

A Study on Interior Design of Smart Home

【作者】 林蔚

【导师】 赵钢; 何人可;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 设计艺术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 现代室内设计作为一门新兴的学科,尽管还只是近数十年的事,但是人们有意识地对自己生活、生产活动的室内环境进行安排布置,甚至美化装饰,赋予室内环境以所祈使的气氛,却早已从人类文明伊始的时期就存在了。跟其他任何形式的艺术一样,室内设计的发展与进步也是同社会的革新和技术的进步紧密相连的。 二十世纪最后几十年以来,人们开始关注设计的可持续发展问题,发达国家在八十年代就开始组织起来,共同探索实现住宅/建筑可持续发展的道路,使建筑在满足使用需要的基础上所消耗的资源、能源最少。 简单来是说,现代住宅的发展大致经历了“太阳能住宅”、“节能住宅”、“绿色住宅”、“生态住宅”、“可持续住宅”和“智能住宅”几个阶段。太阳能住宅、节能住宅和生态住宅之间的关系可以用“包含”这个词来说明。太阳能住宅范围最小,但历史最悠久,其源头至少可以追溯到19世纪初期英国贵族住宅中的玻璃温室花房。而具有真正科学研究意义的太阳能住宅则诞生于本世纪30年代。节能住宅这一概念是随着70年代全球性能源危机而得到普遍重视的,它不仅包括利用太阳能,还包括利用其它形式能源(如风能、水能、地热等),此外还包括通过改善住宅的围护结构、增强自然通风、使用遮阳设施等技术手段来实现节能的目的,因而从太阳能住宅较为单一的技术手段扩展成为更加综合技术体系。而生态住宅则是立足于将节约能源和保护环境这两大课题结合起来,所关注的不仅包括节约不可再生能源和利用可再生洁净能源,还涉及节约资源(建材、水)、减少废弃物污染(空气污染、水污染)以及材料的可降解和循环使用等,因而它所占据的视点最高,所关注的领域也最广。 而进入二十一世纪以来,生活节奏的加快,对外联系的扩展,使人们越来越离不开信息这种产品,反过来,信息产品也加快了生活的节奏,进一步扩展了人们的对外联系。无论是在工作中还是在生活中,人们需要大量的信息,人们的工作和生活甚至就是获得和处理信息。信息的重要性开始突现,如何拓宽信息的获取渠道以及信息的快速传递和处理也成为人们关注的焦点。总之,在现今社会,没有信息将使人们的生活难以想象。网络成为人们快速收集、传递大量信息的有效手段。计算机为人们快速处理信息提供了强有力的支持。 正是由于消费需求的变化,人们对数字化智能住宅产生了需求。首先,网络的建设必须依托于住宅。住宅为人们的生活、工作提供了必要的空间,网络是为了满足人们的生活和工作的消费需求而设的,这就决定了网络也必须在一定的空 _____数字智能住宅室内设让研究_间内发挥作用。其次,住宅成为多功能产品,随着经济和社会的发展,其功能也在不断扩展。不再仅仅被作为居住的场所,人们更加关注住宅的功能扩展,对住宅的功能提出了更高的要求:满足人们发展的需求,不仅满足物质需求,还要能满足精神需求。我们有理由相信,随着智能化这个概念引入到我们的日常生活中来,势必将会给室内设计带来一场巨大的变革。

【Abstract】 As a new subject, interior design appears on the stage during the recent years, but since the beginning of human civilization, people have decorated their own houses consciously. Just as other forms of arts, the development of interior design is combined with the renovation of the society and the advancement of the technique.In the last years of 20th century, people began to pay attention to the problem of sustaining development. The developed countries organized in 1980’s and began to explore the sustaining development of houses/architectures. For example, the action of "green building challenge" adopted new tech, materials and crafts in their designs, and reduced the use of resource within the permissive range.In a word, the development of modern house experienced next several stages: sun energy house, green building, zoology house, sustaining house and smart house. The relationship of these could be explained by the word "including". The range of sun energy house is the smallest, but its history is the longest, even can be ascent to the 19th century, the green house of the England noble. But the actually sun energy house was invented in 1930’s. With the appearance of energy crisis, green house was though much of. It not only included the use of sun energy, but also included the other forms of energy, (such as wind energy, water energy and terrestrial heat and so on.) in addition, it also included the amelioration of house’s protection, the improvement of natural aeration and reduces the use of energy by the establishments. So green house was differ from sun energy house, it was a general technical system. Moreover, zoology house combined the saving of energy with the protection of environment, it deal with not only the saving of energy which can not be used and make use of the clean energy which can be reused, but also involved the saving of resource (such as wood and water), reduce the pollution of castoff and the recycle of the materials and so on, so its sight is the highest and its field is the widest too.Step into 21st century, with the development of society and expand of outdoor communication, information become more and more important to people of the world. Instead, information production also promotes the step of people’s life and furthers the contact between people. Whatever working or living, people need much of information, even it is just our work to obtain or deal with the information. People begin to pay attention to the importance of information. How to expand informatiohas become the focus of our life. Anyway, in modern society, we cannot image that what our life will be without information. People collect and transfer information through Internet; computer has become a part of our life.Just because of the change of consumption demand, people begin to have the need for digital intelligent house. First, the construction of Internet depends on house. It offers the necessary spaces of living and work for people. Internet is built for the demand of human. That is to say, Internet ought to exert its faction in a certain spaces. Second, house is a product, which has many factions, and with the development of economic and society, the factions of house become more various. It is not only being regarded as a place for living, people pay more attention to its other factions: not only meet the demand of substance, but also the demand of spirit.

【关键词】 室内设计智能化可持续发展
【Key words】 Interior DesignIntelligentSustained development
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】J525
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】602