

The Effects on Styling Given by Chinese Traditional Culture

【作者】 陈布瑾

【导师】 胡锦;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 设计艺术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的进步,人类的发展,对产品除形态和功能的要求之外,提出了更高的要求,就是为其注入文化内涵,以满足人们的情感诉求。作为引导大众品味的设计师,肩负着不可推卸的责任,那就是在成器活动过程中,赋予器物“有意味的形式”的同时,为其注入带有人文精神的观念的“灵魂”。继承和发扬中国传统文化,结合先进科学技术,将其灵活的运用到现代设计之中,是实现本土化设计的重要途径。研究传统文化中自然形态和现象对造物的影响,有助于加深我们对文化观念的理解,从设计思想的高度认识如何通过造型语言传递观念,实现在设计过程中对文化特征的把握,最终达到使产品体现民族特色和深厚文化内涵的目的。 选择更容易对产品产生个性需求的个人消费品作为主要研究对象。个人化的产品与使用者联系较为固定也较为密切;从产品的使用目的与使用方式的角度来看,在使用要求之外,还要求通过产品表达生活品质的愿望。 怎样才能做到“器以载道”呢?笔者认为,对设计师而言,首先要多去了解中国古代工艺美术史上造物思想和成器活动。从表面形式深入到精神实质,从对语义符号的认识上升到对观念的认知,并就此提出“观念符号”的概念。 其次,就是要多观察社会,社会在前进,观念在不断变化,把传统文化中适应现代社会发展的部分发扬光大,再以合理的方式体现在器物上,要求我们仔细的观察、审慎的思考、大胆的实践去实现。

【Abstract】 The localization of Design requests us to look over Chinese traditional culture and to find design methods for nowadays. One of them is to analyze the idea of styling follows forms of nature and to combine with advanced technologies and human’s emotional demand. As a guider to the masses taste, designer has the responsibility to endow a product with a meaningful form and cultural idea as well.To make product an embodiment of national character and culture; culture and social issue should be taken a better understanding. Furthermore, we need to find a way to express through a visional language.Individual consumable was chosen as a study object for the reason it has a close relationship with users, people usually express their judgment to the quality of one’s life during the process of choosing a different product from others.To the author, a designer should get to know the influential action in the history of Chinese traditional arts and crafts, find the iceberg below the water, observe all the surroundings with care and wisdom, then make a conclusion by him, and put all this into his work with a suitable form. The author came up a new concept named idealistic symbol with.The factors mentioned above bring forward a higher standard for design education.

【关键词】 传统文化自然设计
【Key words】 Traditional cultureNatureDesign
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】J505
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】965