

Research of Campus Landscape

【作者】 白菡

【导师】 李雄;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 大学校园景观设计作为全面发展校园环境的重要组成部分,不仅在塑造大学的良好形象方面,还在形成大学生完美人格,促进大学生身心健康、和谐发展等方面发挥着重要作用。从某种意义上说,大学校园既像一个复杂的社会组织,又像一处传统的聚落环境空间。所不同的是,她总试图反映出高等教育的学术概念以及多年积累下来的人文精神。 目前国内对于大学校园景观设计的实践活动不断增多,然而相关的理论文献却相对匮乏,且多集中于校园规划和建筑设计类。对于大多数校园环境的使用者来说,“校园景观”对于提供富于想象力和吸引力的校园生活氛围是十分重要的。良好的校园景观设计对人们的活动产生有益的影响,并将提高大学教育的效率。 本文以此思路为出发点,分别从国内外大学校园的发展与演变、校园景观的特点、功能划分、构成要素和设计原则等方面进行论述,多角度地对校园环境景观的设计理论和实例进行了分析,并对基本原则和方法做了初步归纳与总结。

【Abstract】 As one of the indispensable components in developing campuses comprehensively, Campus Landscape Design has not only played a vital role on building favorable images of universities, but also exerted a profound influence on undergraduates’ personality, invigoration and harmonious progress. In some sense, campus is like a complicated social organization, or a traditional community. But the difference between them is that campus is always trying to reflect the collegiate and humanistic ideas accumulated through the years.Projects on campus landscape design hav been increasingly boomed, while the related references are fairly scarce, and the existing are mostly about planning or architecture, other than landscape design; therefore, even designers are likely deficient in understanding the campus landscape. To most of the users on campus, "campus landscape" can provide them an atmosphere full of imagination and attraction. One of the outcomes of campus landscape design is the influences brought by physical circumstances; out of question, the benign influence would reinforce education efficiency increasingly.This dissertation has issued separately from the aspects of campus’s evolvements, characters, functions, elements and principles. Based on numbers of instances, the writer addressed that so many things should be aware of, when design campus landscape; and then, concluded some of the methods.

  • 【分类号】TU984.14
  • 【被引频次】61
  • 【下载频次】3024