Abstract】 In this research, we will design and develop the Analysis and Evaluation System of the Library Collection and its Users.We will try to use this system to deal with the data that the Automatic Library Management System has collected. And we will also use it to analyze and evaluate the traditional collection’ quantity, efficiency, outlay and readers’ borrowing quantity, tendency. The result of analysis and evaluation will be the evidence for directing the constructions of the library’s book storage and user service.METHODIn this research, Structure Programming, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and data statistics methods will be used.RESULT1. Design and develop the Analysis and Evaluation System of the Library Collection and its Users.2. Submit an report based on the data analysis of this System.CONCLUSION1. In this System, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 served as an agency, and then the System can work on all kinds of the Automatic Library Management Systems.2. The System contains two primary modules which are the Collection Analysis Module and the Readers Analysis Module, and four secondary modules which are the Collection Classify Module, the User Loading Module, the System Main Form Module and the System Help Module. Each module may contains several sub-modules. The System will show the analysis result in graphics and data sheet.3. The System is working well on the library of FJTCM. The System s evaluation marks are enrichment through which the System can analyze and evaluate collection’ quantity, efficiency, outlay and readers’ borrowing quantity and tendency. The result is trustiness, exact, impersonal, and avoiding non-science factors interfering. In conclusion,it will help direct the library collection construction and improve the users service.

  • 【分类号】G250.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】259