

【作者】 孙红英

【导师】 常立农;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 科技成果管理与知识产权保护是促进科学技术的生产、应用的两种根本制度,都是对智力成果的保护体系。但是,由于历史和现实的原因,人们对这两种制度之间的关系还缺乏正确的认识,在这两种制度之间还存在诸多不协调的现象,这在一定程度上影响了两种制度的顺利运行,对我国科技和经济发展也造成了一定的影响。因此,研究和协调这两种制度之间的关系,有利于充分发挥它们在促进科学技术的生产和应用方面的作用,尤其是在中国加入WTO以后,我国知识产权保护面临着新的机遇和挑战,正确认识和协调科技成果管理与知识产权保护之间的关系,对于充实我国科技管理工作中的知识产权内涵,促进科技体制创新和技术创新具有重要的现实意义。 本文从我国科技管理体制下的成果管理与知识产权保护制度的现状及面临的问题等基本情况出发,从系统辩证法理论的角度论证了两种制度体系的关系,为两种制度的关系协调提供了哲学理论依据。然后,针对世界发达国家科技成果管理与知识产权保护制度的先进经验,以及《TRIPS》对科技成果管理和知识产权保护制度的相关规定,以美国、日本两国为例,分析了它们科技成果管理与知识产权保护制度基本情况及其企业专利战略的成功经验,提出了协调成果管理与知识产权保护制度的举措。总之,作者建议把知识产权纳入到科技管理工作的全过程,建立成果—专利一体化管理的新模式,逐步达到科技成果管理体系与知识产权保护体系的融合。

【Abstract】 Scientific and Technological Achievement Management and Intellectual Property Protection , two essential policies to improve the production and the application of S&T ,are both protecting systems of intellectual achievements .But people know little about the proper relationship between two policies for some reasons of the past and the present .Many uncoordinated phenomena between two policies effect the implementation of them and also effect the development of china’s economy .Therefore, it’s necessary to study and coordinate the relationship so that we can make full use of their mutually complementating fuctions to improve the production and the application of S&T .Especially after entering WTO ,Intellectual Property Protection in China has come with new chances and new challenges. So knowing well about the relationship is practically significant for enriching the connotation of our intellectual property and promoting the innovation of our S&T system.Based on present situation of achievement management and intellectual property protection in China, this paper argues the relationship between two policies from systematic dialectics angle. And it also provides philosophy basis for the relationship coordination. Then, in accordance with the advanced experience of advanced countries and related regulations of Trips, author analyses the basic situation and successful experience of carrying out the patent strategy in America and Japan. Furthermore, author proposes that intellectual property should be brought into the new processing system of S&T management, and new method of integrated management of achievement and patent should be built. In doing so, it will lead to the integration of achievement management system and intellectual property protecting system. At last, author points out, in order to promote the integration of S&T and economy, it’s inevitable to create new S&T management system according to China’s facts and to coordinate two policies in knowledge economy age.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D923.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1293