

Studies on Soilless Culture of Chrysanthemum

【作者】 刘晓红

【导师】 戴思兰;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 菊花(Dendranthema×grandiflora),为多年生宿根草本花卉,原产于我国,是中国十大传统名花之一,栽培历史悠久,名贵品种极多,具有很高的观赏价值。目前这些品种的繁育均使用传统栽培技术,操作复杂,产量不高,不适于规模化生产;对于国外引进切花菊主栽品种的生产也多采用地栽方式;使用传统的栽培方法无法进行无菌化生产,也使得这些品种和产品很难走出国门。因此传统的栽培方式在现代花卉产业化生产中具有一定的局限性,菊花无土栽培是花卉产业化发展趋势的要求。 基质和营养液是无土栽培中两个重要的环节,本文以中国传统菊花名品‘太真含笑’、‘绿孔雀’、‘千手观音’、‘黄龙爪’和国外引进品种‘神马’、‘9411’、‘荷兰白’、‘荷兰粉’、‘荷兰黄’为试验材料,进行了基质和营养液的栽培试验,对菊花株高、茎粗、开花早晚和花期长短、植株干鲜重、根系长短、叶片矿质元素含量等指标进行试验研究。4种无土栽培基质的筛选试验结果表明:多数菊花品种在各人工基质条件下的生长状况与土壤栽培相比较均有显著差异,其在蛭石:珍珠岩:泥炭1:1:1和泥炭:珍珠岩1:1的基质中生长较好。缺氮试验的5种处理结果表明:在菊花营养生长期需要充足的氮素供应,进入生殖生长期后,可适当减少营养液中氮元素的含量。 本研究从基质和营养液两个方面对菊花无土栽培技术进行了全面分析,以期为今后中国栽培菊花的产业化发展提供有益的参考依据。

【Abstract】 The chrysanthemum (Dendranthema X grandiflora ) is the perennial herbaceous flowers. It originated in our country and now has become one of the ten famous flowers of China. There are many extremely famous and precious cultivars in China. At present, these cultivars are propagated by traditional cultivation techniques. These techniques that only caused low outputs are complicated to be operated and not suitable for the large-scale production. We are unable to get aseptic propergation and cannot make the products going abroad. So traditional way has no longer fit modern flowers demand. Chrysanthemum industrialization need soilless culture.The substrate and nutrient solution are the two important links in soilless culture. The soilless culture experiments of ’taizhenhanxiao’ ’Ivkongque’ ’qianshouguanyin’ ’huanglongzhua’ and ’shenma’ ’helanfen’ ’helanhuang’ and so on were carried out with substrate and nutrient solution experiments. Plant height, stem thickness, florescence and period of flowering of chrysanthemum were analysised by using field test design and mathematics analyse. Results indicate that there are obvious differences among the treatments. The mixed substrate vermiculite + perlite 4- peatl: 1: 1 and peat + perlite 1: 1 expressed the best effects. And the chrysanthemum need sufficient nitrogen in growth period of nutrition, after entering reproduction growth period, it should reduce the content of nitrogen element in the nutrient solution.The paper comprehensivly analyses the substrate and nutrient solution in soilless culture of chrysanthemum and thus provides useful data for industrialization of cultivated chrysanthemum.

【关键词】 菊花栽培基质营养液
【Key words】 chrysanthemumsubstratenutrient solution
  • 【分类号】S682.11
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1106