

A Comparative Study of Furniture Culture between Western Romantic Style and Ming & Qing Dynasty’s

【作者】 费海玲

【导师】 赵小矛;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究借鉴比较研究的方法将中国古典家具鼎盛时期的明清家具与被称为欧洲十七、十八世纪家具发展的黄金时代——浪漫主义时期的巴洛克、洛可可家具进行比较,通过对这一时期家具文化的两大代表在社会、历史、文化的诸多层面进行横向比较,揭示它们相互影响直至最后产生的必然性,折射出中国家具文化对现代家具的产生的直接或间接的影响,从而引导我们正确认识现代家具这个业已国际化并成为家具主流文化的意义。它好像是西方的,其实是国际的,更是中国的。明清家具功能要素与形式要素相统一的要求对现代家具的产生起了积极的意义,因此推广发展现代家具是从思想上继承明清家具,是更为直接的继承传统。只有这样才能引导我们的家具工业在设备以及加工系统都是现代家具范畴的同时,在家具文化思想上也跟上现代家具的要求。

【Abstract】 This article compares Ming & Qing classical furniture with western golden age of Romantic style, Baroque and Rococo, in comparative study method. With the parallel comparison of society, history and culture between them, to show the influence on modern furniture from Chinese furniture culture, thus we can correctly understand the meaning of modern furniture which has been the mainstream of furniture today. It seems to be western, actually international, and more Chinese. The main idea of Ming & Qing’s which is form must meet the requirement of function affected modern furniture positively. Consequently, developing modern furniture industry is a direct way to inherit the Chinese classical tradition. So that it can lead our furniture industry catch up with modern furniture in culture, even they use the equipment and machining system of modern time.

  • 【分类号】TS664
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】938